




1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……



汉语拼音:zhuā huì






  1. 旧时由亲友若干人组会储金的一种方式。用抓阉或用骰子摇点来分配得会的先后,故称。有一定的会金和日期,其金额视会的大小而定。参阅 李家瑞 《北平风俗类徵·宴集》。



  1. Getting your ruler captures now decreases stability, increases warexhaustion AND changes to a new ruler.


  1. 我们不会抓你。

    And we're not gonna arrest you.

  2. 等等,为什么会抓你

    Wait, why were you arrested?

  3. 那你会抓老鼠吗?

    Can you catch a mouse?

  4. 我会抓到你的,我会抓到你的。

    I'm gonna get you. i'm gonna get you.

  5. 我会抓到你的,我会抓到你的。

    I'm gonna get you. i'm gonna get you.

  6. 我会抓到你的,我会抓到你的。

    I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna get you.

  7. 你的猫会抓人吗?

    Does your cat scratch?

  8. 他会抓到杰克吗?

    Will he catch Jack

  9. 那只猫会抓伤人。

    That cat scratches.

  10. 我会抓到你,停下。

    I'm gonna get you!Stop.

  11. 她会抓你的背吗?

    Will she scratch up your back?

  12. 我不亲她,她会抓狂吗

    Will she be mad if I don't?

  13. 不久,他们一定会抓到他。

    They're bound to catch him before long.

  14. 不久,他们一定会抓到他。

    They're bound to catch him before long.

  15. 没人会抓你了,我保证

    Nobody's looking for you, I swear.

  16. 佛曼,我会抓牢单轨列车。

    Fermat, I'll hold the monorail in place.

  17. 如果我亲了她会抓狂吗

    Will she be mad if I try?

  18. 你家的猫很会抓老鼠吗?

    Does your cat mouse well? ?

  19. 我不会抓一个小姑娘的。

    I'm not going to put a young girl in jail.

  20. 很多家养的猫不会抓老鼠。

    Many domestic cats can't catch mice.

  21. 很多家养的猫不会抓老鼠。

    Many domestic cats can't catch mice.

  22. 你害怕她一旦发现就会抓狂

    you're afraid she'll freak if she finds out.

  23. 朱莉,我不信他们会抓我去坐牢。

    Julie, I don't think they'll throw me in jail.

  24. 之前他已学会抓自己的脚了。

    Not since he finally started to grab his feet.

  25. 好, 我相信你们会抓到罪犯的。

    All right, I trust you will track down the mugger.

  26. 猫头鹰我也能。我会抓老鼠,你会吗?

    Owl Me too. And I can catch mouse. Can you.

  27. 你是不是也会抓别人的腿啊?

    Would you grab somebody's leg?

  28. 别担心,他们会抓到克鲁兹的。

    Don't worry, they'll get Cruz.

  29. 别担心,他们会抓到克鲁兹的。

    Don't worry, they'll get cruz.

  30. 别担心,他们会抓到克鲁兹的。

    Don't worry, they'll get cruz.