







汉语拼音:miē miē






  1. 象声词。羊叫声。

    王西彦 《黄昏》:“似乎羊也是怕黑暗的。每天黄昏降临的时候,她就可以听到屋后咩咩的鸣叫声。” 郭小川 《牧羊人的小唱》诗:“羊嘴咩咩响,羊尾直摆动,羊腿如风总奔忙。”



  1. She began to cry and bleat fearfully, and the farmer came out to protect the lamb.


  2. As we walked in the heat among the gently bleating animals, it was easy to imagine historical time rushing backward with every step.


  3. Wolf awkward, had been discovered immediately by the ewe , then "baa baa" calls out in alarm.


  4. He's intoxicating: the beautiful bracelet-like creases in his wrists, the way he sounds like a little lamb when he cries.


  5. Dress up as sheep and camp out in front of their houses. Bah "Yooooouu robbbbbed ussssss" until the police arrest you and take you away.


  6. I married a Dorset gray, she thought, and now it's just baa-baa-baa, all day long.


  7. Trumpet in a herd of elephants; crow in the company of cocks; bleat in a flock of goats.


  8. Then they heard the cries of a herd of goats. A young maiden dressed in pale green robe herded tens of goats down the street.


  9. Peering fearfully over the edge of the chasm, he sees deep below the missing lamb, plaintively bleating.


  1. 山羊咩咩叫。

    Goats bleat.

  2. 小羊咩咩叫。

    Lambs bleat.

  3. 羊在咩咩叫。

    A sheep is bleating.

  4. 黑绵羊咩咩叫

    If You Are HappyBaa baa black sheep

  5. 羊吓得咩咩叫。

    The sheep blatted in fear.

  6. 咩咩叫发出咩咩的叫声。

    BaaTo make a bleating sound, as a sheep or goat.

  7. 小羊羔在咩咩地叫。

    The lambs were bleating.

  8. 山羊群咩咩地发出警报。

    The goats bleated a warning.

  9. 羊群就咩咩催我睡觉。

    lambs bleat my lullaby.

  10. 咩咩黑羊你有羊毛吗

    Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool

  11. 绵羊或山羊咩咩的叫声

    The bleat of a sheep or goat.

  12. 黑羊咩咩, 你有羊毛吗?

    Baa , Baa , black sheep, have you any wool

  13. 羊叫声, 咩咩山羊或绵羊的咩咩叫声

    The characteristic cry of a goat or sheep.

  14. 羊群咩咩地挤拥在街上。

    Flocks of sheep jostled and bleated in the street.

  15. 我听见羊在圈里咩咩地叫。

    I heard sheep baaing in the barn.

  16. 我听见羊在圈里咩咩地叫。

    I heard sheep baaing in the barn.

  17. 咩咩叫发出咩咩的叫声,如绵羊或山羊

    To make a bleating sound, as a sheep or goat.

  18. 他听到一只山羊的咩咩叫声。

    He heard the bleat of a goat.

  19. 咩咩叫的黑羊呀,你可有羊毛?

    Baa baa black sheep have you any wool.

  20. 山坡下面,野山羊咩咩地轻声叫着。

    From the slope below, the wild goats bleated faintly.

  21. 在原野上一只小羊羔咩咩叫妈。

    In the field a lamb was bleating for its mother.

  22. 成熟的羊羔在丘陵的小溪中大声地咩咩叫

    And fullgrown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn.

  23. 在农村,他可以听到鸟儿歌唱,羊儿咩咩地叫。

    On the farm In the country, he can hear birds sing and sheep bleating.

  24. 他正将羔羊的头举起,拉着它的鼻孔,搞得羔羊咩咩的叫。

    He was lifting up the lamb's head, pulling on its muzzle to make it bleat.

  25. 他正将羔羊的头举起,拉着它的鼻孔,搞得羔羊咩咩的叫。

    He was lifting up the lamb's head, pulling on its muzzle to make it bleat.

  26. 羊妈妈开始很害怕地咩咩叫起来, 农夫就跑出来保护小羊。

    She began to cry and bleat fearfully, and the farmer came out to protect the lamb.

  27. 咩,咩,黑色的绵羊,你有羊毛吗?

    Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool.

  28. 咩,咩,黑羊啊黑羊,你的身上可有羊毛?

    Baa, baa, black sheep Humpty Dumpty Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool.

  29. 你听到绵羊的叫声吗咩!咩!听听奶牛的叫声。哞!哞!

    Can you hear the sheep Baa! Baa! Listen to the cows.Moo! Moo!

  30. 小羊佩佩看到丁丁在空中,大声喊救命啊,快救救丁丁!咩,咩!

    Peeper Sheep sees dancer Doggie flying in the sky. Help! Save dancer Doggie! Baa! Baa!cries Peeper Sheep.