


相接:~日。~夜。~年。~亘(接连不断)。~襟(姐妹的丈夫之间的亲戚关系)。~载。~缀。~理。烽火~天。~篇累(lěi )牍。带,加上:~带。~坐(一个人犯法,他的家属、亲族、邻居连带受处罚)。就是,既使,甚至于:~我都不信。联合:外~东吴……


1. 任 [rèn]2. 任 [rén]任 [rèn]相信,信赖:信~。使用,给予职务:~命。~人唯贤。负担,担当:担~。~课。职务:就~。到~。~重道远。由着,听凭:~凭。~性。~意。~从。~随。听~。放~自流。听之~之。不论,无论:~何……



汉语拼音:lián rèn







  1. 连续担任同一职务。

    明 徐照 《哭鲍清卿》诗:“连任虚分竹,长年只爱云。” 王邗华 等《民国名人罗曼史·林森鳏居终身之谜》:“﹝ 林森 ﹞连任国府主席。”



  1. Some political observers believe incumbent Robert Mugabe is trying to rig the election results to stay in power.


  2. If I couldn't change his mind, I should talk to the press outside the White House and withdraw my support for his reelection.


  3. In March he halted bombing, called for peace talks and said he would not run for a second term in elections in November 1968.


  4. Had Daniel Ortega not got himself illegally on to this year's ballot to seek a third term, his wife might have run in his stead.


  5. Her hair has grown back, she no longer licks and chews at her feet, and I feel good that she's not on any drugs!


  6. That would be a tall order even for a freshly elected leader with a thumping majority and two terms in office.


  7. Her daughter was said to be reluctant for her mother to stand again.


  8. Principal shall be elected from members of SB. The tenure of the post is two years, with a maximum of two terms for the same office.


  9. McCain said he intends to run for re-election to the Senate in two years, but laughed off the prospect of another run for president.


  1. 他决定竞选连任。

    He decided to rum for a second term.

  2. 他获选连任总统。

    He was elected to a second presidency.

  3. 我将不再竞选连任。

    Im not running for office again.

  4. 参议员能连任几次

    How many times may a senator be reelected

  5. 他连任十年大使。

    He took up office as an ambassador for ten years continuously.

  6. 他当选连任该职位。

    He was voted in for a second term of office.

  7. 他连任市长一职。

    He was re-elected as mayor for another term.

  8. 传闻说总统决定竞选连任。

    Rumor is the president's decided to run.

  9. 他想连任一届总督吗?

    Does he want to serve another term as governor

  10. 在州长竞逐连任前一天。

    Day before the governor runs for reelection.

  11. 它需要的远多于连任的诡计。

    It needs to be more than a reelection ruse.

  12. 弗吉尼亚州不允许州长连任。

    Virginia bars its governor from serving two consecutive terms.

  13. 我们不能再支持总统连任。

    We can no longer support the president's continuance in office.

  14. 许多总统当选连任第二任。

    Many presidents have been returned to office for a second term.

  15. 这位总统准备参加竞选连任。

    The president is going to stand for reelection.

  16. 徇众要求, 主席获重选连任。

    By popular request, the chairman was re elected.

  17. 两届是美国总统连任的极限。

    That was the limit for American presidents.

  18. 他想在下届选举中寻求连任。

    He intends to defend his seat in the next election.

  19. 当他想继续连任时委员会开除了他。

    The committee jobbed him when he sought a second term in office.

  20. 在华莱士之前 他连任了两次总统。

    He was president two times before wallace.

  21. 布什连任将给美国经济带来什么

    What Will Bush Bring to American Economy

  22. 我们州的州长竞选连任失败, 即将下台。

    The governor of our state ended up as a lame duck when he lost the election.

  23. 我们州得州长竞选连任失败, 即将下台。

    The governor of our state ended up as a lame duck when he lost the election.

  24. 有人说她的女儿反对母亲竞选连任。

    Her daughter was said to be reluctant for her mother to stand again.

  25. 参议院中连任四期的人不是很多。

    There are not many fourth termers in the senate.

  26. 参议院中连任四期的人不是很多。

    There are not many fourth termers in the senate.

  27. 美国历史上的第一位总统连任两届。

    The oldest president in American history had stayed the course for two terms.

  28. 上述案例中的所有当权者都获得了连任。

    Needless to say, the incumbents all won.

  29. 俄罗斯宪法禁止普京总统竞选三届连任。

    Putin from seeking a third consecutive term.

  30. 田北俊声明自由党支持董建华连任。

    Mr Tien pledged his partys support for Mr Tung for a second term.


  1. 问:连任拼音怎么拼?连任的读音是什么?连任翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连任的读音是liánrèn,连任翻译成英文是 re-elect

  2. 问:连任受托人拼音怎么拼?连任受托人的读音是什么?连任受托人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连任受托人的读音是lián rèn shòu tuō rén,连任受托人翻译成英文是 continuing trustee




拼音:lián rèn 词语解释

◎ 连任 liánrèn [be reappointed consecutively;renew one's term of office] 接连两次或两次以上担任某一职务 连任国家总统 详细解释 连续担任同一职务。

明 徐照 《哭鲍清卿》诗:“连任虚分竹,长年只爱云。” 王邗华 等《民国名人罗曼史·林森鳏居终身之谜》:“﹝ 林森 ﹞连任国府主席。”