







汉语拼音:què xià






  1. 落下。

    唐 苏鹗 《杜阳杂编》卷中:“﹝ 韩志和 ﹞善彫木,作鸞鹤鵶鹊之状……以关捩置於腹内,发之则凌云奋飞,可高百尺,至一二百步外,方始却下。”



  1. He put his hands around the bird' s neck. But when he felt the warm life under his fingers, he could not kill this beautiful thing.


  2. We were to sit down for picnic on the top of the hill, but it was raining.


  3. Another thing to look out for: Instead of lowering prices, some food companies are cutting back on sizes.


  4. The kids were full of beans , helping their parents to get things ready for the picnic , but the rainy weather let them down .


  5. Today the weather was fine, Shanghai, chongqing is mild cloudy, chengdu, wuhan wind and rain, Harbin is snowing.


  6. It was a sunny day, but my heart was raining cats and dogs.


  7. Although it's raining dogs and cats, people were so excited about their ideas that they still insisted to process their torch relay.


  8. Bills paid, public interest, HPH planning to continue and poof, the website is offline!


  9. When in Shenzhen, but also wanted to home, but it is not resolved to go home, because home is a very hard to decide.


  1. 这感觉才上心头, 却下眉头!

    This feel only the upper heart, but time of brow!

  2. 本来是晴空万里, 稍顷却下起雨来了。

    It'started as a fine day, but rained a moment later.

  3. 本来是晴空万里,稍顷却下起雨来了。

    It started as a fine day, but rained a moment later.

  4. 本该是开花的季节现在却下起了雪。

    This is the blossom season now but it snowed.

  5. 原本以为今天是晴天, 结果却下起了雨。

    Today was supposed to have been sunny, but it's raining.

  6. 我还要走两英里,这时候却下起了雨。

    I had two miles to go and it was just coming on to rain.

  7. 我们刚准备在山顶坐下来野餐, 却下起了雨。

    We were to sit down for picnic on the top of the hill, but it was raining.

  8. 想你, 在那个我们一同熟悉的傍晚, 却下起了雨。

    Miss you, in that one at dusk not familiar with togethering such as us blow rain.

  9. 但是在共和党的世界里,下却是上。

    But in Republicanworld, down is up.

  10. 教师在课堂上很严厉,但课下却平易近人。

    In the classroom the teacher maintains discipline but after class he unbends.

  11. 奖励在一些情形下有用,而在一些情况下却会适得其反。

    Rewards work under some circumstances but sometimes they backfire. Spectacularly.

  12. 为什么三只恐龙挤在一把伞下却没有淋湿?

    How can three giant dinosaurs get under an umbrella and not get wet ?

  13. 不是她,但是选择了她却丢下我

    Not her. And you chose her over me.

  14. 这也是在下了解小讲的妨碍,但在下却是没方法去克制。

    I understand this is an obstacle to the novel, but I have no way to overcome.

  15. 他却丢下细麻布, 赤身逃走了。

    But he left the linen cloth behind and fled naked.

  16. 天气很好,但却突然下起雨来。

    The day was very nice, then all of a sudden, It'started to rain.

  17. 这是虽在北方的风雪的压迫下却保持着倔强挺立的一种树!

    They stand erect and unbending in face of North China's violent wind and snow.

  18. 笑声犹在, 泪水却落下, 你到底在何方?

    I hear the laughter, I taste the tears But I can't get near you now.

  19. 原来我只是命运的一个过客。而命运却扯下了我的翅膀!

    Originally I am only a destiny traveler. But the destiny has off my wing actually!

  20. 我无法降下雷电,但神却降下闪电,令列国慌忙逃躲。

    I cannot craft a thunderbolt. But God directs lightning, and nations cower and run in fear.

  21. 他们的声音虽小,却不含卑下。

    While they speak softly, they are far from diffident.

  22. 可你却不能摘下这些星星呀!

    But you cannot pluck the stars from heaven.

  23. 我周五休息却没有存下一分钱。

    I retire on Friday and i havent saved a dime.

  24. 我能这样下,但你却能那样下并且杀掉我。

    I can do this, but he can do that and kill.

  25. 他想把它捡起来,却又掉下二十粒。

    He tried to pick it up, and spilt twenty.

  26. 我原以为雨已停了, 可却还在下着小雨。

    I thought the rain had stopped, but it's still spitting.

  27. 我正要打退堂鼓呐,他却替我下了决心。

    He made up my mind for me when I was starting to put things off.

  28. 然而首先破门的却是弱势下的西班牙人。

    However, it is the first to break the Spaniard vulnerable.

  29. 罗汉老人的铁匠铺却给我下了极深的印象。

    The smithy of arhat old person left profound impression to me however A few individual plant.

  30. 罗汉老人得铁匠铺却给我下了极深得印象。

    The smithy of arhat old person left profound impression to me however A few individual plant.