


1. 间 [jiān]2. 间 [jiàn]间 [jiān]两段时间相接的地方,或介于两桩事物当中及其相互关系:中~。~距。~奏。天地之~。在一定空间或时间内:田~。人~。房子内隔成的部分:里~。衣帽~。~量。量词,房屋的最小单位:一~房。……




1. 疟 [nüè]2. 疟 [yào]疟 [nüè]〔~疾〕一种按时发冷发烧的急性传染病,病原体是疟原虫,由疟蚊传染到人体血液里(瘧)(“疾”读轻声)。疟 [yào]〔~子〕“疟(nüè)疾”的通称,如“发~~”(亦作“打摆子”)。……



汉语拼音:jiān rì nüè



由一种疟疾寄生虫(间日疟原虫 Plasmodium vivax)引起的疟疾,特点为每隔48小时反复发作。





  1. It has also, in the jargon of evolutionary biology, pre-adapted vivax to a threat it has not evolved to deal with.


  2. Vivax is generally not a life-threatening disease, but falciparum can be rapidly fatal and requires prompt treatment.


  3. One answer, though, might be, "when it is vivax malaria. "


  4. Tertian malaria was diagnosed by peripheral blood smear and elevated antibody titer against Plasmodium vivax.


  5. CONCLUSION: ICT could detect P. falciparum and P. vivax simultaneously, being more rapid and simple than blood smear method.


  6. Last year, too, it published a map (reproduced at the beginning of this article) of the distribution of vivax, independently of falciparum.


  7. Indeed, in the first half of the 20th century it was found as far north as Archangel, in Russia.


  8. That means the species have different biochemistries. Not all drugs that work on falciparum also work on vivax.


  9. Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax are the most common.


  1. 良性间日疟

    benign tertian malaria.

  2. 恶性疟和间日疟最常见。

    Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax are the most common.

  3. 疟疾, 三日疟, 间日疟, 打寒颤。

    FLPA AGUE, tertian fever, quartan fever, paludism.

  4. 间日疟54例临床误诊原因分析

    Analysis of 54 Clinically Misdiagnosed vivax Malaria Cases

  5. 恶性疟与间日疟之间无交叉反应。

    There is no cross reaction between P. falciparum and P. vivax.

  6. 间日疟原虫异常形态一例报告

    A case with pasmodium viva of abonormal morphology

  7. 复方蒿甲醚片治疗间日疟的效果

    Observation on efficacy of artemether compound against vivax malaria

  8. 裂殖体和配子体与间日疟原虫相似。

    The schizonts and gametocytes were somewhat alike to Plasmodium vivax.

  9. 红细胞内寄生多个间日疟原虫一例报告

    A malaria case with more than one ring form of Plasmodium vivax within an erythrocyte

  10. 改进抗疟药包装对间日疟病人服药依从的影响

    The Effect of Imporving Antimalarial Drug Packaging on Patients'Compliance with Treatment for P. vivax Malarla

  11. 用试条法检测20例间日疟患者血样无交叉反应。

    None of the 2 0 samples of vivax malaria showed cross reaction.

  12. 疟疾病人外周血涂片, 此为间日疟原虫感染。

    This peripheral blood smear comes from a patient with malaria. This infection happens to be with Plasmodium vivax.

  13. 中华按蚊传播间日 疟的媒介能量与发病情况较为一致。

    The fluctuation of it for transmission of P. vivax was coincident with malaria incidence.

  14. 目的探讨改进抗疟药包装提高间日疟病人服药的依从率。

    Objective To explore the effect of imporving antimalarial drug packaging on raising patient compliance rate for treatment of P. vivax malaria.

  15. 将符合观察条件的间日疟病人随机分配入两组队列之一。

    The eligibility patients with P. vivax malaria were randomly assigned to one of two cohorts.

  16. 间日疟疟,传尸病

    tertian malaria

  17. 间日疟潜伏期与复发状况的实验研究

    Study of the Latency Period and Relapse of Tertian Malaria

  18. 对间日疟病程初期原虫密度的观察

    Observation on parasite density in the early stage of vivax malaria

  19. 我国豫桂两地间日疟原虫的形态特征

    On the morphology of Plasmodium vivax in Henan and Guangxi

  20. 青蒿琥酯与伯氨喹联用治疗间日疟复发一例

    Relapse of a vivax malaria case treated by artesunate combined with primaquine

  21. 应用聚合酶链反应在海南检测间日疟原虫的效果

    Detection of Plasmodium vivax by polymerase chain reaction in Hainan

  22. 科学家也打算进行一个类似的间日疟原虫的测绘项目。

    A similar mapping exercise is also planned for the malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax.


  1. 问:间日疟拼音怎么拼?间日疟的读音是什么?间日疟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:间日疟的读音是jiàn rì nüè,间日疟翻译成英文是 tertian fever, tertian malaria, vivax malaria...

  2. 问:间日疟原虫拼音怎么拼?间日疟原虫的读音是什么?间日疟原虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:间日疟原虫的读音是jiān rì nüè yuán chóng,间日疟原虫翻译成英文是 Plasmodium vivax



疟疾(malaria)是因疟原虫寄生人体组织而引起的寄生原虫病。临床上以间歇性发冷、发热、肝脾肿大为主要特征。主要包括间日疟、恶性疟、三日疟和卵形疟。间日疟是疟疾的一种类型,为间日疟原虫 (Plasmodium vivax)所引起,其特点为每隔48小时反复发作一次,主要表现为先冷后热,出汗后恢复正常,两次发作期间表现正常。其传播媒介为中华按蚊。