






1. 任 [rèn]2. 任 [rén]任 [rèn]相信,信赖:信~。使用,给予职务:~命。~人唯贤。负担,担当:担~。~课。职务:就~。到~。~重道远。由着,听凭:~凭。~性。~意。~从。~随。听~。放~自流。听之~之。不论,无论:~何……


1. 能 [néng]2. 能 [nài]能 [néng]才干,本事:~力。~耐。才~。有才干的:~人。~手。贤~。~工巧匠。~者为师。胜任,善于:~够。~柔~刚。力所~及。欲罢不~。~动。会(表示可能性):小弟弟~走路了。应该:你不~这样……



汉语拼音:xuǎn xián rèn néng








  • 【解释】:选拔任用贤能的人。亦作“选贤与能”、“选贤举能”。
  • 【出自】:《旧唐书·食货志上》:“设官分职,选贤任能,得其人则有益于国家,非其才则贻患于黎庶,此以不可不知也。”
  • 【示例】:以道言之,~以匡社稷者,天下之公也。


  1. Selecting the Worthy and Promoting the Capable at the "Intersection"


  1. 传统选贤任能

    traditional way of selecting and promoting talented persons

  2. 传统选贤任能思想的现代转换

    The Modern Transformation of the Traditional Ideology of Selecting and Promoting Talented Persons

  3. 第三是岗位任用方面,选贤任能。

    Third, post appointments, selecting candidates.

  4. 你怎么能任他欺负你呢?

    Why do you allow yourself to be hectored by him?

  5. 勒奈特,你不能任其发展。

    Lynette, you cannot let this go.

  6. 不能任由他让你觉得内疚。

    Can't let him make you feel guilty.

  7. 不能任由他让你觉得内疚。

    Can't let him make you feel guilty.

  8. 私房钱危害很大,绝不能任其滋生蔓延。

    Mad Money great harm, must not be allowed to spread.

  9. 我死了可不意味着你只能任由她宰割了。

    Just because I'm dead doesn't mean you have to let her push you around.

  10. 二十和三十年代, 妇女不仅参加选举, 而且能任大小官职。

    The twenties and thirties saw women not only voting but also holding offices high and low.

  11. 唐先生,我刚到任就能拜会您,感到十分荣幸。

    Mr. Tang, its a great pleasure for me to call on you today soon after I arrived at my post in Beijing.

  12. 我不能听任别人来摆布我。

    I don't let anyone push me around.

  13. 哦, 我希望我的下一任搭档也能那样打枪!

    Oh, I want my next partner to shoot just like that.

  14. 不能听任错误思想自由泛滥。

    No erroneous ideas should be allowed to spread unchecked.

  15. 但是任这些就能说是构成一个阴谋帮派吗

    But can this be said to amount to a conspiracy.

  16. 你怎么能听任他那样对我说话?

    How can you let him talk to me like that?

  17. 该演讲人对若干题目中的任一个都能即席发言。

    The speaker can extemporize on any of a number of subjects.

  18. 你不必沉溺其中,但是任其发展能出人意外地令你解脱。

    You don't have to wallow in it, but letting it happen can be surprisingly liberating.

  19. 任何一个所谓的五大常任理事国都能瘫痪这个世界组织。

    Any one of the socalled P5 can paralyse the world body.

  20. 这种情况忍无可忍,不能再任其继续下去了。

    It is an intolerable situation and it can't be allowed to go on.

  21. 我们能把任一数平方两次就得到它的四次方。

    We can raise any number to the fourth power by squaring it twice.

  22. 我们能把任一数平方两次就得到它得四次方。

    We can raise any number to the fourth power by squaring it twice.

  23. 她能听任他们嘲笑却从不还击,这让我更加敬佩她。

    I admired her all the more for allowing them to ridicule her and never striking back.

  24. 他应有资格连任,但只能再任一届6年固定任期。

    He shall be eligible for reappointment only for one further fixed term of six years.

  25. 南萨福克公羊也许能与任一种母羊生产出头等羊羔。

    South Suffolk rams may be used on any breed of ewe and will even produce prime lambs from Merino ewes.

  26. 失去第一任女友一直不能叫他忘怀。

    He never got over losing his first girlfriend.

  27. 在力气方面我们中无任能比得上她。

    None of us can equal her in strength.

  28. 杰夫小时候最喜爱的亲戚波普·吉斯曾在新墨西哥州的原子能委员会任高级经理,退休后来到科图拉牧常

    Little Jeff's favorite relative, Pop Gise worked in New Mexico as a senior manager in the Atomic Energy Commission before retiring to the Cotulla ranch.

  29. 任一个年龄阶层能收益于增加种子到他们的饮食中。

    Any age bracket could benefit from adding the seeds to their diet.

  30. 有时, 任谁外出寻找都能发现

    Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find


  1. 问:选贤任能拼音怎么拼?选贤任能的读音是什么?选贤任能翻译成英文是什么?

    答:选贤任能的读音是xuǎnxiánrènnéng,选贤任能翻译成英文是 Select the worthy and promote the capable....



词 目 选贤任能 发 音 xuǎn xián rèn néng 释 义 选拔任用贤能的人。亦作“选贤与能”、“选贤举能”。 出 处 《旧唐书·食货志上》:“设官分职,选贤任能,得其人则有益于国家,非其才则贻患于黎庶,此以不可不知也。” 全唐文第五十三卷,唐德宗诏书曰:“任人之道,必在无私;审官之宜,所期适用。” 示 例 以道言之,~以匡社稷者,天下之公也。★清·王夫之《读通鉴论·汉成帝》 用 法 作谓语、宾语、定语;指爱惜人才。 扩展 战国时期魏文侯任用李悝,吴起变法。实行“选贤任能,赏罚分明”的基本国策。