




1. 及 [jí]及 [jí]从后头跟上:来得~。赶不~。达到:~格。~第(古代科举考试中选,特指考取进士)。普~。过犹不~。趁着,乘:~时。~早。~锋而试。连词,和,跟:阳光、空气~水是生物生存的基本条件。以~。……



汉语拼音:jiān jí






  1. 并及,同时关联到。

    清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·斠书·读史漫录附注》:“ 显 ( 石显 )方用事, 匡衡 阿附其意。抑 延寿 而兼及於 汤 。”



  1. Creation of artistic images: combining multi-images with one--Also about the fine line between "one" and "a typical image"


  2. What on Earth Guides Teaching --Rethinking about the "Theory" and "Thought"


  3. In the center of concept about the prose and the analyze to the prose which is the base of Ma Maojun to build the theory of the prose.


  4. Integral Understanding in Philosophical Cognition-- And the Shift of the Standpoint of Contemporary Philosophical Epistemology


  5. Double Subjects and Double Objects in the Word Order of Old-style Poetry


  6. An Interpretation of Marx's Art Production Theory--Concerning the immediate significance of the art production theory


  7. Illustrating the Primary Imagining of "Narrative Poetry School" on the Link between Narration and Hardness of Modern Chinese Poetry


  8. The Historical Form of Salar's "Camels' Play" and the Existence Rules of Folklore


  9. Investigation and Assessment of Exhibit Displays--and Museum - Patron Relationship


  1. 肺肾同病兼及心肝

    the lung and kidney being ill simultaneously with affecting the heart and liver

  2. 从头算几何优化兼及轨道指数优化的研究

    Study on Simultaneous Optimization of Geometry and Exponents in ab initio Calculation

  3. 训诂二例兼及上古牙音与舌音关系

    Explanation and Relations Between the Sound of the Root of the Tongue and the Sound of the Tip of the Tongue of the Ancient Pronounce

  4. 高校写作教学的定位兼及写作学科的独立性问题

    Orientation of Writing Teaching in Colleges and the Independent Character of the Writing Subject

  5. 哲学认识中的整体理解兼及当代哲学认识论立足点的转移

    Integral Understanding in Philosophical Cognition And the Shift of the Standpoint of Contemporary Philosophical Epistemology

  6. 论提高有线电视网络质量管理的方向兼及入网证制度

    Improvement of quality management in CATV network and application of certificate for network access

  7. 南泉普愿禅师的人生智慧兼及湖湘学派与禅宗的关系

    Life Wisdom of Chan Master Nanquan Puyuan and the Relation between Huxiang School and the Chan Sect

  8. 她一人身兼总统及首相。

    She is President and Prime Minister in one.

  9. 他兼作曲家及指挥的双重身分。

    He has dual role as composer and conductor.

  10. 她一人身兼总统及首相二职。

    She's President and Prime Minister in one.

  11. 身兼小说家及大学讲师,她有不止一个办法。

    As both a novelist and a university lecturer, she has two strings to her bow.

  12. 身兼小说家及大学讲师,她有一个可替换的办法。

    As both a novelist and a university lecturer, she has two strings to her bow.

  13. 妇女研究的缘起,发展及现状 兼谈妇女学学科建设问题

    The Genesis, Development and Current Situation for the Woman Study

  14. 论魏延被杀兼及诸葛亮的过失

    Death of WEI Yan and Fault of ZHUGE Liang

  15. 兼有热释电性及内光电效应的压电陶瓷的探索

    An investigation into the pyroelectricity and internal photoeffect of piezoelectric ceramics

  16. 论当今世界货币体系的本质谬误兼及欧元

    On Essential Mistake in the Current World Monetary System and Concurrently on the Euro

  17. 奂镜是一家摄影工作室,并兼做服装设计及生产顾问。

    Central Studios is a photography and fashion design amp production company.

  18. 同种介形类壳体的多态性兼及化石介形类的物种鉴定

    Polymorphism in the Ostracod carapace and the diagnosis of fossil ostracod species

  19. 他兼作导演及演员的双重身份。

    He has dual role as director and actor.

  20. 高抗枯萎病,兼抗霜霉病及灰霉病。

    It has high resistance to Fusarium wilt, and resistance to downy mildew and ash mildew.

  21. 结果显示,痰证、瘀证及痰瘀相兼证在临床上十分常见。

    The result shows these three syndromes are common syndrome in the clinical syndrome.

  22. 保险费率之订定,应兼采从人因素及从车因素。

    Both the driver and vehicle factors shall form the basis for the rating plan of this insurance.

  23. 痰证及痰瘀相兼证多见于男性,而瘀证则以女性多见。

    Phlegm syndrome and phlegm combined blood stasis syndrome are more often appeared in male, while blood stasis syndrome is more often appeared in female.

  24. 可以用中文讲道。能兼用国语及粤语者,优先考虑。

    Must be able to preach in Chinese, preferable both in Mandarin and Cantonese.

  25. 其亮丽的条纹色彩,兼具了安全及美观双重之效果。

    Its bright stripe design provides both safety and aesthetics.

  26. 身兼建筑师与设计师之职,且任教于纽约及里斯本。

    Carla Leitao is an architect, designer and professor who lives and works in NY and Lisbon, Portugal.

  27. 兼具冷却和细灰分选功能的冷渣器设计及应用

    Design and Application of Ash Cooler Can Sort of Fine Ash

  28. 碳纤维表面特性对兼性及厌氧微生物固着的影响

    Effect of surface characteristics of carbon fiber on immobilization of facultative and anaerobic aerobes.

  29. 赫什说他还身兼杰米恩得经纪人及未来规划经理。

    Hirsh, who says he is Mr. Jermyn's agent and manager for future endeavors.

  30. 一种兼具版权保护及窜改认证双重功能的数字水印算法

    Dual digital watermarking algorithm for copyright protection and tamper authentication