







汉语拼音:zhù wū







住屋 [zhù wū]
  1. 与住宅同。宋、徐玑〈题半村堂诗〉:「住屋半依村。」



  1. She went, with a heavy, hardened kind if sorrow upon her, into the house and into her mother's room.


  2. But when Tess family misfortune occurred: sudden death of his father, housing landlord was recovered, no family shelter, with no life.


  3. However, this home only has two front and back doors, the burglar enters, and the door-keeper old glory necessarily knows.


  4. When can I look at the trailer to see what I'll need?


  5. The families began to cultivate the little 12by-50 foot plots of ground allotted to them in the trailer court.


  6. In this case the mounting clamps need to be relocated using the four mounting holes on the top of the instrument housing.


  7. The residents repaired their city with paintings on their walls, decorative columns on their streets, and mosaic floors in their houses.


  8. One day we landed on an island that had no houses or people on it.


  9. A truck pulling a caravan passes under a sign warning of Tropical Storm Alex approaching the coast, in Port Isabel, Texas.


  1. 夹心阶层住屋。

    Sandwich Class Housing

  2. 住屋渐趋不足。

    Houses are getting scarcer.

  3. 夹心阶层住屋计划。

    Sandwich Class Housing Scheme

  4. 捍卫基层住屋权益联盟

    Alliance for Defending Grassroots Housing Rights

  5. 全国住屋及无家可归网络

    National Housing and Homelessness Network

  6. 住屋问题涉及租金控制问题。

    The housing problem is bound up with the problem of rent controls.

  7. 以前苦力的住屋现多已被拆除。

    Many of the old coolie rooms have already been torn down.

  8. 住屋不足成了当前亟待解决的难题。

    The shortage of housing becomes a pressing problem of the day.

  9. 那个候选人的政见是改善住屋, 均等权利。

    The candidate run on a platform of better housing and equal rights for all.

  10. 那个候选人得政见是改善住屋,均等权利。

    The candidate run on a platform of better housing and equal rights for all.

  11. 审查及准备公司, 及合作的住屋公司的年度报告。

    Audited and prepared annual report of corporation and affiliate housing corporations.

  12. 家是远比住屋更能激起感情的字眼。

    Home is a much more emotive word than house.

  13. 杰弗把旅行用得住屋拖车挂在汽车上。

    Geoff connected the caravan to the car.

  14. 杰弗把旅行用的住屋拖车挂在汽车上。

    Geoff connected the caravan to the car.

  15. 女墙掉,未锚住屋横隔板冲墙,但倒塌却常见。

    Some parapets fell, and unanchored roof diaphragms punched out wall sections, but collapse was uncommon.

  16. 公众曾对一些家庭暴力受害人的住屋需要表示关注。

    Concern has been expressed on housing needs of some of the victims of domestic violence.

  17. 此外,公共住屋费用因豁免公屋租金而在十二月骤降。

    In December, public housing cost came down sharply, owing to the waiver of public housing rentals.

  18. 就有关住屋问题及其附属服务之政策向港督提供意见。

    To advise the Governor concerning all matters of policy relating to accommodation and services ancillary thereto.

  19. 以下是风水常识,对大家在择住屋时有很大的协助。

    The following below are general knowledge of how Fengshui can help you in your present environment.

  20. 少数团体现在在教育, 就业及住屋许多方面已有公平的机会。

    Minority groups now have equal opportunities in many areas of education, employment and housing.

  21. 他们只得同住一屋。

    They have to doubled up.

  22. 柯罗和我住一个屋。

    Connor was sharing my room.

  23. 住吉长屋的非理性成分分析

    Irrational constituents in Asuma house

  24. 这病人怎么能跟大伙儿住一屋呢?

    How can this patient live one house with everyone's son?

  25. 在我找到公寓前, 我和约翰同住一屋。

    I mucked in with John till I found a flat of my own.

  26. 许多公司提供住房,但你被迫和另一个家庭同住一屋。

    Where the companies provide housing, you are forced to share a room with another family.

  27. 孩子们共住一间屋。

    The children had one room between them.

  28. 生活在汽车拖挂的住屋内

    Living in trailer

  29. 她给屋大维送去了遗书。屋大维就住在她的皇宫里。

    She sends a suicide note to her captor Octavian, who has lodged in her palace.

  30. 来小屋住。

    Come to the cabin.


  1. 问:住屋真菌拼音怎么拼?住屋真菌的读音是什么?住屋真菌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:住屋真菌的读音是zhù wū zhēn jūn,住屋真菌翻译成英文是 house fungi