




1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……



汉语拼音:zú dà






  1. 值得称道。

    《汉书·张敞传》:“ 敞 为人敏疾,赏罚分明,见恶輒取,时时越法纵舍,有足大者。” 颜师古 注引 晋灼 曰:“越法纵舍,即足大者也。”



  1. Foot most of the digital business card printing and membership card makers folding requirements.


  2. Objective: To establish a blood stasis syndrome of diabetic foot rat model.


  3. Zeigler blames a lack of investment in agriculture.


  4. To remedy this, most Chinese people will add some honey or syrup when eating it.


  5. Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in rats with chronic cerebral hypoperfusion and its significance


  6. Proteomic analysis of the ankle joint bone, ankle joint tissue and spinal cord of clubfoot-like deformity in rat fetuses


  7. Memory and texture parameters changes of the synapses in the chronic cerebral perfusion deficiency rat


  8. Expression of presenilin-1 in hippocampus area of brain in rats during chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency


  1. 要用好用足西部大开发政策。

    Fully utilize the policy of west development.

  2. 不过很幸运的是正是这些为他赚足了大把的钞票。

    Luckily for Oliver, that's what paid his bills.

  3. 他力气大干劲足。

    He has a lot of muscle and mustard.

  4. 我得年纪够大了足能涵盖我所能获得。

    I am so much older than I can take.

  5. 我的年纪够大了足能涵盖我所能获得。

    I am so much older than I can take.

  6. 这个场地很大, 足可以让一架轰炸机安全降落。

    This field is big enough for a bomber to sit down safely.

  7. 一会儿,就有一个洞,大到足可以让巴克钻出来。

    After a few minutes there was a hole big enough for Buck to get out.

  8. 大象是四足动物中最大的动物。

    The elephant is the largest fourfooted animal.

  9. 瘀血阻滞证糖尿病足大鼠模型的建立

    The Establishment of Diabetic Foot Rat Model with Blood Stasis Syndrome

  10. 一颗足有中央公园大的陨石撞向地球

    A meteorite the size of Central Park hurtles towards Earth.

  11. 对人体左右足大趾甲襞微循环与脑部相关性的探索

    To Explore the Interrelation Between Brain and Status of Nail Fold Microcirculation on Both Big Toes

  12. 太阴, 大阴脉, 足太阴, 足太阴经

    spleen meridian

  13. 规模大, 资金足, 实力雄厚。

    The company features big size, adequate capital and strong strength.

  14. 我们还了解到 当时运河产的牡蛎 足有餐碟那么大

    We also learned at this time that you could eat an oyster about the size of a dinner plate in the Gowanus Canal itself.

  15. 郊外的大片农田带被摧毁, 面积足有葡萄牙国土那么大。

    Outside the city a swathe of farmland the size of Portugal has been destroyed.

  16. 郊外得大片农田带被摧毁,面积足有葡萄牙国土那么大。

    Outside the city a swathe of farmland the size of Portugal has been destroyed.

  17. 最后用大鱼际或双足对搓涌泉穴。

    Use big fish time finally or double sufficient emerge to rub fontal acupuncture point.

  18. 他于是顿足大哭。

    He wept bitterly and stamped his feet.

  19. 马蹄内翻足大鼠模型建立及其胫骨后肌群蛋白质组分析

    Construction of Rat Model for Clubfoot Deformity and Initial Analysis of the Skeletal Muscle's Proteome

  20. 大产,足月产

    term birth.

  21. 大足南山道教醮坛造像

    The Taoist altar statues in Nan Shan Mount of Da Zu Grottoes Sichuan Province

  22. 我们学校有一个大足球场。

    Our school has a large football ground.

  23. 大足趾骨折怎样治疗恢复快?

    How does cure restore big toe fracture fast ?

  24. 大足道教石刻中的女神造像

    The goddess sculpture of Taoist carved stone in Dazu County Chongqing City

  25. 浅论大足石窟的艺术特色

    Discussion on the Characters of the Art in Dazu Grotto.

  26. 大足北山石刻第51号龛探析

    Analysis of The Shrine 51 at The Northern Hill of Da Zu Grottoes

  27. 大足石刻是一个重要的石窟艺术。

    Dazu carved stone is an important one of the grotto art.

  28. 大足石窟与敦煌石窟建筑形式的比较

    The Comparison of the Different Architecture of the Dazu Caves and the Dunhuang Caves

  29. 農場裡大約有35戶人家,我們自給自足。

    It was about 33 families that lived on this farm, and everything that we produced on this farm, we consumed.

  30. 大足石刻是佛教工艺极高的雕刻品。

    Dazu Stone Carvings are superb works of Buddhist religious art.