


水、火、荒旱等所造成的祸害:水~。火~。~难(nàn )。~害。~患。个人的不幸遭遇:招~惹祸。幸~乐祸。破财消~。……


1. 区 [qū]2. 区 [ōu]区 [qū]分别:~分。~别。地域:地~。~划。〔~~〕小,细微:如“~~小事”。行政区划单位:省级自治~。市辖~。区 [ōu]姓。……



汉语拼音:zāi qū






  1. 亦作“灾区”。受灾的地区。

    瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》一:“我在窗子里看着他们吸烟谈笑,听来似乎有些是逃荒出去的-- 山东 那年亦是灾区之一。”



  1. In the tsunami-devastated regions there was no food, no water, no electricity and the survivors had no communications.


  2. Informed sources, the American Southwest, Arizona has always been a drug smuggling and illegal immigration "disastrous. "


  3. You have expressed your memories of me and I also miss you, and I miss all the children in the disaster-hit areas. I love you deeply!


  4. He said the poor condition of the earthquake and tsunami disaster, the rescue team can come and help, he is very grateful.


  5. We see the people, at least the children of the earthquake area, have already stepped out of the shadow and walked into the sunshine.


  6. He said the investigation continues into the reasons schools appear to have bee hardest hit.


  7. His flight home delayed and able to obtain the necessary permits, he drove up to the affected coast.


  8. But Bolten refused to speculate on how much more might be needed to help the region recover.


  9. The Erhu in my hand is one of my favioute. It's very meaningful to me. Today, I put it out donated to people in the disaster areas.


  1. 灾区生活用品极为匮乏。

    The disaster area is very low in basic necessities.

  2. 政府把食品划拨给灾区。

    The government allocated food to the disaster zone.

  3. 他们为灾区开展募捐活动。

    They launched a campaign to get donations for the disaster area.

  4. 灾情过后,病毒在灾区滋蔓。

    After the natural disaster passed, viruses began to spread in the areas it had affected.

  5. 他向灾区捐了一大笔钱。

    He dedicates a large amount of money to the disaster-hit area.

  6. 她被报社派去灾区采写新闻。

    She was sent to the disaster area to cover interviews and reports.

  7. 义卖所得钱款已全部寄往灾区。

    All money raised from this charity sale has already been sent to the disaster area.

  8. 我们将对地震灾区的人们进行援助。

    We will aid the victims of the earthquake.

  9. 救援物资将在十分钟后运抵灾区。

    Material aids will arrive at the disaster area in ten minutes.

  10. 大家都争先恐后地捐钱给灾区群众。

    People are vying with each other to present money to those living in the disaster area.

  11. 捐款将被用于援助灾区的人道主义行动。

    Donations will be used to facilitate the humanitarian action in the disaster struck areas.

  12. 大量日用品被送往灾区帮助灾民恢复正常生活。

    Supplies were sent to help people recover from the disaster.

  13. 地震发生后,灾区群众住进了临时的防震棚。

    People living in the disaster area moved into temporary earthquake shelters after the earthquake.

  14. 由于灾情的恶化,政府向灾区增调两千名官兵。

    Due to the worsening of the conditions, the government throws 2000 more soldiers to the disaster area.

  15. 政府平粜粮食,是为了稳定灾区粮价,使灾区人民受益。

    The government sells the grain stored in public granaries at fair prices in famine years to stabilize the grain price in the disaster area and benefit the people there.

  16. 委员会决定把这笔资金等量发放给灾区的各个农户。

    The committee decided to share the capital among the farmers in the disaster-stricken area.

  17. 直到救援物资到达,灾区的群众已经缺食近一个月了。

    By the time relief arrived, the people in the disaster area had already suffered from insufficient food for a month.


  1. 问:灾区拼音怎么拼?灾区的读音是什么?灾区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灾区的读音是zāiqū,灾区翻译成英文是 disaster area

  2. 问:灾区办公室拼音怎么拼?灾区办公室的读音是什么?灾区办公室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灾区办公室的读音是zāi qū bàn gōng shì,灾区办公室翻译成英文是 Disaster Field Office


