








汉语拼音:qǐ chǐ








  1. 发笑。因笑必露齿,故云。

    《庄子·徐无鬼》:“奉事而大有功者不可为数,而吾君未尝启齿。” 王先谦 集解:“笑也。” 唐 元稹 《春》诗:“启齿呈编贝,弹丝动削葱。” 明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·事部四》:“ 卢质 字 子微 ,性好翫謔,为 庄宗 管记。会医官 陈玄 补 太原府 医学博士,所司请稿, 质 立草之,末句云:‘既得厚朴之才,宜典从容之职。’ 庄宗 览之久,为启齿。”

  2. 开口。多表示有所请求。

    《水浒传》第九八回:“他们如何敢来启齿?”《警世通言·宋小官团圆破毡笠》:“ 王公 道:‘且喫三杯,方敢启齿。’” 茅盾 《清明前后》第一幕:“﹝ 唐 文君 ﹞想问又觉不便启齿,无聊地望着墙上的镜框。”



  1. Some words, buried deep on the bottom of my heart, choking on ? did not talk, although regrettable, but !


  2. It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when questioned at the meeting by my boss.


  3. It's hard for me to write this to my own children, but I must. There's something here that's too strong, too beautiful, to die with me.


  4. The new campaign is aimed at overturning this guilt, at getting everyone to realize that Windows Vista is nothing to be ashamed of.


  5. He is able to cook, to make dumplings, to roll noodles, which bring him a lot of praise from friends, to me, sort of shame unspoken.


  6. He said, "The room is too small and can hardly accommodate all of our things. So we could only hang them on the walls. "


  7. Yet YangYueTing reluctant to FangPeiCheng said, the first word is putting from today onwards, to turn over a new leaf!


  8. We want to witness for Christ, but we do not know what to say or how to say it. The problem may be that we have not been taught how.


  9. That may be the impossible dream but it is the kind of fantasy that earlier generations would not have dared to utter.


  1. 难以启齿。

    It's hard to bring the matter up.

  2. 难于启齿。

    It's disgraceful to say so.

  3. 让我怎么启齿?

    And how do I do that?

  4. 难以向某人启齿

    cannot with any grace ask sb.

  5. 这些话我难以启齿。

    The words stuck in my throat.

  6. 很明显,他难以启齿。

    Clearly,he's embarrassed.

  7. 但我不知如何启齿。

    But I don't know how.

  8. 床帷之事,难以启齿。

    It is too embarrassing to talk about what goes on inside the bed-curtains.

  9. 她的回答实在难以启齿。

    Her reply was unprintable.

  10. 他好象觉得难以启齿。

    It looked as though he found it hard to answer.

  11. 周围有人,不便启齿。

    With people around, it wasn't convenient to talk about the matter.

  12. 你知道, 这非常难以启齿。

    You understand, this is very difficult for me.

  13. 我不知如何对你启齿

    I don't know how to tell you this

  14. 钱是你难以启齿的东西?

    Is money an unmentionable subject with you?

  15. 山姆,这有点难以启齿,但是。

    Hey, Sam. this might be kind of awkward, but.

  16. 在这表白中最难以启齿的

    Hardest thing about this confession.

  17. 她难以启齿告诉父亲她失败了。

    She was ashamed to tell her father that she had failed.

  18. 那件事真难于启齿,抱歉。

    That was a truly awful thing to say, apologize.

  19. 那件事真难于启齿,抱歉。

    That was a truly awful thing to say, apologize.

  20. 我做了一些难以启齿的事。

    I've done some things I'm really not proud of.

  21. 求人帮忙实在叫他难于启齿。

    Asking a favor came hard to him.

  22. 我以为她有难以启齿的问题。

    I thought she might've had a doorknob question.

  23. 到底什么事让你羞于启齿?

    What on earth is it that makes it difficult for you to open your mouth?

  24. 到底什么事让你羞于启齿?

    What on earth is it that makes it difficult for you to open your mouth?

  25. 这些事让我很难启齿

    Bon JoviIts hard for me to say the things

  26. 她克服了内心的畏惧, 终于启齿了。

    She conquered her fears, and spoke.

  27. 他是不是得了什么难以启齿的病?

    Has he got some unmentionable disease?

  28. 内疚和羞愧令我无地自容,难以启齿。

    I was so overpowered by my guilt and my shame that I was unable to speak.

  29. 她下面要说的话简直难以启齿了。

    The words she would like to have said were too violent for her.

  30. 我很难启齿, 但做人要诚实。

    This is hard for me, but it's important to be honest.


  1. 问:启齿拼音怎么拼?启齿的读音是什么?启齿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:启齿的读音是qǐchǐ,启齿翻译成英文是 mention; to open one's mouth; to start to talk a...




【拼音】qǐ chǐ


