




1. 挑 [tiāo]2. 挑 [tiǎo]挑 [tiāo]扁担等两头挂着东西,用肩担着:~土。~夫(旧时以给人挑货物行李为业的人)。挑的东西:~担。挖取:~荠菜。量词,用于成挑儿的东西:一~儿白菜。选,拣:~选。~拣。~剔。~肥拣瘦。古同……



汉语拼音:chū tiao







  1. 亦作“ 出跳 ”。亦作“ 出条 ”。犹出众;长成。多用指男女青春期体态、容貌、智能等。

    金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷六:“是则是这寃家没軃剥,陡恁地精神偏出跳,转添娇。”《醒世姻缘传》第十一回:“ 萧夫人 道:‘出挑的比往时越发标致,我就不认的他了。’”《醒世姻缘传》第七一回:“ 虎哥 已长成十五岁,出条了个好小厮。”《红楼梦》第二十四回:“你倒比先越发出挑了,倒像我的儿子。”《红楼梦》第七二回:“这几年我虽没看见,听见説,越发出跳的好了。” 孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·天灯》:“那时她穿的那么破烂,又瘦又小,现在出跳成了这样一个仪态大方、丰满健壮的人。”如:不到一年,他就出挑成了师傅的得力帮手。



  1. "Class A evidence always stands out, " he said.


  2. At last, in chapter six from such respects as the roof, wall, window and entry, grow and step, etc. , we combine many examples to analyse.


  3. If your outfit is revealing enough, there's a good chance that you will attract attention.


  4. So maybe white's not technically a color, but in gadgets, it is because of its relative novelty.


  5. Pavilion center rises diverse tiers, a pool of Chinese elements, a symbol of Chinese sculptural look spirit - the highest in the East;


  1. 就是这些檐口,出挑的檐口

    which had these cornices, projecting cornices.

  2. 不满一年, 他就出挑成一个好司机。

    In less than a year he developed into a good driver.

  3. 不满一年,他就出挑成一个好工人。

    In less than a year he developed into a good worker.

  4. 男士的大胆,出挑,前卫更让人尖叫和激动不已。

    Of the man bold, piece carry, halfback more shriek letting a person and excited unceasingly.

  5. 如果你的舞衣足够出挑, 那将会是一个你吸引注意的好机会。

    If your outfit is revealing enough, there's a good chance that you will attract attention.

  6. 挑出的压顶

    projecting coping.

  7. 挑出的线脚

    corbel mould.

  8. 挑出楼梯边梁

    bracket stringer.

  9. 断章取义地挑出片言只语

    quote a phrase or two out of context

  10. 为什么挑出他给予惩罚?

    Why single him out for punishment ?

  11. 挑出最好的东西据为己有

    take all the plums

  12. 挑出你最喜欢的画。

    Pick out the pictures you like best.

  13. 挑出你最喜欢得画。

    Pick out the pictures you like best.

  14. 他们挑出最大的苹果。

    They single out the biggest apple.

  15. 是我挑出了这条生命

    I seek out this life

  16. 很难挑出我所需的。

    It's very difficult for me to pick out one I require.

  17. 英秀从米中挑出石头。

    Yingxiu pick stones out from the rice.

  18. 挑出一件赴宴会的衣服

    to look out a party dress

  19. 挑出任何说得出名称的物品

    pick any nameable item

  20. 他们挑出了最大的苹果。

    They singled out the biggest apples.

  21. 挑出有用的, 将其余的扔掉。

    Pick out what is useful and throw the rest away.

  22. 现在我们从里面挑出一些素材。

    And let's just pick out a few elements.

  23. 挑出好苹果, 将其余的扔掉。

    Pick out the good apples and throw away the rest.

  24. 你必须从这些人中挑出一个。

    You have to choose one of those men.

  25. 从最佳作者作品中挑出的选段

    extracts culled from the best authors

  26. 她挑出一件她特别喜欢的衣服。

    She picked out one dress that she particularly liked.

  27. 孩子们经常被挑出以组成足球队。

    The children always counted off to form football teams.

  28. 孩子们经常被挑出以组成足球队。

    The children always counted off to form football teams.

  29. 这里有一些小说, 你可挑出你要得。

    Here are some novels. You can pick out those you want.

  30. 这里有一些杂志。你可挑出你要得。

    Here are some magazines. You can pick out those you want.



出挑(chu tiao) 亦作“ 出跳 ”。亦作“ 出条 ”。犹出众;长成。多用指男女青春期体态、容貌、智能等。

金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷六:“是则是这寃家没軃剥,陡恁地精神偏出跳,转添娇。”《醒世姻缘传》第十一回:“ 萧夫人 道:‘出挑的比往时越发标致,我就不认的他了。’”《醒世姻缘传》第七一回:“ 虎哥 已长成十五岁,出条了个好小厮。”《红楼梦》第二十四回:“你倒比先越发出挑了,倒像我的儿子。”《红楼梦》第七二回:“这几年我虽没看见,听见说,越发出跳的好了。” 孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·天灯》:“那时她穿的那么破烂,又瘦又小,现在出跳成了这样一个仪态大方、丰满健壮的人。”如:不到一年,他就出挑成了师傅的得力帮手。