







汉语拼音:zhī shuǐ






  1. 汁液,汤水。

    《水浒传》第二四回:“乾娘不要独吃自呵,也把些汁水与我呷一呷。” 巴金 《杨嫂》:“桑葚从树上落了下来,有的落在地上就跌碎了,流出鲜艳的深紫色的汁水。”



  1. Chew it well, he thought, and get all the juices. It would not be bad to eat with a little lime or with lemon or with salt.


  2. Like cedars, believers are full of sap, having vitality enough to be ever green, even amid winter's snows.


  3. A beverage made of the fermented juice of any of various kinds of grapes, usually containing from 10 to 15 percent alcohol by volume.


  4. The food is bad in this cafe, but there is plenty of fruit, especially peaches, whose juice drips down your chin as you bite into them.


  5. The great squeeze cannot go on forever, of course, but it shows no sign of slackening.


  6. Mr Sirkin also expects merger activity to accelerate, which should release "another significant amount of juice" .


  7. I took the juice with the heart, watering and you rose to dating, you do come, with Lily coming?


  8. Slice the vegetables and grate the carrots. Slice the limes to squeeze over the pizza when it is finished cooking.


  9. Juices from raw poultry and poultry products should never be allowed, during food preparation, to touch or mix with items eaten raw.


  1. 这种果子汁水很多。

    This fruit is juicy.

  2. 这些桃子汁水很多。

    These are wonderfully succulent peaches.

  3. 之种橙子汁水很多。

    Cette orage rend beaucoup de jus.

  4. 榨里流出的汁水非常多。

    They have yielded a great deal of juice under the press.

  5. 她吮吸了快要流下来的汁水。

    She suck back the juice that was trying to escape.

  6. 橘这些树的带有甜酸汁水的果实。

    The fruit of any of these trees, having a sweetish, acidic juice.

  7. 快速的结冰以便保持自然汁水或风味。

    Freeze rapidly so as to preserve the natural juices and flavors.

  8. 好好儿咀嚼,他想,把汁水都咽下去。

    Chew it well, he thought, and get all the juices.

  9. 由葡萄发酵汁水蒸馏出来得一种烈酒。

    An alcoholic liquor distilled from wine fermented fruit juice.

  10. 由葡萄发酵汁水蒸馏出来的一种烈酒。

    An alcoholic liquor distilled from wine fermented fruit juice.

  11. 葡萄酒由采摘得新鲜葡萄得汁水酿造而成。

    Wine is made from the juice of freshly picked grapes.

  12. 戳破面皮, 滑溜溜的汁水一下子流出来。

    Prick dough, slippery juice flow out all at once.

  13. 白兰地由葡萄发酵汁水蒸馏出来的一种烈酒。

    An alcoholic liquor distilled from wine fermented fruit juice.

  14. 幸运的是, 台风过后许多汁水丰富的水果完好无损。

    Fortunately, the typhoon left many succulent fruits intact.

  15. 然后我们开始蒸李子, 熬出汁水来, 并准备果酱罐。

    Then we steamed the plums, strained the juices and prepared the jars.

  16. 美国特优级牛肉拥有最多得脂肪和汁水,肉质最嫩。

    USDA prime has the most marbling and is the most tender and juicy.

  17. 美国特优级牛肉拥有最多的脂肪和汁水,肉质最嫩。

    USDA prime has the most marbling and is the most tender and juicy.

  18. 酒一种其他水果或植物发酵后的汁水制成的饮料

    A beverage made of the fermented juice of any of various other fruits or plants.

  19. 这些汁水被这样抽出来之后, 这棵树就枯萎死亡了。

    After the juice is thus drawn out, the tree withers and dies.

  20. 这些树在早晨醒过来, 拍打着胸脯, 啜饮着苦难的汁水。

    Those trees wake up in the morning and beat their chests and drink their coffee black.

  21. 这些树在早晨醒过来, 拍打着胸脯, 啜饮着苦难得汁水。

    Those trees wake up in the morning and beat their chests and drink their coffee black.

  22. 咬一口, 汁水慢慢淌入我的嘴里, 渐渐地流进我的心窝!

    Bite, the juice drip into my mouth slowly, gradually flow into my solar plexus!

  23. 这些事既行在满有汁水得树上, 那枯乾得树将会怎样?

    For if they do these things with the tree full of sap, what will happen with the one that is dry?

  24. 这些事既行在满有汁水的树上,那枯乾的树将会怎样?

    For if they do these things with the tree full of sap, what will happen with the one that is dry?

  25. 这些事既行在有汁水得树上, 那枯乾得树, 将来怎吗样呢。

    For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?

  26. 这些事既行在有汁水的树上,那枯乾的树,将来怎吗样呢。

    For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?

  27. 墨鱼汁把水弄黑了。

    The ink of cuttlefish beclouded the water.

  28. 乔木或灌木,常绿,汁多水。

    Trees or shrubs, evergreen, juice watery.

  29. 酸橙汁和水混合的甜饮料。

    Sweetened beverage of lime juice and water.

  30. 以糖,柠檬或酸橙汁和水混合后加酒精制成的饮料。

    Liquor and water with sugar and lemon or lime juice.


  1. 问:汁水拼音怎么拼?汁水的读音是什么?汁水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汁水的读音是zhīshui,汁水翻译成英文是 juice




拼音:zhī shui 基本解释 [juice]〈方〉∶较粘稠的液体 这种果子汁水很多 详细解释 汁液,汤水。 《水浒传》第二四回:“乾娘不要独吃自呵,也把些汁水与我呷一呷。”巴金 《杨嫂》:“桑葚从树上落了下来,有的落在地上就跌碎了,流出鲜艳的深紫色的汁水。”