







汉语拼音:chū yáng







  1. 泛指到外国去。

    明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·地部二》:“及至出洋,乘风挂帆,飘然长往矣。” 清 薛福成 《出使四国日记·光绪十六年十月二十一日》:“出洋以来,所见各口礮臺,不下十餘处。” 邹韬奋 《经历》四七:“他进了这个学校,由中学而大学,由大学而出洋。”



  1. Ralph, though married, and having one child, had determined to accompany me in this voyage.


  2. Dark ripe fruit aromas of plum and blackberry. Integrated subtle oak flavors, yielding a hint of cinnamon and allspice.


  3. Ruby red color. On the nose, plum and cherry fruitiness with slight oak spices in the background.


  4. On the nose, plum and cherry fruitiness with slight oak spices in the background.


  5. When he was a very young man, Zhou Enlai wrote a poem for a schoolmate who was leaving to study abroad.


  6. With the development of maritime transport trade, Quanzhou people go abroad to earn a living person on the public.


  7. Mr. Wang will shortly go abroad to study mathematics.


  8. The Cognizance of Western and Chinese Culture by Officers Who Had Been Abroad in the Early Period


  1. 五大臣出洋

    the Chinese imperial commissioners for going abroad.

  2. 出洋相。当场出丑

    Make a spectacle of oneself

  3. 你别出洋相了。

    Don't make a fool of yourself.

  4. 你不要出洋相。

    Don't make a spectacle of yourself.

  5. 他常常当众出洋相。

    He often cut up in public.

  6. 我才不愿意出洋相。

    I don't want to make a scene.

  7. 上课不要做鬼脸,出洋相。

    You must n't make faces in class.

  8. 你叫我大出洋相了!

    You made me look a complete fool!

  9. 他在大庭广众中大出洋相。

    He cut a poor figure on a public occasion.

  10. 那时候很多人出洋留学。

    Many people went to pursue their studies abroad in those days.

  11. 他怕在所有朋友面前出洋相。

    He's afraid of looking foolish in front of all his friends.

  12. 我也相信, 出洋相者并非我一人。

    And in this I do not think that I stand alone.

  13. 我不愿意戴那样的帽子出洋相。

    I wouldn't be seen dead in a hat like that.

  14. 你总是可以指望他会自己出洋相。

    You can always rely on him making a fool of himself.

  15. 他在网球场上使我大出洋相。

    He made a monkey of me on the tennis court.

  16. 喝了太多酒使得他尽出洋相。

    He drank too much and made a fool of himself.

  17. 出洋好比出痘子,出痧子,非出不可。

    It's like having smallpox or measles, or in other words, it's essential to have them.

  18. 老师不喜欢学生们在课堂上出洋相。

    Schoolmasters don't like boys to play the fool during lessons.

  19. 她因缺乏训练, 很担心会出洋相。

    Because she is lacking in training, she is afraid of make an exhibition of herself.

  20. 你最好请别人跳舞吧, 我怕出洋相。

    I'm afraid of anof myself.

  21. 早期出洋官员对中西文化的认识

    The Cognizance of Western and Chinese Culture by Officers Who Had Been Abroad in the Early Period

  22. 西蒙酒喝得太多时总是出洋相。

    Simon always makes a complete ass of himself when he's had to much to drink.

  23. 我怕会在这么多观众面前出洋相。

    I'm afraid I might lay an egg before such a large audience.

  24. 出洋相。你别这么傻。面对面,经牙还牙。

    Play the ass Sell your ass.Face to face. Eye for eye.

  25. 他喝得酩酊大醉,在俱乐部大出洋相。

    He got drunk and made a spectacle of himself in the club.

  26. 学国文的人出洋深造听来有些滑稽。

    It may sound a bit absurd for someone majoring in Chinese to go abroad for advanced study.

  27. 这一点也不好笑了。你是在自出洋相。

    It's not funny more. You're making a fool out of yourself.

  28. 酒体丰满,勾勒出洋李与黑樱桃的果味。

    Medium to full bodied, showing fruit characters of plums and dark cherries.

  29. 我五音不全, 可不想在全班同学面前唱歌出洋相。

    I have no sense in music, and don't make a show of myself by singing in front of all classmates.

  30. 我不能再在所有观众面前出洋相。我的腿会掉下来的。

    I can't do this in front of all those people. My legs will come off.


  1. 问:出洋拼音怎么拼?出洋的读音是什么?出洋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出洋的读音是chūyáng,出洋翻译成英文是 to go abroad

  2. 问:出洋相拼音怎么拼?出洋相的读音是什么?出洋相翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出洋相的读音是chūyángxiàng,出洋相翻译成英文是 make a fool of oneself




拼音:chū yáng 基本解释 [go abroad] 出国 出洋留学 详细解释 泛指到外国去。 明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·地部二》:“及至出洋,乘风挂帆,飘然长往矣。” 清 薛福成 《出使四国日记·光绪十六年十月二十一日》:“出洋以来,所见各口礮台,不下十馀处。” 邹韬奋 《经历》四七:“他进了这个学校,由中学而大学,由大学而出洋。”