





1. 便 [biàn]2. 便 [pián]便 [biàn]顺利,没有困难或阻碍:~当。~利。~道。~民。简单的,礼节上非正式的:~宴。~衣。~函(形式比较简便的信件)。简~。~宜。随~(适当地,看事实需要而自行处理事情)。便利的时候:~中……



汉语拼音:xiǎo biàn








  1. 撒尿。

    《汉书·张安世传》:“郎有醉小便殿上。” 三国 魏 嵇康 《与山巨源绝交书》:“每常小便而忍不起,令胞中略转乃起耳。”《东周列国志》第六七回:“ 欒 、 高 、 陈 、 鲍 四族家丁,俱集於庙门之外, 卢蒲癸 託言小便,出外约会停当,密围太庙。” 丁玲 《奔》:“另外有一个人站了起来,走到墙的转角去,溲溲的小便着。”

  2. 尿液。

    《后汉书·方术传下·甘始》:“或饮小便,或自倒悬。” 宋 朱弁 《曲洧旧闻》卷五:“吾久苦小便白浊。” 茅盾 《列那和吉地》四:“医院里给 列那 的后半身涂了厚厚的一层油膏,又给它人工放了一次小便。”

  3. 指男性生殖器。

    端木蕻良 《吞蛇儿》:“三年前带他乞讨的爸爸,在月宫舞场门口向两个 美国 水兵讨钱,被一皮靴踢在小便上,当时气绝。”



  1. As soon as you can resume oral intake, urinate, and care for your basic needs, you will typically be able to go home.


  2. DISCOLOURED OR SMELLY URINE: As per a nasty tongue, it's usually just a reflection of what you've been eating.


  3. Soon after the activity began, Jiang met his trouble. He wanted to go to the toilet, but as he did not know English, he could not find it.


  4. I told his mother that he should take her kid to the restroom, only to be told to "mind my own god damned business. "


  5. Do not cuss, holler, pee, or throw up in public places or otherwise call attention to yourself, as it will probably get you in trouble.


  6. When one of our friends announces she has to pee, we all feel obligated to stand up and chaperone her to the bathroom.


  7. She peed on the floor five times in quick succession in an attempt to divert her mother from feeding the younger Miss Harford.


  8. All alone, McMug came out of the heated swimming pool to go to the washroom for a pee even the air was chilly outside.


  9. One learns from Butler that she flew wearing men's underpants (they were apparently superior to a woman's for the purposes of a quick pee).


  1. 大便,小便

    ease nature.

  2. 老是小便。

    I have to urinate a lot.

  3. 疠风小便不利

    leprous dysuria.

  4. 疮疡小便不利

    dysuria with ulcer

  5. 小便很困难。

    I have trouble urinating.

  6. 阴虚小便不利

    dysuria with yin asthenia

  7. 士兵随便小便。

    Soldiers casually urinate.

  8. 经来小便痛

    menstrual uralgia.

  9. 小便余沥, 小便淋沥

    dribbling urination

  10. 溺赤, 小便黄赤

    brown urine

  11. 小便时痛不痛?

    Does it hurt when you urinate ?

  12. 小便颜色很深。

    My urine is dark.

  13. 妈妈我要小便。

    Mum! I want to wee.

  14. 请勿在此小便!

    Please do not piss here.

  15. 他小便有困难。

    He has trouble urinating.

  16. 落地式小便器

    stall urinal.

  17. 腹痛或者小便痛

    Abdominal pain or pain when urinating

  18. 小便需要装多少?

    How much urine do I need to collect?

  19. 排泄小便或大便。

    Relieve oneselfTo urinate or defecate.

  20. 人们在大便,在小便。

    Peopledefecating and urinating.

  21. 通长小便池

    slab urinal

  22. 壁上小便器

    stall urinal.

  23. 小便数候导引法

    daoyin for polyuria

  24. 阴寒小便小利,阴闭

    cold dysuria

  25. 这简直就像小便!

    This stuff tastes like piss!

  26. 小便类四诊信息

    Clinical manifestation of urine

  27. 壁挂式小便器

    wall hung urinal.

  28. 受伤后小便过吗

    Have you passed water after being wounded

  29. 他小便比平时少。

    He is passing less urine than usual.

  30. 我小便比平时多。

    I urinate more frequently than usual.


  1. 问:小便拼音怎么拼?小便的读音是什么?小便翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小便的读音是xiǎobiàn,小便翻译成英文是 urinate; urine

  2. 问:小便宜拼音怎么拼?小便宜的读音是什么?小便宜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小便宜的读音是xiǎopiányi,小便宜翻译成英文是 small gain; petty advantage; trivial benefit...

  3. 问:小便器拼音怎么拼?小便器的读音是什么?小便器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小便器的读音是xiǎo biàn qì,小便器翻译成英文是 urinal

  4. 问:小便斗拼音怎么拼?小便斗的读音是什么?小便斗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小便斗的读音是,小便斗翻译成英文是 Urinal

  5. 问:小便槽拼音怎么拼?小便槽的读音是什么?小便槽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小便槽的读音是xiǎo biàn cáo,小便槽翻译成英文是 trough urinal

  6. 问:小便球拼音怎么拼?小便球的读音是什么?小便球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小便球的读音是,小便球翻译成英文是 Eephus pitch

  7. 问:小便失禁拼音怎么拼?小便失禁的读音是什么?小便失禁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小便失禁的读音是xiǎo biàn shī , jìn,小便失禁翻译成英文是 aconuresis

  8. 问:小便灼痛拼音怎么拼?小便灼痛的读音是什么?小便灼痛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小便灼痛的读音是xiǎo biàn zhuó tòng,小便灼痛翻译成英文是 ardor urinae

  9. 问:小便器冲洗拼音怎么拼?小便器冲洗的读音是什么?小便器冲洗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小便器冲洗的读音是xiǎo biàn qì chōng xǐ,小便器冲洗翻译成英文是 urinal flushing

  10. 问:小便器水箱开关拼音怎么拼?小便器水箱开关的读音是什么?小便器水箱开关翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小便器水箱开关的读音是xiǎo biàn qì shuǐ xiāng kāi guān,小便器水箱开关翻译成英文是 urinal cock