







汉语拼音:qíng yì








  1. 感情。多指男女相悦之情。

    《诗·周南·关雎》“关关雎鳩” 汉 郑玄 笺:“谓王雎之鸟,雄雌情意至。”《资治通鉴·晋恭帝元熙元年》:“ 楚之 果自齎汤药往视疾,情意勤篤。” 清 李渔 《风筝误·冒美》:“只怕才子害相思,才女少情意。” 叶圣陶 《火灾·被忘却的》:“他们那么情意绵绵地谈话,不是要衬托出她的孤零么?”

  2. 指恩情。

    《儿女英雄传》第十六回:“ 安老爷 这才把……自己怎的感他情意,因此辞官,亲身寻访的话,从头至尾説了一遍。”

  3. 心情。

    晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·安帝纪论》:“恣其嗜慾而莫之禁御,性气既成,不可变易,情意流荡,不可收復。” 唐 薛用弱 《集异记·李清》:“ 清 巡视院宇,兼啟东西门,情意飘飘然,自谓永栖真境。” 宋 晁补之 《斗百花》词:“曾共映花低语,已解伤春情意。”

  4. 本意。




  1. I rather expected, from my knowledge of her affability, that it would happen. But who could have foreseen such an attention as this?


  2. But there is a chance we might at least become friends, even one day feel the love we had for each other when he was a little boy.


  3. Sometimes I just hold you, too caught up in me to see. I'm holding a fortune that heaven has given to me.


  4. But she had an almost instant doubt of his caring for her as he had done, of his feeling the same tenderness in the same degree.


  5. and she could not help thinking her poor dear sister Price would feel it very unkind of her not to come by such an opportunity.


  6. What's clear is that whatever love affair many Americans may have had with stocks is over, at least for the moment.


  7. Just eight months into their marriage, Amy and Cody Waddell had not been very amorous since Cody admitted he had had an affair.


  8. With her hair worn in a bun and long sleeves, she seems gentle and ready to fly away in the wind.


  9. Have not missed Chen Shi to her gushed is to have a cordiality, incredibly wanted to cry in doctor for her.


  1. 情意与情理

    affection and ration.

  2. 认识与情意

    recognition and affection.

  3. 礼轻情意重。

    The gift is trifling but the feeling is profound.

  4. 甚麽是情意教育?

    What is Affective Education ?

  5. 情意绵绵话丝巾

    Chat about Affectionate Silk Scarves

  6. 礼轻情意重。

    Every gift, though it is small, is in reality great if given with affection.

  7. 喝一杯奶茶情意深

    She passes me a cup of tea with milk in deep affection

  8. 一朝情意淡,样样不顺眼。

    Faults are thick where love is thin.

  9. 绵绵此情意,双双永伴随。

    We'll stay forever this way.

  10. 爱是一种强烈的情意。

    Love is a strong emotion.

  11. 不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。

    Love me little and love me long.

  12. 不求情意浓, 但愿情义长

    love me little and love me long

  13. 她对我没有半点情意吗

    Did she never care for me at all?

  14. 她对我没有半点情意吗?

    Did she never care for me at all?

  15. 你眼中的情意缠绕着我。

    Something in Ur eyes keeps haunting me.

  16. 摘要情感包含了情绪与情意。

    Human affectivity includes emotions and feelings.

  17. 这种信可以产生良好的情意。

    This kind of letter creates a deep reservoir of good feelings.

  18. 美丽的天气,美好的你,美好情意滋润你!

    The beautiful weather, happy you, the happy cordiality moistens you!

  19. 人不是机器,而是情意的存在。

    Human is not a machine, but the exist of affection.

  20. 千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重。

    The gift itself may be light as a goose feather; but sent from afar, it conveys deep feeling.

  21. 我对你的情意也不会改变。

    It's not gonna change the way I feel about you.

  22. 情意从福达的脸上表露出来。

    Rhoda's expression smouldered in his face.

  23. 她情意绵绵地拨弄着他的头发。

    She ruffled his hair affectionately.

  24. 感动天,感动地,你可知道我的情意。

    Moving day, moving to, you know my feelings.

  25. 赠送礼品是一种表达情意的方式。

    Making a present is the way to express one's feelings.

  26. 礼物中的礼物, 丝带里藏着暖暖的情意。

    Gift within a gift, affection hidden within the ribbons.

  27. 他在我耳边倾诉着情意绵绵的话。

    He whispered sweet nothings in my ear.

  28. 你对我的种种感人情意,使我记忆犹新。

    I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave.

  29. 一片片相思情意,我想把它献给你。

    Pieces of lovesick affection I want to present to you.

  30. 在我的发际, 你留下指尖暖暖的情意。

    Within my hair, you kept your warmth and your love.


  1. 问:情意拼音怎么拼?情意的读音是什么?情意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情意的读音是qíngyì,情意翻译成英文是 affection

  2. 问:情意拳拳拼音怎么拼?情意拳拳的读音是什么?情意拳拳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情意拳拳的读音是,情意拳拳翻译成英文是 Nothing Is Impossible


