







汉语拼音:mù kè



  1. 用木料雕刻的。

    宋 吴曾 《能改斋漫录·神仙鬼怪》:“木朝 开宝 中, 真州 有渔者钓得一木刻妇人,背刻‘ 丁 氏’二字。”

  2. 指木雕之物。

    宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·杂志二》:“予奉使按边,始为木图写其山川道路……至官所,则以木刻上之。”此指木雕的地理模型。 明 陶宗仪 《辍耕录·刻名印》:“今 蒙古 、色目人之为官者,多不能执笔花押,例以象牙或木刻而印之。”此指木雕的人名印章。 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷七:“﹝ 雍正 ﹞十三年春,苗疆吏以徵粮不善,远近各寨蠭起,徧传木刻,妖言四煽,省城大吏尚不之信也。”此指传集人众的木雕符信。

  3. 木版雕印。

    宋 汪逵 《淳化阁帖辨记》:“其本乃木刻,计一百八十四板,二千二百八十七行。其墨乃 李廷珪 墨,墨黑甚,如漆。其字比诸刻为肥。” 鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·阿长与<山海经>》:“《山海经》也另买了一部石印的,每卷都有图赞,绿色的画,字是红的,比那木刻的精致得多了。”参见“ 木板 ”。

  4. 版画的一种。用刀在木板上刻成图形,再拓印在纸上。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致张慧》:“弟非画家,不敢妄说,惟以意度之,木刻当亦与绘画无异,基本仍在素描,且画面必须统一也。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致罗清桢》:“我以为少年学木刻,题材应听其十分自由选择,风景,静物,虫鱼,即一花一叶均可。”



  1. BARBARA KLEIN: As you might have guessed, woodcut prints are made out of wood.


  2. It had that vintage, woodcut texture to it that never fails to make people hungry.


  3. He was a theological commentator from Hanover who illustrated his book Itinerarium, published in 1581, with a few woodcut maps.


  4. It quoted to a 1678 woodcarving called the mowing devil that seems to depict the creation of a crop circle in England.


  5. National Art: You love in wood with your sculpture, what brought you to love wood sculpture?


  6. The Japanese woodblock prints especially inspired him to use bold red, blues, and greens in his paintings.


  7. A very lonely old wooden carved door at the entrance to an aged, yet out of the ordinary house.


  8. Film appeared in a foreign minister, and pointed to the wood of the Transformers, said that after the fire will be.


  9. There wasn't a camera, so you were reliant on likenesses from wood or steel engravings.


  1. 木刻版印刷

    block printing.

  2. 新兴木刻运动

    new woodcut movement.

  3. 木刻的印刷品

    To print from a wood engraving.

  4. 你对木刻感兴趣吗?

    Are you interested in wood engraving?

  5. 民间木刻版画与想象力

    On the Relations Between Folk Wood Engraving and Imagination

  6. 展出的有雕塑和木刻。

    There're sculptures and woodblock prints in the exhibition.

  7. 用木刻印板印出来的画。

    a print made from a woodcut.

  8. 这是一个18,19世纪的木刻

    This is an old woodcut from the 17, 1798s.

  9. 年轻时,他当过木刻工。

    He worked as a wood carver during his early youth.

  10. 这些木刻造型生动,形态逼真。

    These woodblock prints are vividly molded, true to life.

  11. 木刻活字现仅用于印刷广告。

    Wooden types are now used only for posters.

  12. 木刻活字现仅用于印刷招贴。

    Wooden types are now used only for posters.

  13. 桃花坞木刻年画的价值和保护

    The Value and Protection of Taohuawu Woodcut Print

  14. 最古老的版画制作形式是木刻版画。

    The oldest form of printmaking is the woodcut.

  15. 最古老得版画制作形式是木刻版画。

    The oldest form of printmaking is the woodcut.

  16. 北大荒版画基本上是套色木刻。

    Most of the woodblock prints of the Northeast are colored woodcuts.

  17. 雕版是古代印刷书籍的木刻底版。

    In ancient China, books were printed using wood blocks.

  18. 明代书籍木刻插图粉本的来源

    The Source of Woodcut Illustration Draft of the Ming Dynasty

  19. 明代木刻人物画题材与风格研究

    A Study of the Subject Matter and Style of the Woodblock Figure Carvings of Ming Dynasty

  20. 此外,桃花坞的木刻年画也享有盛名。

    Besides, the Taohuawu wood engraving Spring Festival pictures also enjoy great reputation.

  21. 最常见得凸版印刷形式是木刻印版。

    The most common form of relief printing is woodcut.

  22. 最常见的凸版印刷形式是木刻印版。

    The most common form of relief printing is woodcut.

  23. 最常见的凸版印刷形式是木刻印版。

    The most common form of relief printing is woodcut.

  24. 峻极殿内的盘龙藻井木刻艺术

    The wooden caissons decorated with coiling dragons of Junji Hall in the Temple of Central Mountain

  25. 我对哥特木刻的热忱精神感到敬畏。

    I have been awed by the devoted spirit of Gothic wood carving.

  26. 第三,雕版佛画影响到后世木刻年画。

    Third, the Buddhist woodblock woodcut painting affect the later paintings.

  27. 第2版更重了一个木刻能给予支持。

    Version 2 was heavier with a wood block for support.

  28. 木刻秋是作为丰收的景象来构思的。

    The woodcut autumn was conceived as a harvest scene.

  29. 消除45木刻和一把斧头欣喜帮助伐木工人。

    Level 45 Woodcutting and an axe to help Lumberjack Lief.

  30. 我对哥特式木刻的热忱精神感到敬畏。

    I have been awed by the devoted spirit of Gothic wood carving.


  1. 问:木刻拼音怎么拼?木刻的读音是什么?木刻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木刻的读音是mùkè,木刻翻译成英文是 woodcarving

  2. 问:木刻刀拼音怎么拼?木刻刀的读音是什么?木刻刀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木刻刀的读音是mùkèdāo,木刻刀翻译成英文是 woodcut knife

  3. 问:木刻术拼音怎么拼?木刻术的读音是什么?木刻术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木刻术的读音是,木刻术翻译成英文是 xyloglyphy

  4. 问:木刻的拼音怎么拼?木刻的的读音是什么?木刻的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木刻的的读音是,木刻的翻译成英文是 xylographic

  5. 问:木刻材料拼音怎么拼?木刻材料的读音是什么?木刻材料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木刻材料的读音是mù kè cái liào,木刻材料翻译成英文是 carving wood

  6. 问:木刻版工拼音怎么拼?木刻版工的读音是什么?木刻版工翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木刻版工的读音是,木刻版工翻译成英文是 xylographer

  7. 问:木刻版画拼音怎么拼?木刻版画的读音是什么?木刻版画翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木刻版画的读音是,木刻版画翻译成英文是 Woodcut



木刻wood engraving;woodcut 在木上刻图画的艺术或方法,尤指在木料断面上刻制图画以供印刷机拓印