







汉语拼音:xià zuò






  1. 末座;末席。

    《史记·孟尝君列传》:“客之居下坐者有能为鷄鸣,而鷄齐鸣。” 北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·杂艺》:“今世曲解,虽变于古,犹足以畅神情也。唯不可令有称誉,见役勋贵,处之下坐,以取残盃冷炙之辱。” 清 袁枚 《随园随笔·门卒》:“ 庾 自坐出身卑,每下坐,嗣后学中人以下坐为尊。”



  1. Alice felt too sleepy to play, and there was nobody to play with. It was a hot afternoon, so she was sitting in the garden under a tree.


  2. He beheld the figure of a man, in grave and decent attire, seated at the foot of an old tree.


  3. Floral dream, in the moonlight, sitting in the balcony, facing the garden flowers, as if touched my heart what.


  4. The obscurity Lent him courage to keep his eyes fastened as ardently as he liked upon the girl who sat in the firelight.


  5. We sat down beneath an old tree where it was cool and shady.


  6. It's been so long since I sat under the moonlight in the middle of a lake, chatting with a bunch of friends, it felt so great!


  7. Head for the Auckland Botanic Gardens with a blanket, a picnic and a good book - there are plenty of trees to sit under.


  8. The three prisoners walked slowly a-long the beach and sat down under a tree, not far from us.


  9. A gesture of respect OR reverence made chiefly by women by bending the knees with one foot fORward and lowering the body.


  1. 灯光下坐在椅子上的人

    a lamplit figure in the chair

  2. 到外面去,在阳光下坐10分钟。

    Head outside and sit in the daylight for10 minutes.

  3. 到唐人街大约要往下坐十站。

    The Chinatown is about ten stops down.

  4. 那棵树下坐着一位美丽的姑娘。

    Under that tree sits a beautiful girl.

  5. 我喜欢大排档, 喜欢在可能的情况下坐地铁。

    I love my hawker food and like taking the train when possible.

  6. 这里意思是该下车了,不能再往下坐了。

    End of the line for you.

  7. 利用烟囱下坐减少倒塌长度的爆破实例

    A blasting example of reducing collapse length by taking the advantage of backlash of chimney

  8. 他慢悠悠的把裤子褪下坐上马桶,一坐下。

    He slowly trousers barrel of mount a horse takes below fade, sit down.

  9. 幼皇在老臣们的辅弼下坐上了龙位。

    The young emperor took the throne with the help of old courtiers.

  10. 幼皇在老臣们的辅弼下坐上了龙位。

    The young emperor took the throne with the help of old courtiers.

  11. 由于脆骨病致残, 他大多数情况下坐在轮椅上。

    Mostly, he sits in a wheelchair, crippled by brittle bone disease.

  12. 他们在烛光下坐了两小时,总算电灯又亮了起来。

    They had been sitting for a couple of hours in candlelight when to their relief the lights went on again.

  13. 在遮阳伞下坐成一圈儿,裁判一再下令改变掷球方向。

    Sit around under sunshades. Over after over.

  14. 我们在一棵老树下坐了下来,那儿有树荫很凉爽。

    We sat down beneath an old tree where it was cool and shady.

  15. 他发现在一棵古树下坐着一位衣着整齐庄重的人。

    He beheld the figure of a man, in grave and decent attire, seated at the foot of an old tree.

  16. 这时来了一阵骤雨,魏一家人幸福地在免费雨披下坐着。

    There was a brief rainburst and the family sat happily in their free ponchos.

  17. 奖状下坐着一个小姑娘,一问名字,才知她就是奖状上的人物。

    I asked her name and came to know that she was the recipient of some of the certificates.

  18. 她在警长代理人护送下坐进一辆休旅车, 车内坐着她的父母。

    She walked past sheriff's deputies into a sport utility vehicle where her parents waited.

  19. 但是他们甚至都没帮我把他从车上弄下坐进轮椅中。

    They wouldn't even help be get him from the car and into the wheelchair a clerk brought out.

  20. 我们朝着棚屋走去并在一片浓密的棕榈叶的阴凉处下坐了下来。

    We walked towards the shack and sat in the cool shade of the thatched palm roof

  21. 他脱下大衣坐了下来。

    He took off his coat and sat down.

  22. 猛地坐下坐在某处

    to plonk o.s. down (on something)

  23. 她在树底下静静地坐着。

    She sat very still under the tree.

  24. 我心里七上八下, 坐也不安稳。

    I had got so uneasy I could not set still.

  25. 我们在月光下静静地坐着。

    We sat quietly in the moonshine.

  26. 在幽静的藤架下拥坐在一起。

    Sit close together in the sequestered pergola.

  27. 埃里克,他让你下半辈子坐轮椅。

    Eric, he put you in that wheelchair for life.

  28. 他往下一坐,椅子就发出了响声。

    The chair gives a groan as he sits down in it.

  29. 下排水坐便器排出口尺寸的标准化

    Standardization on the Dimension of Outlet of Lower Drainage Lavatory Pan

  30. 在那棵大树下, 坐着一位老农民。

    Under tree was sitting an old farmer.


  1. 问:下坐骨拼音怎么拼?下坐骨的读音是什么?下坐骨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下坐骨的读音是xià zuò gǔ,下坐骨翻译成英文是 hypoischium