




人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:dú shēn








  1. 单身一人。

    《淮南子·主术训》:“乘众人之智,则天下之不足有也;专用其心,则独身不能保也。” 唐 韩愈 《顺宗实录四》:“ 裴延龄 判度支,天下皆嫉怨而独幸於天子,朝廷无敢言其短者, 贄 独身当之,陈其不可用。” 明 李贽 《答李见罗先生书》:“向时尚有贱累,今皆发回原籍,独身在耳。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致章廷谦》:“ 北京 似乎不宜草率前去……道路太远,又非独身,偶一奔波,损失不小也。”

  2. 谓不结婚或不结婚者。

    胡也频 《到莫斯科去》二:“我觉得男女都是独身好--因为独身比同居自由得多。” 峻青 《黎明的河边·老水牛爷爷》:“﹝他﹞讨不起老婆,打了一辈子光棍,也许是由于长时期的独身生活的原因吧,他非常酷爱养狗。”



  1. Awkward though it may be for the independent-minded, women can at least achieve alphabetic advancement by marrying "up" .


  2. Although his mother had made great efforts to persuade him not cancell his wedding, he insisted to be a bachelor for a life-time.


  3. Cheng, the only child in her family, is 29, a borderline "old maid" as far as her mother is concerned.


  4. They went this way and that way, finally coming to a kingdom where an old king ruled. He had only one daughter, but she was very beautiful.


  5. They contain a strong call to a life of personal piety and asceticism, including vegetarianism, teetotalism, and celibacy.


  6. This devotion is the reason that the traditions of southern India represent him as celibate (see the anecdote Devotion to his mother).


  7. In Pride and Prejudice, for a woman, generally the only way to her is to get married besides being spinsterhood or governess.


  8. And the like of you to come to any honest man's house, and want to be into a decent bachelor gentleman's room at this time in the morning.


  9. The trip that stands out most in his mind is the one he took from Shanghai to Hamburg by himself at the age of 10.


  1. 她仍独身。

    She still stays single.

  2. 独身去外国

    go abroad alone.

  3. 独身的教士

    celibate priests.

  4. 已婚还是独身?

    Married or Celibate

  5. 论结婚与独身

    Of Marriage and Single Life.

  6. 他喜欢独身生活。

    He likes celibacy.

  7. 独身的独身的或与独身有关的

    Of or relating to celibacy.

  8. 天主教牧师宣誓独身。

    Catholic priests take vows of celibacy.

  9. 独身的人, 未结婚的人

    One who is unmarried.

  10. 独身的人,未结婚的人

    One who is unmarried.

  11. 我想我会保持独身!

    I think I will stay single!

  12. 独身是否属灵恩赐

    Is celibacy a spiritual gift.

  13. 独身不结婚的状态

    The condition of being unmarried.

  14. 她肯定会保持独身。

    She will certainly remain single.

  15. 交损友,不如独身。

    Better alone than have a false friend for company.

  16. 独身神职后来才出现。

    The celibate ministry comes about later.

  17. 我应该训练禁欲,独身。

    I should practice brahmacharya, celibacy.

  18. 她独身一人生活。

    She lives by herself.

  19. 因伴侣的死亡而独身的。

    single because of death of the spouse.

  20. 女性独身的原因和走势

    The Reason and Tendency of Women's Celibacy

  21. 我抱定了独身的想法。

    I'm a confirmed bachelor.

  22. 菲力普抱独身主义。

    Philip has been single all his life on principle.

  23. 她过了一辈子的独身生活。

    She lived and died a single woman.

  24. 就算是自己选择独身的人

    Even if the alone people are alone by choice.

  25. 过独身生活男子独自生活并独自持家

    To live alone and keep house as a bachelor.

  26. 他走过去,她独身一人

    He went over there.She was alone.

  27. 他走过去,她独身一人。

    He went over there. She was alone.

  28. 他独身多年后终于结婚了。

    After being single for many years, he finally got married.

  29. 独身男人得眉头皱得更紧了。

    The frown on the bachelor's face was deepening to a scowl.

  30. 尽管他已经40岁了,但还是独身。

    Though he is forty, he is still unmarried.


  1. 问:独身拼音怎么拼?独身的读音是什么?独身翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独身的读音是dúshēn,独身翻译成英文是 be single

  2. 问:独身的拼音怎么拼?独身的的读音是什么?独身的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独身的的读音是,独身的翻译成英文是 celibate

  3. 问:独身者拼音怎么拼?独身者的读音是什么?独身者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独身者的读音是,独身者翻译成英文是 celibate

  4. 问:独身期间拼音怎么拼?独身期间的读音是什么?独身期间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独身期间的读音是dú shēn qī jiān,独身期间翻译成英文是 dum sola

  5. 问:独身状态拼音怎么拼?独身状态的读音是什么?独身状态翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独身状态的读音是dú shēn zhuàng tài,独身状态翻译成英文是 celibacy

  6. 问:独身生活拼音怎么拼?独身生活的读音是什么?独身生活翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独身生活的读音是,独身生活翻译成英文是 bachelorhood

  7. 问:独身主义的拼音怎么拼?独身主义的的读音是什么?独身主义的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独身主义的的读音是,独身主义的翻译成英文是 celibate

  8. 问:独身主义者拼音怎么拼?独身主义者的读音是什么?独身主义者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独身主义者的读音是,独身主义者翻译成英文是 celibatarian