


1. 当 [dāng]2. 当 [dàng]3. 当 [dang]当 [dāng]充任,担任:充~。担(dān )~。~之无愧。掌管,主持:~家。~权。~政。正在那时候或那地方:~时。~代。~初。~今。~即(立即)。~年。~街。~院。面对着……





汉语拼音:dàng chéng







  1. 看成;当做;认为。

    周恩来 《论统一战线》:“右的错误常常把敌人当成朋友。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第四章:“她当成你当了模范,看不上她了。”



  1. Why didn't anyone warn me that we'd have leftover Christmas goodies in the house for at least a week past the holiday?


  2. 'It's best now to take a break, get out of this deal and run the company as an independent company, ' Mr. Steiner said.


  3. Your sister loves you so much, and she loves to make you laugh. She looks up to you, and sees you as her role model.


  4. Just become a friend on his wife's roots are no longer friends, because very few men to his wife as a friend.


  5. Yet just because BP has the deepest pockets does not make it a piggybank to be raided.


  6. "If it was just about me, I would sooner have gone back to my own country rather than being treated like a criminal, " Ms Arellano said.


  7. It has to be that urgent for you. Think of this not as "improving your life" but saving it.


  8. Then, as if he were a servant, the King of Kosala laid King Goodness the Great down on the royal bed, while he himself lay on a small couch.


  9. Never take someone's feelings as a joke . You will never know how much it hurts.


  1. 好心当成驴肝肺。

    Regard a goodwill as a malice.

  2. 当成自动取款机了

    my cash drawer as an ATM.

  3. 把工作当成娱乐

    Treat Your Work as Play

  4. 她把我当成个

    And she's poking me.

  5. 把我当成老师吧。

    Think of me as a teacher.

  6. 我没当成副总裁。

    I didn't get the V.P.gig.

  7. 把我当成老师吧。

    Think of me as a teacher.

  8. 把我当成医生对待

    Treat me like a doctor.

  9. 把他的话当成笑谈

    Treat his remark as a joke

  10. 我们把它当成敌人。

    We've treated it as an enemy.

  11. 我常把盐当成糖。

    I always confuse salt with sugar.

  12. 把我当成一件武器。

    Use me as a weapon.

  13. 讨厌被当成偷车贼。

    Hate being a car thief.

  14. 你把我当成什么了?

    What do you take me for?

  15. 我把你当成别人了

    I thought you were someone else.

  16. 我父母把我当成小孩。

    My parents take me as a little baby.

  17. 他把我的话当成玩笑。

    He treated my words as a joke.

  18. 我们把你当成家里人。

    We think of you as one of the family.

  19. 我知道你把我当成傻子。

    I know you put me down as a fool.

  20. 我把蜡像当成真人了。

    I took the wax figure as a real person.

  21. 把它当成乐趣,别这样

    You took all the fun out of it. Come on.

  22. 我们把她当成了她妹妹。

    We took her for her younger sister.

  23. 你可以当成我在恭维你。

    You should take that as a compliment.

  24. 但是当成卖点却可以吗

    But as a sales hook it's okay?

  25. 我总是把她当成她姐姐。

    I keep muddling her up with her sister.

  26. 他们把我们当成什么了?

    What did they take us for?

  27. 我把55错当成85了。我道歉。

    I mistook fiftyfive for eightyfive. I apologize.

  28. 你可以把工作当成玩乐。

    You can think of work as play.

  29. 她已经把你们当成家人

    She now thinks of you two as family.

  30. 把她当成你的禁肉。

    To keep her for yourseif.


  1. 问:当成拼音怎么拼?当成的读音是什么?当成翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当成的读音是dàngchéng,当成翻译成英文是 be regarded as; be treated as; be taken for



词目:当成 正音:当音荡,成音程 拼音:dàng chéng 解释:[动]当(dàng)做:看错了眼,我把他弟弟~他了 | 好材料被~废料处理了。