


1. 畜 [xù]2. 畜 [chù]畜 [xù]养禽兽:~产。~牧。~养。畜 [chù]禽兽,有时专指家养的禽兽:~肥。~力。~疫。幼~。牲~。家~。~生。六~兴旺。……





汉语拼音:chù sheng







  1. 畜养的禽兽。生,通“ 牲 ”。

    《韩非子·解老》:“民产絶则畜生少,兵数起则士卒尽。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·河水一》:“县有 龙泉 ……畜生将饮者,皆畏避而走。” 清 吴趼人 《俏皮话·投生》:“但罚做畜生,则请做犬马,不愿做猪羊。” 邹韬奋 《法西斯作风的罪恶》二:“集中营里的主要活动是所谓‘操练’……例如有所谓‘爬行运动’,在地上用疯狂的速率效法畜生的爬。”

  2. 詈词。谓没有教养,如同禽兽。

    《隋书·后妃传·宣华夫人陈氏》:“上恚曰:‘畜生何足付大事, 独孤 诚误我!’”《资治通鉴·隋文帝仁寿四年》引此文, 胡三省 注曰:“今人詈人犹曰畜生。言其无识无礼,若马牛犬豕然待畜养而生者也。” 金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷八:“把忘恩的老婆梟了首级,把反间的畜生教尸粉碎。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第一幕:“你这畜生,畜生!我一定要你当‘美人’,看看谁厉害?是你,还是我!”



  1. ' Agnes, my dear sister, ' I said to her, ' promise me that you will never agree to marry that evil creature, for any reason! '


  2. The animal dragged itself reluctantly out of his way, licking its shops with a tongue which seemed hardly to have the strength to curl.


  3. I screamed again and started pummeling the brute with my fists. It was like pummeling fur-covered wood and made as much impression.


  4. But, for all that, I was not going to sympathize with him--the brute beast!


  5. "Give us a light, " said the other bearer, "or I shall never find what I am looking for. "


  6. When a man is no longer young, they call him nothing but an old bird, old beast!


  7. Now I'm trying to train the little beast, using little chunks of meat as treats.


  8. No earthly consideration should ever again induce him to touch the paw of that impure and filthy animal.


  9. Consider your origins: you were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge. --Dante Alighieri.


  1. 笨拙的畜生!

    Clumsy beast!

  2. 杀了这畜生!

    Let's kill the beast!

  3. 哎呀!混帐!畜生!

    The dickens!

  4. 一群畜生公司

    Those corporate bastards!

  5. 畜生!混蛋!该死的!

    Confound it!

  6. 野兽的,畜生似的

    Of or characteristic of a brute.

  7. 狗老子养得畜生

    Rotten old bastard!

  8. 狗老子养的畜生

    Rotten old bastard!

  9. 我是个畜生。他说。

    I am an animal, said he.

  10. 连想都别想,小畜生。

    Dont even try, you little runt.

  11. 他是个无情的畜生。

    He is an unfeeling brute.

  12. 这人是个畜生,是个野兽。

    This man is an animal, a beast.

  13. 她丈夫简直是个畜生。

    Her husband was a real beast.

  14. 那个该死的畜生是你的!

    It's that darn critter of yours!

  15. 那帮畜生向我开枪了!

    Those sons a bitches shot me!

  16. 那帮畜生向我开枪了!

    Those sons a bitches shot me!

  17. 畜生是没有人会理会得。

    The beast is what no one will realize.

  18. 你吞下去了, 你这蠢畜生?

    Did you swallow it, you stupid animal?

  19. 畜生是没有人会理会的。

    The beast is what no one will realize.

  20. 象畜生或行为残暴的人。

    A person who behaves in a bestial or brutish manner.

  21. 象畜生或行为残暴得人。

    A person who behaves in a bestial or brutish manner.

  22. 这畜生确实是聪明极了。

    The beast had lived up to his reputation for cleverness.

  23. 他们就是下贱的畜生 是吧?

    They are filthy animals, aren't they?

  24. 你真是畜生忘掉我的生日。

    You are a brute to have forgotten my birthday.

  25. 他是一个没有心肝的畜生。

    He is an unfeeling brute.

  26. 很猖狂的, 比如描写中的畜生。

    be rampant, as of a beast in a heraldic depiction.

  27. 小心,同伴。这些畜生蛮疯狂的。

    Careful, mate. These buggers are prolly rabid.

  28. 他像畜生似的大声嚎叫。

    He had set up a wordless howling, like an animal.

  29. 让那卑鄙的畜生见鬼去吧。

    Oh, damn the dirty swine to hell.

  30. 你这个小畜生上哪儿去了?

    Where have you been, you young monkey?


  1. 问:畜生拼音怎么拼?畜生的读音是什么?畜生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:畜生的读音是chùsheng,畜生翻译成英文是 beast

  2. 问:畜生的拼音怎么拼?畜生的的读音是什么?畜生的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:畜生的的读音是,畜生的翻译成英文是 brute




解释: 1.卑鄙或兽性的人,由于呆傻、愚蠢、粗俗、邪恶、堕落、贪欲或残忍而令他人鄙视、厌恶的人。 2.家里饲养的可以带给自己利益的动物。平时,人们把一些做坏事的人骂成“畜生”,或不如“畜生”。比如一些人做了坏事,有些人会说,畜生不如。 比如一些贪官,人民会说:他们这群畜生!也可以作为家畜之类的一种称呼,和牲畜含义较为接近。