




唱:~唱。~咏。~颂。~坛。~台舞榭。~舞。能~善舞。能唱的文词:唱~。~谱。~词。~诀。民~。诗~。~行(xíng )(旧诗的一种体裁,音节、格律比较自由)。诗言志,~咏言。……



汉语拼音:duì gē






  1. Almost everybody began to sing the song of the team to give the boys a hand. They hope to beat the favourite.


  2. Everyone is happy and harmonious, and the team song could be (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding?


  3. It does not behave like a football chant.


  4. I have the Milan anthem on my mobile phone and that's enough. . .


  5. The entire stadium knew all the lyrics to our team's song.


  6. Learn the team songs and team chants.


  7. And they ask everyone who hears it to comment on it.


  8. The club are working on a new anthem to help improve atmosphere and it should be ready for the new season


  1. 全场的观众都知道队歌的歌词。

    The entire stadium knew all the lyrics to our team's song.

  2. 这已经表现的不像是一首球队的队歌了。

    It does not behave like a football chant.

  3. 聆听耳边环绕着的队歌, 他们踏上了新的征程。

    Around the ears to listen to songs the team, they embark on a new journey.

  4. 而且他们要求听到队歌的每个人都要对此表达意见。

    And they ask everyone who hears it to comment on it.

  5. 你懂我们这首著名队歌的歌词吗?

    Do you know the words to our famous anthem ?

  6. 聆听耳边环绕着得队歌,他们踏上了新得征程。

    Around the ears to listen to songs the team, they embark on a new journey.

  7. 这小册子是为圣歌队所写的巴哈圣乐手册。

    Butt, John, edited. The Sacred Choral Music of J. S. Bach A Handbook. Brewster Paraclete, 1997.

  8. 酒神颂和歌队的演变,直接导致了希腊悲剧的产生。

    Ode to Dionysus and the evolution of the chorus, led directly to the production of Greek tragedy.

  9. 圣歌吟诵一首圣歌,护佑你的小队。

    Divine Hymn You recite a holy hymn, granting your party protection from attackers.

  10. 埃及, 摩洛哥和阿尔阿哈比队的圣歌

    Egypt, Morocco and al Ahly chants.

  11. 唱完最后一首歌后, 阳光歌唱队正在重听。

    The Sunshine Singers are rehearsing. After the end of the last song.

  12. 那个管弦乐队把这首歌得最后十二个小节遗漏了。

    The orchestra omitted the last twelve bars of the song.

  13. 那个管弦乐队把这首歌的最后十二个小节遗漏了。

    The orchestra omitted the last twelve bars of the song.

  14. 与紫荆鼓笛队合奏世界之友及国际创价学会之歌

    Friends of the World and Marching Towards the 21st Century with Bauhinia Drum and Fife Corp.

  15. 舍了笙歌队今夜伴阿谁。

    I bid farewell to our house of mirth, knowing tonight I shall sleep by a stranger.

  16. 歌德大学起到了先锋队的作用。

    Goethe University is in the vanguard.

  17. 我们仍然遵循着捐钱给颂歌队得习俗。

    We still observe the custom of giving money to carol singers.

  18. 我们仍然遵循着捐钱给颂歌队的习俗。

    We still observe the custom of giving money to carol singers.

  19. 该队最死忠得支持者在比赛场上高歌来为他们加油打气。

    The team's staunchest supporters sing chants at the games.