







汉语拼音:méi jīng






  1. 煤的一种。色黑,质硬,可用以雕刻工艺品。我国主要产于 抚顺 。又名炭精。



  1. As students, we should try to make Beijing cleaner.


  1. 无烟粉精煤

    fine anthracite concentrate.

  2. 经销精煤、焦炭、铝矾土、生铁。

    Distribution Plant, coke, bauxite, pig iron.

  3. 降低粗精煤灰分确保精煤产品质量

    Ensuring the clean coal quality by lowering the ash content in coarse concentrate

  4. 选煤厂精煤除杂工艺的研究与应用

    Research and Application of the Technology of Foreign Matter Removal from Clean Coal in Coal Preparation Plant

  5. 汪家寨选煤厂降低精煤水分的有效途径。

    Experiences in Treatment of High Slime Raw Coal at Coal Preparation Plant of Pingdingshan Coke Co.

  6. 吕家坨矿选煤厂降低浮选精煤水分的可行性初探

    Preliminary Research on Feasibility of Moisture Reduction of Flotation Concentrate in Lujiatou Coal Preparation Plant

  7. 工业型煤采样精密度试验研究

    Experiments of Briquette Sampling Precision

  8. 高坑选煤厂洗水固体颗粒分析及对选后精煤产品的影响

    Analysis on Particles in Wash Water and Its Compact on Seperated Clean Coal at Gaokeng Coal Preperation Plant

  9. 实施配煤入选提高精煤产率

    Blending Raw Coal before Washing to Increase Clean Coal Yield

  10. 开滦动力煤选煤厂洗选炼焦精煤方案探讨

    Inquiry into the option of cleaning coking coal at a coal preparation plant for steam coal in Kailuan

  11. 七煤集团公司洗煤厂浮精煤脱水系统改造

    Dewatering system reform of prepared coal at washing plant of Qitaihe Prepared Coal Group

  12. 演马庄矿选煤厂末精煤的脱泥

    Small Clean Coal Desliming in Yah Mazhuang Colliery Washery

  13. 末煤重介精选系统的降介及精煤泥回收

    Reducing Dense Medium Consumed in Dense Medium Coal Cleaning System and Coarse Coal Slime Recovery

  14. 选煤厂末精煤脱泥工艺的研究与改造

    Research and improvement of fine cleaned coal desliming technology for coal preparation plant

  15. 降低介质消耗是降低重介选煤厂精煤成本得关键。

    Reducing medium consumption is a key of reducing refined coal cost heavy media coal preparation plant.

  16. 降低介质消耗是降低重介选煤厂精煤成本的关键。

    Reducing medium consumption is a key of reducing refined coal cost heavy media coal preparation plant.

  17. 从煤泥中回收精煤的高效旋流微泡浮选柱技术

    The Efficient Cyclonic Microbubble Flotation Column Technology Recovering Clean Coal from Slime

  18. 影响入厂煤采样装置采样精密度的因素与分析

    Analysis on the factors influencing the sampling precision of coal sampler

  19. 作为学生, 我们应该试着使煤精更干净。

    As students, we should try to make Beijing cleaner.

  20. 精煤中轻软杂质的清除

    Removing of Light and Soft Impurity from Cleaned Coal

  21. 主要产品有洗精煤, 洗混煤, 筛选混煤。

    Main product has cleaned coal, wash mixed coal, choose mixed coal.

  22. 洗煤厂精煤仓瓦斯燃烧浅析

    Analysis for Gas Burning in Cleaned Coal Bunker of Coal Washery

  23. 另外,我公司还有大量原煤、精煤出售。

    In addition, I have a lot of coal companies, coal for sale.

  24. 淮南望峰岗精煤结焦特性研究

    The research on the coking property of cleaned coal of Wangfenggang

  25. 细粒浮选精煤气体置换脱水的实验研究

    Test study on clean coal air replacement dewatering for fine coal floatation

  26. 坪湖煤矿精煤灰分与高位发热量相关关系

    The correlation of ash and gross calorific value of Penghu clean coal

  27. 可编程序控制器在精煤压滤系统中的应用

    Application Of PLC programmable controller In Float Coal Filter Pressing System

  28. 关于西山贫瘦精煤作为高炉喷吹用煤的分析

    Analysis on Application of Xishan Clean Meagre Coal as an Injetting Coal for Blast Furnace

  29. 提高末精煤脱泥效率稳定产品质量的技术措施

    Technical measure of raising lossing mud efficiency of final concentrate coal to stabilizing products quality

  30. 筛面采用滤网, 滤布等, 可最大限度回收精煤, 固体回收率高。

    Screen surface using filters, filter cloth, can maximize the recovery of coal, solid high recovery.


  1. 问:煤精拼音怎么拼?煤精的读音是什么?煤精翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煤精的读音是,煤精翻译成英文是 gagate