




1. 约 [yuē]2. 约 [yāo]约 [yuē]绳子。拘束,限制:~束。~法。制~。~定俗成。共同议定的要遵守的条款:立~。条~。契~。事先说定:~见。~会。邀请:~请。~集。节俭:节~。俭~。简要,简单:由博返~。简~。大略:~计。……



汉语拼音:shǒu yuē









  1. 简易可行。

    《孟子·公孙丑上》:“ 孟施舍 似 曾子 , 北宫黝 似 子夏 。夫二子之勇,未知其孰贤,然而 孟施舍 守约也。”

  2. 保持俭朴的品德。

    《三国志·吴志·蒋钦传》:“ 权 尝入其堂内,母疎帐縹被,妻妾布裙。 权 歏其在贵守约,即敕御府为母作锦被,改易帷帐,妻妾衣服悉皆锦绣。” 晋 潘岳 《杨仲武诔》:“虽舅氏隆盛,而孤贫守约,心安陋巷,体服菲薄。”

  3. 遵守信约。



  1. I managed to persuade quite a few people to see me, and I must keep the appointments.


  2. In short: God promised David someone from his descendants will be on the throne forever. David broke covenant God is keeping covenant.


  3. I guess if he is anything of a gentleman, he would keep his promise. h.


  4. like Hosea 's contemporaries, Adam proved to be a covenant-breaker, rather than a covenant-keeper.


  5. The Company integrity compliance, adherence to the contract.


  6. But Leo had no intention of playing fair, and filled nearby houses with soldiers who would kill Krum on a given signal.


  7. She complained about thedebilitatingeffects of chemotherapy, recalcitrant insurance companies and, most daringly, "sappy pink ribbons" .


  8. Sometimes they'd even keep the date because their egos couldn't handle the fact that I had busted them on their disingenuous behavior.


  9. Oh, yes! I've got an appointment with my dentist to have my teeth cleaned, and it's essential that I keep it.


  1. 守约, 保质, 重义

    honor contracts, guarantee quality, value credibility

  2. 约好了就要守约。

    You should keep an appointment after you make it.

  3. 我不敢确定我能守约。

    I am doubtful about keeping my promise.

  4. 每个人都该守约。

    Every one should keep promise.

  5. 我是个守约的人。

    I am a man of my contract and my word.

  6. 对不守约者无须践约

    inadimplenti non est adimplendum

  7. 我未能守约, 因为我生病了。

    I could not keep the appointment because I was sick.

  8. 本公司诚信守约,严守合同。

    The Company integrity compliance, adherence to the contract.

  9. 我不能守约了,因为我病了。

    I couldn't keep the appointment because I was sick.

  10. 他非常诚实,不会不守约的。

    He's too honest not to keep his promise.

  11. 我知道他是个守约的人。

    I know he is a man who keeps his appointment.

  12. 如果她不守约让约翰空等怎么办?

    What if she stands John up?

  13. 非常抱歉,星期五我不能守约了。

    I'm very sorry that I won't be able to keep my appointment with you on Friday.

  14. 非常抱歉,星期四我不能守约了。

    I am very sorry, I will not be able to keep my appointment with you on Thursday.

  15. 守约和执行是优先问题,而且十分关键。

    Compliance and enforcement are priority issues and also quite critical.

  16. 为了确保守约,我们还必须制定行动手段。

    In order to ensure compliance, we must also develop our means of action.

  17. 驻加拿大总司令,你相信英国人会守约吗

    Does the chief of the Canadas believe the English will keep the terms.

  18. 一旦你定好约会的事情,那么你应努力守约。

    Once you've made an appointment, you should try to keep it.

  19. 噢,对了!我约了牙医洗牙,我一定要守约。

    Oh, yes! I've got an appointment with my dentist to have my teeth cleaned, and it's essential that I keep it.

  20. 守约的核查应当是谈判中不可缺少的一部分。

    Verification of compliance should be an integral part of the negotiation.

  21. 如果他有一点君子风度,我想他就会守约的。

    If he is anything of a gentleman, he will keep his promise, I think.

  22. 他平时很守约的,一定是发生什么事情了吧。

    There is something wrong and he always keeps good time.

  23. 他如果有一点君子风度的话,人卢他会守约的。

    If he is anything of a gentleman, he will keep his promise, I should think.

  24. 我好不容易说服了那么多人和我会面,我必须守约呀。

    I managed to persuade quite a few people to see me, and I must keep the appointments.

  25. 贝勒基雅和厄耳卡纳为守卫, 看守约柜。

    Berechiah and Elkanah were to be gatekeepers to the ark.

  26. 责任竞合在保护守约一方的时候出现了空转的情况。

    The responsibility competed gathers abided by a side time in the protection had the idle operation situation.

  27. 小王是个守约的人, 就算天上下刀子也不会失约。

    Xiao Wang is a person who keeps his promise no matter what happens.

  28. 小王是个守约的人,就算天上下刀子也不会失约。

    Xiao Wang is a person who keeps his promise no matter what happens.

  29. 守约审查和差距分析被确定为支持执行公约的重要方式。

    Compliance reviews and gap analyses were identified as important ways of supporting implementation of the Convention.

  30. 法国法注重对守约方的损失赔偿,强调违约金的赔偿性。

    French Law focuses on the compensation to observant party, stresses the nature of compensation.


  1. 问:守约拼音怎么拼?守约的读音是什么?守约翻译成英文是什么?

    答:守约的读音是shǒuyuē,守约翻译成英文是 keep one's words; keep one's promise

  2. 问:守约方拼音怎么拼?守约方的读音是什么?守约方翻译成英文是什么?

    答:守约方的读音是shǒu yuē fāng,守约方翻译成英文是 observant party


