




方向相反,与“顺”相对:~流。~行。~风。~转(zhuǎn )(局势恶化)。莫~之交。抵触,不顺从:忤~。忠言~耳。背叛,背叛者或背叛者的:叛~。~产。迎接:~旅(旅店)。预先:~料(预料)。……



汉语拼音:bèi nì



指违反正道, 犯上作乱:~之罪。~天道。



  1. 违逆;忤逆。

    《礼记·祭义》:“致义,则上下不悖逆矣。”《晋书·阎缵传》:“今 遹 无状,言语悖逆。”《新唐书·宦者传下·韩全诲》:“ 全忠 虽外示顺,终悖逆,皆不可倚。” 明 朱鼎 《玉镜台记·闻鸡起舞》:“非惟不能为国分忧,且有悖逆之语。”

  2. 抗命叛乱。

    《后汉书·班超传》:“而 焉耆 王 舜 、 舜 子 忠 独谋悖逆,恃其险隘,覆没都护。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·浊漳水》:“ 汉景帝 时,七国悖逆。” 沙汀 《还乡记》十:“而他这个迹近悖逆的行动,立刻把保长点燃了。”



  1. If you have been rebellious against the LORD while I am still alive and with you, how much more will you rebel after I die!


  2. To his sin he adds rebellion ; scornfully he claps his hands among us and multiplies his words against God .


  3. Turn ye unto him from whom the children of Israel have deeply revolted.


  4. God's justice would not allow Him to reverse His word, condemning obedience but overlooking (or even blessing) disobedience .


  5. The word body characteristics of the late Tang poem rebel the traditional poems. Its appearance is the specific product of the time.


  6. But they put God to the test and rebelled against the Most High; they did not keep his statutes.


  7. Let no man deceive you with vain words. For because of these things cometh the anger of God upon the children of unbelief.


  8. How often they rebelled against him in the desert and grieved him in the wasteland!


  9. But they continued to sin against him, rebelling in the desert against the Most High.


  1. 百姓的抱怨和悖逆

    The People Complain and Rebel

  2. 他将我们的田地分给悖逆的人。

    To the apostate He apportions our fields.

  3. 这悖逆, 污秽, 欺压得城, 有祸了。

    Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing city!

  4. 这悖逆,污秽,欺压的城,有祸了。

    Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing city!

  5. 自从我认识你们以来、你们常常悖逆耶和华。

    You have been rebellious against the Lord ever since I have known you.

  6. 神对罪与悖逆发出公义的责难。

    God makes just condemnations of sin and unbelief.

  7. 你们为什么屡次悖逆, 还要受责打吗?

    Why should you be beaten anymore? Why do you persist in rebellion?

  8. 因为我知道你们是悖逆的,是硬着颈项的。

    For I know how rebellious and stiffnecked you are.

  9. 可是现在他们充满悖逆和忘恩负义的情况。

    But now they were full of rebelliousness and ingratitude.

  10. 生活在悖逆中, 神会离开你的教会。

    The power of God be absent from your church because you are living in disobedience.

  11. 生活在悖逆中,神会离开你得教会。

    The power of God be absent from your church because you are living in disobedience.

  12. 形声字声符表意的悖逆现象举隅

    About Some Pictophonetic Characters that Go against the Agreement of Sound Element and Meaning Element

  13. 因这些事, 神的忿怒必临到那悖逆之子。

    Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.

  14. 自从我认识你们的那日起, 你们常常悖逆耶和华。

    You have been rebellious against jehovah since the day I came to know you.

  15. 我心肠扰乱。我心在我里面翻转, 因我大大悖逆。

    I am in torment within, and in my heart I am disturbed, for I have been most rebellious.

  16. 他们是可憎恶的, 悖逆的, 在一切善事上是无用的。

    being abominable, and incredulous, and to every good work reprobate.

  17. 听的可以听, 不听的任他不听, 因为他们是悖逆之家。

    He that heareth, let him hearand he that forbeareth, let him forbear for they are a rebellious house.

  18. 唯有悔改才能让上帝修直我们的弯曲悖逆。

    Only the repentance to make God to trim our revolt.

  19. 他们在旷野悖逆他,在荒地叫他担忧,何其多呢。

    How oft did they provoke him in the wilderness, and grieve him in the desert!

  20. 撒玛利亚必担当自己的罪, 因为悖逆她的神。

    The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God.

  21. 活着,用心智写下去,我无法悖逆,这是我的命。

    Living on earth, continually writing with heart, I cannot go against, this is my destiny.

  22. 以前,我毁灭了努哈的宗族,他们确是悖逆的民众。

    So were the People of Noah before them for they wickedly transgressed.

  23. 悖逆的人肆行杀戮,罪孽极深,我却惩治他们众人。

    And the revolters have gone deep into slaughtering, though I am a chastisement to them all.

  24. 他们有眼睛看不见,有耳朵听不见,因为他们是悖逆之家。

    They have eyes to see but do not see and ears to hear but do not hear, for they are a rebellious people.

  25. 律法宣布, 人们犯罪悖逆神, 应受神永恒的惩罚。

    The law announces to people that they are guilty of sin against God and deserving of His eternal punishment.

  26. 他们却仍旧得罪他,在干燥之地悖逆至高者。

    But they continued to sin against him, rebelling in the desert against the Most High.

  27. 说到所多玛人, 他们是坏人, 是大大悖逆永恒主的罪人。

    Now the men of Sodom were evil, and great sinners before the Lord.

  28. 你对那悖逆之家说, 你们不知道这些事是什么意思么。

    Say to this rebellious house, 'Do you not know what these things mean?

  29. 他们却仍旧得罪他,在乾燥之地悖逆至高者。

    And they sinned yet more against him by provoking the most High in the wilderness.

  30. 我原知道你行事极其诡诈, 你从母腹里便称为悖逆的。

    For I knew that you would deal very treacherously And would be called a transgressor from the womb.


  1. 问:悖逆拼音怎么拼?悖逆的读音是什么?悖逆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悖逆的读音是bèinì,悖逆翻译成英文是 disloyal; rebellious; treasonable



悖逆 bèi nì 违背正道。 例句:乃敢如此悖逆。 ------------------------------------------------ 1.违逆;忤逆。 《礼记·祭义》:“致义,则上下不悖逆矣。”《晋书·阎缵传》:“今 遹 无状,言语悖逆。”《新唐书·宦者传下·韩全诲》:“ 全忠 虽外示顺,终悖逆,皆不可倚。”《大明熹宗哲皇帝宝训卷之四·安属国》:“天启三年十二月(初八)癸巳,礼部尚书林尧俞等言朝鲜废立之事,……臣部据闰十月内登莱抚臣(袁可立)揭送彼国公结十二通,十一月内毛帅呈送彼国公揭十二通,自宗室以至八道臣民合词一口,皆称晖为悖逆,倧为恭顺,人情如此。”明 朱鼎 《玉镜台记·闻鸡起舞》:“非惟不能为国分忧,且有悖逆之语。” 2.抗命叛乱。 《后汉书·班超传》:“而 焉耆 王 舜 、 舜 子 忠 独谋悖逆,恃其险隘,覆没都护。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·浊漳水》:“ 汉景帝 时,七国悖逆。” 沙汀 《还乡记》十:“而他这个迹近悖逆的行动,立刻把保长点燃了。”