







汉语拼音:rè làng










  1. 炎热的空气。

    茅盾 《子夜》二:“寒暑表的水银柱依然升到八十度,人们便感得更不可耐的热浪的威胁。” 王西彦 《乡下朋友》:“正当午后,赤日炎炎如焚,走在稻丛里,热浪一阵阵迎面扑来。”

  2. 比喻热烈沸腾的景象。

    巴金 《爝火集·一封信》:“一个光芒万丈的英雄时代开始了,一种热浪滚滚的沸腾生活开始了!”

  3. 指热的辐射。

    毛泽东 《在省市自治区党委书记会议上的讲话》:“世界上的事物,因为都是矛盾着的,都是对立统一的,所以,它们的运动、发展,都是波浪式的。太阳的光射来叫光波,无线电台发出的叫电波,声音的传播叫声波。水有水波,热有热浪。”



  1. Over the gravel so that the sun was scorching hot, the ground as if floating a layer of burning heat wave.


  2. Folks sweating out the heat wave battering parts of the country may just have to get used to it.


  3. From heat waves to storms to floods to fires to massive glacial melts, the global climate seems to be crashing around us.


  4. I love Redang so much. What I could only do was to keep my experience in Redang as a wonderful memory in my life.


  5. When the summer heat waves strike, I bet you would rather stay at home all day under the air-conditioning than go out in the heat.


  6. The fact that heatwaves like the one in Russia become more frequent and extreme in a warmer world is easy to understand.


  7. Grab the Smudge Tool and run over the text, smudging it up to look like heat waves coming off the text, as shown.


  8. I suppose then I'm here with a mission of catching some of the Olympics fever and bring it back to ChangSha, fever from the fever core!


  9. Heat wave will not subside soon, is expected to abnormal high temperature will continue a week or two.


  1. 热浪春潮电影海报

    Back to the beach Movie Poster

  2. 热带夏季灼人的热浪

    the searing heat of a tropical summer

  3. 我感觉会有热浪袭来。

    We will have a heat wave, I feel.

  4. 滚滚热浪席卷了整个城市。

    The ferocious heat clamped down on the city.

  5. 我们希望一阵风能够缓解热浪。

    We expect a breeze to allay the heat.

  6. 由于热浪, 我们的收成很糟。

    We had bad harvest because of the heat wave.

  7. 和岩浆汇合,然后喷出热浪。

    come in contact with magma, and come shooting out hot.

  8. 地中海的热浪炙烤着英国。

    Britain bakes in a Mediterranean heatwave.

  9. 热浪在引擎盖的上方翻腾。

    Waves of heat danced above the engine hood.

  10. 恐怕我们要遇到一股热浪了。

    We'll have a heat wave, I am afraid.

  11. 就像是一阵热浪流过全身。

    It's like a wave of heat just. coursing through my body.

  12. 就像是一阵热浪流过全身。

    It's like a wave of heat just. coursing through my body.

  13. 午后的热浪中,树木闪着微光。

    The trees shimmered in the afternoon heat.

  14. 巴尔干热浪使数十人死亡

    Dozens die in Balkan heatwave

  15. 吵杂声和热浪使得我头昏脑胀。

    The noise and the heat gave me a headache.

  16. 我会想念凤凰城的, 我会想念那里的热浪。

    I would miss Phoenix. I'd miss the heat.

  17. 入夏, 体育传播再掀热浪。

    Sports Communication Has Set off a New Hot Wave Early this Summer.

  18. 看来热浪终于过去了, 我很高兴。

    Looks like the heat wave's finally broken. I'm glad.

  19. 这阵热浪已使每个人感到倦怠。

    This heat wave has everyone dragging around.

  20. 热浪过后,阵阵微风使我们恢复了精力。

    A balmy breeze refreshed us after the sultry blast.

  21. 尽管夏日热浪滚滚,他们还在踢足球。

    Although heat waves surged on in summer, they still played football.

  22. 他说这个夏天的热浪煮熟了他的水果。

    He said this summer's heat wave cooked his fruit.

  23. 预计一股强烈热浪将袭击这座城市。

    A tropic heat wave is expected to hit the city.

  24. 埃尼斯象被一股热浪灼到了似的。

    Jack took the stairs two and two.

  25. 整个二楼已是一片火海,热浪袭人。

    The whole first floor was ablaze. The heat was terrific.

  26. 俄罗斯已经被热浪烤焦,森森已经化为灰烬。

    Russia has been scorched by heatwave and its forests incinerated.

  27. 这是我们从热浪岛回来后住的酒店。

    This is our hotel after we get back from redang island.

  28. 在正午时分的热浪之中,人们开始感到疲倦。

    People were beginning to tire in the midday heat.

  29. 在早晨的热浪中她很快就蔫儿了。

    She soon wilted in the morning heat.

  30. 在炽热的太阳照耀下, 沙漠腾起股股热浪。

    Heat vapour steamed the desert under the blazing sun.


  1. 问:热浪拼音怎么拼?热浪的读音是什么?热浪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:热浪的读音是rèlàng,热浪翻译成英文是 heat wave

  2. 问:热浪国际机场拼音怎么拼?热浪国际机场的读音是什么?热浪国际机场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:热浪国际机场的读音是,热浪国际机场翻译成英文是 Redang Airport



“热浪”是个多义词,它可以指热浪(释义), 热浪(游戏), 热浪(温岚第六张个人专辑), 热浪(美国DC漫画公司旗下反派人物)。