


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:bù shān bù lǚ








  • 【解释】:衫:上衣;履:鞋子。不穿长衫,不穿鞋子。形容不修边幅的样子。
  • 【出自】:唐·杜光庭《虬髯客传》:“既而太宗至,不衫不履,裼裘而来,神气扬扬,貌与常异。”
  • 【示例】:这个人是个~的人,与家父最为相契。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作主语、谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义,用于书面语


  1. na.
  2. be not properly dressed as gentlemen should be;be a man without restraint;be sloppily dressed;careless of one'

  3. s external appearance;disregard outward appearance;dress slovenly;not bothering about small matters;out at elbows;slovenly dressed;without wearing a coat or shoes

  1. 这件运动衫不是对襟的, 你穿时要从头上套下去。

    The jersey has no buttons and has to be pulled over your head.

  2. 这件运动衫不是对襟得, 你穿时要从头上套下去。

    The jersey has no buttons and has to be pulled over your head.

  3. 灰色缐与衫身色不配色。

    Found thread of gray do not match with body color.

  4. 不, 它不是。这是我的毛线衫。

    No, it isn't. This is my sweater.

  5. 橡胶履带不到钢制履带得一半重。

    Rubber tracks weigh less than half as much as their steel counterparts.

  6. 橡胶履带不到钢制履带的一半重。

    Rubber tracks weigh less than half as much as their steel counterparts.

  7. 这件短衫不耐洗。

    This blouse didn't stand washing.

  8. 一件单薄的夹克衫不足以御寒。

    A thin jacket is a poor protection against cold.

  9. 瓜田不纳履, 李下不挂冠

    I must not compromise my honour

  10. 这条裤子和我的夹克衫不太配得上。

    These trousers are not an exact match for my jacket.

  11. 瓜田不纳履,李下不整冠

    Neither adjust your shoe in a melon patch, nor your hat under a plum tree

  12. 这套头衫我一洗就不成形了。

    When I washed the jumper, it just turned into a shapeless mass.

  13. 要是我送给你的旧夹克衫不合身, 就把它扔掉吧。

    If the old jacket I gave you doesn't fit, just chuck it away.

  14. 她在抽屉柜里找不到她的吊带衫。

    She couldn't find her top in the chest of drawers.

  15. 她在抽屉柜里找不到她的吊带衫。

    She couldn't find her top in the chest of drawers.

  16. 你每天西服革履去上班, 不是吗?

    You wear a suit to work every day, don't you?

  17. 衫脚不平均

    Uneven Hem.

  18. 我们不穿夹克衫。

    We don't wear jackets.

  19. 这不是我的夹克衫。

    Cade This is not my jacket.

  20. 做事不急,履险如夷。

    Who has no haste in his business mountains to him seem valleys.

  21. 这件夹克衫不合我的身。

    The jacket didn't fit me.

  22. 这件夹克衫不合我得身。

    The jacket didn't fit me.

  23. 这件夹克衫不合我的身。

    The jacket didn't fit me.

  24. 我也不会交出苦行衫。

    I'm not handing out hair shirts, either.

  25. 不,我想要一件40号灰色套头衫。

    NO, im after a size 38neek pullover in grey.

  26. 这件夹克衫在衣橱里放不下。

    The jacket didn't fit into the closet.

  27. 这件夹克衫在衣橱里放不下。

    The jacket didn't fit into the closet.

  28. 用夹克衫改成的不成形的一件衣服

    a strange shapeless garment that had once been a jacket

  29. 一件好衬衫的昂贵程度并不比一件夹克衫差。

    A good shirt is no less expensive than a jacket.

  30. 我不喜欢黑色夹克衫, 我喜欢白色的, 但它们很贵。

    The vast immortal suns and the longenduring pensive moons shall again shine.


不衫不履(bù shān bù lǚ)是指不穿长衫,不穿鞋子。形容性情洒脱,不拘小节。出自 唐·杜光庭《虬髯客传》。