




1. 绷 [bēng]2. 绷 [běng]3. 绷 [bèng]绷 [bēng]张紧,拉紧:~紧。小褂紧~在身上。当中用藤皮、棕绳等物绷紧的竹木框:床~。棕~。绣~。~子。一种缝纫方法,粗粗缝上或用针别上:~被头。束,包扎:~带。(物体)……


1. 绷 [bēng]2. 绷 [běng]3. 绷 [bèng]绷 [bēng]张紧,拉紧:~紧。小褂紧~在身上。当中用藤皮、棕绳等物绷紧的竹木框:床~。棕~。绣~。~子。一种缝纫方法,粗粗缝上或用针别上:~被头。束,包扎:~带。(物体)……



汉语拼音:jǐn bēng bēng







  1. 形容肌体结实或衣物扎得紧。

    叶圣陶 《友谊》:“她按摩两条胳膊,是比以前瘦了些,以前皮肤和肌肉是紧绷绷的。” 吴组缃 《山洪》四:“新娘穿着褐色布的短棉袄罩褂,把身子束的紧绷绷的。”

  2. 形容神经很紧张或表情不自然。

    徐怀中 《阮氏丁香·<西线轶事>续篇九》:“卫生员紧绷绷的面部神经一下松弛下来了,如同听到解除了台风警报。”《花城》1981年第4期:“他决不轻饶犯纪律的人,大家也没有想到他会轻饶,思想上的弦都拉得紧绷绷的。”



  1. The day had been long and her back was tense, but she was pleased she had finished shopping so quickly.


  2. Stretched naked on a long table lay the body of Henry Armstrong, the head defiled with blood and clay from a blow with a spade.


  3. I pulled the sheet over my head and lay there, every muscle of my body strung taut.


  4. The fat old man looked ridiculous in his tight pink trousers .


  5. The emphasis was helped by the speaker's mouth , which was wide, thin and hard set .


  1. 我觉得我的皮肤紧绷绷的。

    I can feel my skin tightening.

  2. 他脸紧绷绷的,像很生气的样子。

    He had a taut expression on his face as if he were very angry.

  3. 不要用紧绷绷的皮筋或帽子来固定头发。

    Don't constrict your hair with tight hair bands and hats.

  4. 我拉过被单盖在头上躺在那里,我浑身肌肉紧绷绷的。

    I pulled the sheet over my head and lay there, every muscle of my body strung taut.

  5. 汤姆, 我得穿那种倒霉的衣服, 紧绷绷的, 有点不透气。

    I got to wear them blamed clothes that just smothers me, Tom they dont seem to any air git through em, somehow

  6. 她紧绷着脸。

    The skin of her cheeks tautened.

  7. 你为什么这么紧绷?

    Why are you so uptight?

  8. 你为什么这么紧绷?

    Why are you so uptight?

  9. 他紧绷着肌肉使劲。

    He tensed his muscles for the effort.

  10. 她的肌肉变得绷绷紧, 叫他不能不有这样的感觉。

    The rigidlty of her muscles managed to convey that impression.

  11. 你身体脱水,神经紧绷

    You're dehydrated and you're stressed.

  12. 你就是太紧绷了,宝贝

    You're just too uptight, baby.

  13. 紧绷的绳子让人担心。

    The tense ropes were a cause for concern.

  14. 紧绷的绳子让人担心。

    The tense ropes were a cause for concern.

  15. 紧绷得绳子让人担心。

    The tense ropes were a cause for concern.

  16. 头脑和身体同样的紧绷。

    Mind and body are tight.

  17. 我吓得全身肌肉紧绷。

    I tensed every muscle in my body in apprehension.

  18. 绳子拉得太紧绷断了。

    The tension was so great that the rope broke.

  19. 我的神经时刻处于紧绷状态。

    My nerves were constantly on edge.

  20. 他不喜欢紧绷而僵硬的领口。

    He hated tight starched collars.

  21. 小孩穿着紧绷的靴子很难受。

    The child was uncomfortable in his tight boots.

  22. 她要一件不太紧绷的毛衣。

    She wants a sweater that does not bind her.

  23. 你感到紧绷,浅呼吸,紧握,抖动吗?

    Are you tight, tense, breathing shallowly, clenching, jiggling

  24. 她紧绷着嘴, 那么神气的背着我。

    She screwed up her mouth, and turned from me with such an air.

  25. 萨拉走上前来,紧绷着脸,怒气冲冲。

    Sarah came forward with a tight and angry face.

  26. 这就是高潮前肌肉会紧绷得原因。

    This is why your muscles tighten before orgasm.

  27. 这就是高潮前肌肉会紧绷的原因。

    This is why your muscles tighten before orgasm.

  28. 把妹达人, 完全自然, 肩膀没有紧绷。

    The Seduction Science guy is totally relaxed, without tension in his shoulders.

  29. 有效放松运动后紧绷得各部位肌肉。

    After effectively relaxes various spots muscle which the movement ties tight.

  30. 有效放松运动后紧绷的各部位肌肉。

    After effectively relaxes various spots muscle which the movement ties tight.


  1. 问:紧绷绷拼音怎么拼?紧绷绷的读音是什么?紧绷绷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧绷绷的读音是jǐnbēngbēng,紧绷绷翻译成英文是 tight; strained



jǐn bēng bēng ㄐㄧㄣˇ ㄅㄥ ㄅㄥ 紧绷绷(紧绷绷)