







汉语拼音:shēng hòu






  1. 犹死后。

    清 龙启瑞 《春秋王不称天辨》:“如谓其为刺讥也者,则 桓 之行恶,宜絶之於生前,何以十八年之内,书天王使人来者三,而独一贬於生后之锡命耶?”



  1. My grandmother did not live a happy life. After she passed away, I dreamed of her a few times.


  2. If the children could get the treatment in a month after birth with their parent's active cooperation, low DQ could be prevented.


  3. She was poor, quite alone, and had had a hard time in London, both before and after her husband died.


  4. God created you for your destiny, and your destiny is part of a long plan that extends before and after you.


  5. Jian's wife was also moved by his compassion and donated her body to medical science when she passed away.


  6. The critical period theory asserts that the brain's learning mechanisms are significantly dependent on early sensory stimulation.


  7. The involved cerebral hemisphere will have enlarged sulci if the cerebral injury occurred after birth or after completion of sulcation.


  8. I 've considered you as a 9 year old child, but I ignore the deep affection beneath your pure, gentle smile.


  9. The spermatogonium remained replicating activity of DNA during the developing stage.


  1. 兔外膝体的生后发育

    The postnatal development of the lateral geniculate body of the rabbit.

  2. 大鼠眼上直肌神经的生后发育

    Postnatal development of the superior rectus of eyes in the rat

  3. 患者生后35天发病。此后,右侧肢体渐偏瘫。

    At the age of 35 days,she got sick with gradual right hemiplegia.

  4. 分别检测了在受孕、子宫中以及生后的放射情况。

    Radiation exposure before conception, in utero and postnatally was assessed.

  5. 此后直至生后45天,胰腺中均可见到这两种细胞。

    Both of cells could be seen in the pancreas until adult.

  6. 生后第2周后,睾丸间质内可见到明暗2种间质细胞。

    Clear cells and dark cells are present in testicular interstitial tissue after two weeks of birth.

  7. 此为一胎龄31周得早产儿生后2周, 呈蛙腿式姿势。

    Frogleg position in a preterm infant of 31 weeks gestation, 2 weeks after birth.

  8. 此为一胎龄31周的早产儿生后2周,呈蛙腿式姿势。

    Frogleg position in a preterm infant of 31 weeks gestation, 2 weeks after birth.

  9. 生后锰接触对小鼠中脑被盖发育的毒性影响

    Poisonous effects of manganese exposure on the postnatal development in mice midbrain

  10. 她结婚后生了个女儿, 然后离婚了。

    She had married, had a daughter and divorced. She will still only be identified as Mi.

  11. 传说勒达怀孕后生了一对双胞胎。

    The legend is that when Leda was fecundated she gave birth to twins.

  12. 它们生下来后就被装在。

    They are then carried in a pocket of folded skin.

  13. 处理猪只或生猪肉后要洗手。

    Wash hands after handling pigs or raw pork.

  14. 生孩子后第三天她也生了个孩子。

    On the third day after my baby was born she too gave birth to a child.

  15. 生上火后, 小屋变得暖和舒服了。

    The small room snugged with the fire burning.

  16. 我生孩子后第三日, 这妇人也生了孩子。

    The third day after my child was born, this woman also had a baby.

  17. 怎么减轻生冻疮后又痒又痛的症状?

    After how reducing unripe chilblain to after reducing unripe chilblain, itch again painful symptom?

  18. 所以要我把孩子生下来后, 送给人。

    Therefore, they wanted me to give up the baby for adoption.

  19. 这样,优秀生、后进生的深层差异就昭然若揭了。

    Excellent students are thus distinguished from poor students.

  20. 直到孩子生下后几个月,一切都很美满。

    Everything was great until our baby was a few months old.

  21. 自从她父亲生重病后,我就再也没有见过她。

    I have never seen her since her father fell sick of a serious illness.

  22. 在生孩子后,她是由一个年轻医生缝合的创口。

    After giving birth, she was stitched up by a junior doctor.

  23. 疼痛发生于饭后,便秘发生后,疼痛更加厉害,期间也较长。

    The pain came on after meals and became more severe and lasted longer with the onset of constipation.

  24. 他几乎是用诗的语言和她谈论物理音乐,把她称为自己的洋娃娃,而且抚养未婚生下的多病女孩,否则这孩子可能生下后不久就夭折,也许被他们遗弃了。

    He spoke almost poetically about physics and music with her, called her his Dolly and fathered her illegitimate child a sickly girl who may have died in infancy or been given up for adoption.

  25. 自从你生下他后。

    He hung out in your womb back in the'80s.

  26. 她生过孩子后身材走样了。

    She lost her figure after having her baby.

  27. 她生过孩子后身材走样了。

    She lost her figure after having her baby.

  28. 生下孩子后 就回去工作吧。

    After you have the baby, Go back to your job.

  29. 她生下孩子后不久便死了。

    She died shortly after giving birth.

  30. 女人生过孩子后性欲会下降吗?

    Behind female life fault child, is the sexual desire able to come down


  1. 问:生后的拼音怎么拼?生后的的读音是什么?生后的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生后的的读音是shēng hòu de,生后的翻译成英文是 postnatal

  2. 问:生后发育拼音怎么拼?生后发育的读音是什么?生后发育翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生后发育的读音是shēng hòu fā yù,生后发育翻译成英文是 postnatal development

  3. 问:生后肾的拼音怎么拼?生后肾的的读音是什么?生后肾的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生后肾的的读音是shēng hòu shèn de,生后肾的翻译成英文是 metanephrogenic

  4. 问:生后肾原基拼音怎么拼?生后肾原基的读音是什么?生后肾原基翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生后肾原基的读音是shēng hòu shèn yuán jī,生后肾原基翻译成英文是 metanephrogenic blastema

  5. 问:生后肾组织拼音怎么拼?生后肾组织的读音是什么?生后肾组织翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生后肾组织的读音是shēng hòu shèn zǔ zhī,生后肾组织翻译成英文是 metanephrogenic tissue