








1. 见 [jiàn]2. 见 [xiàn]见 [jiàn]看到:看~。罕~。~微知著。~义勇为。~异思迁。接触,遇到:怕~风。~习。看得出,显得出:~效。相形~绌。(文字等)出现在某处,可参考:~上。~下。会晤:会~。接~。对事物观察、认……



汉语拼音:yī jǐ zhī jiàn








  • 【解释】:指一个人的意见。
  • 【出自】:宋·周煇《清波杂志》卷八:“近时曾公端伯亦编皇宋百家诗选,去取任一己之见。”
  • 【示例】:永乐间,儒臣奉敕纂修考订,悉取其不悖本旨者,录之天下。习学已久,洪谟乃以~纷更,不许行。


  1. In the light of the problems presented in the management of maintenance fund, the author takes about his personal opinion.


  2. Concerning maintaining the unification of law, I feel I need to point out some relevant bigger issues of the law.


  3. Men arguing their fine points of law and doctrine, and women (as we'll see tomorrow) jostling to push their views.


  1. 这是回应陆兄陈式单鞭得讨论。表达一己之见。

    This is my 4 th response to Luk's Chen Dan Bian demo.

  2. 这是回应陆兄陈式单鞭的讨论。表达一己之见。

    This is my 4 th response to Luk's Chen Dan Bian demo.

  3. 一己之私利而工作

    In their personal crap than in anything else.

  4. 旗标愿尽一己之力。

    Flag is willing to do their own power.

  5. 凭一己之力解决萨维奇

    actually end Savage by myself.

  6. 凭一己之力解决萨维奇。

    Actually end Savage by myself.

  7. 而你不过是为一己之私

    You were only pursuing your own selfish desires.

  8. 而你不过是为一己之私。

    You were only pursuing your own selfish desires.

  9. 然而, 有些人却只为一己之私。

    Others, however, think only of themselves.

  10. 你难道就想凭一己之力蛮干吗?

    What in the hell are you thinking, trying to do this on your own?

  11. 每位员工应贡献一己之力来改善安全。

    Every employee must make his or her personal contribution to improving safety.

  12. 即使是美国也无法凭借一己之力解决问题。

    Even the US cannot solve its problems alone.

  13. 但是要遏制环境变化不可能单凭一己之力。

    But thwarting climate change isnt a solo effort.

  14. 这方面的努力超出了塞拉利昂一己之力。

    Such efforts are beyond the capacity of Sierra Leone on its own.

  15. 其诗展现更多的是诗人一己之情, 多有性灵之风。

    His style is more inclined to Yuan Mei in writing.

  16. 只要在你份内的工作上尽好一己之责就好了。

    Just forgive him if he is wrong, and do your best in your job.

  17. 任何国家都不可能以一己之力实现这种程度的控制。

    No State could have achieved this degree of containment on its own.

  18. 看着你几乎凭一己之力把湖人拉入季后赛。

    With almost impossible for them to see you put the Lakers into the playoffs.

  19. 无论是多伟大的天才, 都无法仅凭一己之力改变世界。

    No matter how gifted, you are alone cannot change the world.

  20. 无论是多伟大得天才,都无法仅凭一己之力改变世界。

    No matter how gifted, you are alone cannot change the world.

  21. 战争国家为一己之私侵略他国,本国人民也深受其祸。

    When those for war invade other countries out of selfish motives, their own people also suffer deeply.

  22. 弗雷泽却坚信奥斯瓦德不可能凭一己之力杀害总统。

    Mr. Frazier remains adamant that Mr. Oswald couldn't have killed the president by himself.

  23. 因此, 我们全都应该尽一己之力来防止污染空气并拯救地球。

    We should all, therefore, do our part to stop polluting the air and help save the world.

  24. 世界各地的扶轮社,都为根除小儿麻痹的目标奉献一己之力。

    Rotary clubs around the world have contributed to the goal of eradicating polio.

  25. 这是我的一偏之见,你爱听不听。

    This is my one-side view, you can listen to it or not.

  26. 这篇文章记录了我在学习过程中的一得之见。

    The article records my opinions during the study process.

  27. 这篇文章记录了我在学习过程中的一得之见。

    The article records my opinions during the study process.

  28. 这篇文章记录了我在学习过程中得一得之见。

    The article records my opinions during the study process.

  29. 依我之见,这只是一个圈套。

    To my mind, this is just a trap.

  30. 孜孜于一己之私的人, 为害于公众。

    Men that are great lovers of themselves waste the public.


一己之见是汉语词汇,拼音yī jǐ zhī jiàn,指一个人的意见。