


1. 鲜 [xiān]2. 鲜 [xiǎn]鲜 [xiān]新的,不陈的,不干枯的:~果。~花。~嫩。新~。滋味美好:~美。~甜。这汤真~。有光彩的:~明。~亮。~艳。味美的食物:尝~。时~。特指鱼虾等水产食物:海~。鱼~。〔~卑〕中国古代……





汉语拼音:xiān nèn








  1. 谓初生而新鲜。

    明 蔡羽述 《辽阳海神传》:“它夕又念杨梅,即有白色一枝,长三四尺,二百餘颗,甘美异常,叶殊鲜嫩。” 清 俞樾 《茶香室丛钞·秋冬牡丹》:“ 苏州 西禪寺 内有牡丹一本,叶皆雕落,特开花一朵,淡红鲜嫩,杂於菊花丛中。”

  2. 谓颜色浅而鲜丽。


  3. 谓味美而易咀嚼。

    清 王端履 《重论文斋笔录》卷一:“余在 清江浦 ,吃过海豚一次,大约味似螃蟹,而味鲜嫩过之。” 徐珂 《清稗类钞·动物·鸭》:“ 闽中 所谓填鸭者,较家鸭稍小……味极肥美鲜嫩,而价过家鸭三倍。” 曹靖华 《飞花集·风物还是东兰好》:“鱼一进口,鲜嫩肥美,齐声赞扬。”

  4. 形容年轻美丽。

    沙汀 《困兽记》十三:“这张幻觉出来的面孔,自然比她鲜嫩娇好。”



  1. He was no older than some of the other men, but among the fresh ruddy English skins his stood out dry, pallid.


  2. Several spring after the walk to go there often to see many fresh Chunsun, head out in droves to, how lovely you!


  3. This was no ordinary roast suckling pig but one that had perfect crispy skin and melting, moist and incredibly seasoned meat.


  4. Products of the company are fresh and soft, with rich nutrition, fine taste, delicious appeal, as well as full-bodied local flavor.


  5. One nibbles at them and they are delicious. Into a little round place at the side of the apple has been gathered all of its sweetness.


  6. Their faces hang out of the windows of dorms like fresh new buds on an old, old tree.


  7. Live conch tastes great and has tender texture, which would not deteriorate even overcooked. Can be served with soy sauce.


  8. Slide shrimp, main materials with prawns, made of the color of Liu Hua, meat is tender, especially "with shrimp brain" as valuable.


  9. In the dish, peanuts taste crisp, chicken tender, and the overall flavor is sour and sweet and a bit spicy.


  1. 鲜嫩的芹菜

    crisp celery

  2. 滋味鲜嫩, 酥软可口

    Fresh, tender and delicious

  3. 海蛎子得肉鲜嫩可口。

    The oyster tastes fresh and tender.

  4. 海蛎子的肉鲜嫩可口。

    The oyster tastes fresh and tender.

  5. 海蛎子的肉鲜嫩可口。

    The oyster tastes fresh and tender.

  6. 鲜嫩莴苣西红柿沙拉。

    A salad of crisp lettuce and tomatoes.

  7. 那块牛排鲜嫩多汁。

    The steaks were tender and juicy.

  8. 鲜嫩的胡萝卜和芹菜梗

    crisp carrot and celery sticks.

  9. 广东菜很注重菜的鲜嫩。

    Cantonese food pays more attention to the freshness and tenderness of the dishes.

  10. 一, 淡化黑色素, 恢复粉红鲜嫩。

    One.Downplay melanoma, the restoration of pink fresh.

  11. 有白色清蒸鱼,味道鲜嫩无比。

    Steamed white fish, very fresh taste.

  12. 她脸红得象只石榴, 鲜嫩丰满。

    She was coloured like a pomegrante for richness.

  13. 她脸红得像只石榴, 鲜嫩丰满。

    She was coloured like a pomegranate for richness.

  14. 他们的口味肥浓, 鲜嫩而忌辣。

    Their strong taste of fat, fresh and spicy bogey.

  15. 外面香脆微焦 里面鲜嫩多汁。

    Crispy and burnt on the outside, but nice and steamy on the inside.

  16. 外面香脆微焦 里面鲜嫩多汁。

    Crispy and burnt on the outside, but nice and steamy on the inside.

  17. 外面香脆微焦 里面鲜嫩多汁。

    Crispy and burnt on the outside, but nice and steamy on the inside.

  18. 瓜架上垂着一根根鲜嫩得黄瓜。

    Fresh cucumbers hang down from the frame.

  19. 瓜架上垂着一根根鲜嫩的黄瓜。

    Fresh cucumbers hang down from the frame.

  20. 瓜架上垂着一根根鲜嫩的黄瓜。

    Fresh cucumbers hang down from the frame.

  21. 几碗鲜嫩的鸡汤摆在桌子上。

    Bowls of the clear chicken soup were put on the table.

  22. 要使这些花鲜嫩,得下一场大雨。

    We need a good rain to freshen the flowers.

  23. 靠近看你会发觉他更加鲜嫩 秀色可餐。

    He's even creamier and more delicious up close.

  24. 金褡裢五香牛肉肉质鲜嫩, 香味纯正。

    Pouch hung from belt gold Spiced beef meat stays fresh, pure flavor.

  25. 豆腐看上去洁白无瑕,吃起来鲜嫩无比。

    The bean curd looks spotlessly white and tender.

  26. 特点色泽红润油亮, 虾肉鲜嫩, 滋味鲜美。

    Features glossy color ruddy, shrimp fresh, taste delicious.

  27. 禾花鱼最肥最鲜嫩,是鱼类中的是品。

    The standing grain flower fish is fattest freshly and tenderly, what is in the fish is.

  28. 分别将大麦和胡萝卜块沸煮至鲜嫩。

    Boil separately until tender the barley and diced carrot.

  29. 牧群靠吃鲜嫩得苜蓿草长得很肥壮。

    The herds fattened on the early clover.

  30. 我好想念妈妈做的鱼, 真的很鲜嫩啊!

    I miss the fish, it's quite fresh and tender.


  1. 问:鲜嫩拼音怎么拼?鲜嫩的读音是什么?鲜嫩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鲜嫩的读音是xiānnèn,鲜嫩翻译成英文是 fresh and tender; delicacy




拼音:xiān nèn 英文:crisp;fresh and tender

近义词:鲜活,娇嫩,嫩绿,新鲜,水灵 基本

解释: 新鲜而娇嫩。如鲜嫩的果蔬。