







汉语拼音:nián gāo






  1. 用粘性较大的米粉蒸熟制成的糕,是农历过年时应节的食品。

    明 刘侗 于奕正 《帝京景物略·春场》:“正月元旦……夙兴盥漱,啖黍糕,曰年年糕。” 李家瑞 《北平风俗类徵》引《民社北平指南》:“ 北平 俗尚,谓元旦为‘大年初一’……并食年糕(糯米麵为之)取年年高陞之意。”



  1. Summer camp kids get a hand with an old Asian tradition, with a twist, pounding rice cakes infused with blueberry juice.


  2. Oh, never mind, I said! Once new year cake, potato and potato fight, very angry, he took the New Year cake kicked into the sea.


  3. Make glutinous rice flour used in cakes thin and sweet, color BAI Liang, made of steamed rice cakes can be fried, tastes fragrant and sweet.


  4. "Well, " said the boy, "But how do you prove it? Let I test it up to you. "


  5. Shaped by the strong viscosity, admission (sticky) (sticky), that is more than a year on year agreement, will be known as the pudding cake.


  6. The invention relates to a convenient rice cake strip and a processing method for processing the convenient rice cake strip.


  7. Through the dao rice cakes, eat rice cakes, let the spirit force enters the body, more vitality.


  8. When he pulled the hook out, what he had seen! A rice-cake in the sea? Yes, he caught the Miss. Rice!


  9. One day, a New Year cake was eaten stealthily when he takes the advantage of wife to not be in the home.


  1. 油酱毛蟹年糕

    Hair Crab in Soya Sauce

  2. 方便年糕保鲜技术

    Study of the convenient rice cake refreshment

  3. 青菜肉丝年糕汤

    Greens and shredded pork with rice cake soup

  4. 雪菜肉丝年糕汤

    Processed greens and shredded pork with rice cake soup

  5. 来一起做年糕小游戏

    To work together pudding Games

  6. 她给你做了些年糕。

    She made some rice cakes for you.

  7. 白酱式年糕汤的材料

    Ingredients for white miso stock zoni

  8. 在大邱跟亲戚吃年糕汤中。

    Enjoying tteokguk(rice cake soup) with my relatives in Daegu!

  9. 晚上厨子在厨房里做点心, 做年糕。

    Every evening, the cook bustled about the kitchen making glutinous rice dumplings.

  10. 这时候上线, 把年糕全放拍卖里。

    This time line, to put the whole auction in New Year.

  11. 只要我有年糕,芥末和美国黄干酪

    I can also make anything for dinner as long as.

  12. 你就是 那位给我年糕吃的新邻居?

    You're the new neighbor who gave me rice cakes.

  13. 请带走一些年糕吧,想要多少就拿多少!

    Please take as much as rice cake you want!

  14. 这些特殊的年糕是由米饭、豆类、芝麻、板栗。

    These special rice cakes are made of rice, beans, sesame seeds, and chestnuts.

  15. 年糕以苏州观前街的稻香村年糕为最佳品。

    Cakes of Suzhou Guanqian of Daoxiang cake as the best product.

  16. 很好,相对于年糕,我们都喜欢奥利奥,没什么惊讶的。

    Fine, great, we all like Oreos more than rice cakes. No surprise there.

  17. 人们会穿上传统服装跳舞、摔跤并制作年糕等食物。

    Traditional dress is donned and participants engage in dancing, wrestling matches and prepare foods like rice cakes.

  18. 这使年糕一个非常明亮的青色, 蓝颜色, 是吸引儿童。

    This gives the rice cake a very bright blueishindigo colour which is appealing to children.

  19. 在她们贫穷的家里, 一块小小的年糕都是无上的美味了啊。

    To the needy family, even a small bite of the rice cake would satisfy them.

  20. 这种支链淀粉的树状结构正是年糕能拉长的真正原因。

    This tree structure of amylopectin is the cake can lengthen the real reason.

  21. 年糕不仅是一种节日美食, 而且岁岁为人们带来新的希望。

    New Year is not only a food festival, and Sui Sui for people new hope.

  22. 虽然喜欢喝年糕汤,但是不想吃。因为不想看起来年级大了,呵呵。

    I love Tteokguk, rice cake soup. But I don’t wanna eat it. Don’t wanna become old lol


  1. 问:年糕拼音怎么拼?年糕的读音是什么?年糕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年糕的读音是niángāo,年糕翻译成英文是 New Year cake; Spring Festival cake; rice cak...

  2. 问:年糕拼音怎么拼?年糕的读音是什么?年糕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年糕的读音是niángāo,年糕翻译成英文是 Rice Cake

  3. 问:年糕串拼音怎么拼?年糕串的读音是什么?年糕串翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年糕串的读音是niángāo chuàn,年糕串翻译成英文是 Rice Cake Skewers

  4. 问:年糕汤拼音怎么拼?年糕汤的读音是什么?年糕汤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年糕汤的读音是niángāo tāng,年糕汤翻译成英文是 Sliced Rice Cake Soup

  5. 问:年糕热狗拼音怎么拼?年糕热狗的读音是什么?年糕热狗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年糕热狗的读音是niángāo règǒu,年糕热狗翻译成英文是 Rice Cake Corn Dog

  6. 问:年糕博物馆拼音怎么拼?年糕博物馆的读音是什么?年糕博物馆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年糕博物馆的读音是niángāo bówùguǎn,年糕博物馆翻译成英文是 Tteok Museum

  7. 问:年糕方便面拼音怎么拼?年糕方便面的读音是什么?年糕方便面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年糕方便面的读音是niángāo fāngbiànmiàn,年糕方便面翻译成英文是 Rice Cake Ramen

  8. 问:年糕火腿棒拼音怎么拼?年糕火腿棒的读音是什么?年糕火腿棒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年糕火腿棒的读音是niángāo huǒtuǐ bàng,年糕火腿棒翻译成英文是 Rice Cake and Ham Bar

  9. 问:年糕饺子汤拼音怎么拼?年糕饺子汤的读音是什么?年糕饺子汤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年糕饺子汤的读音是niángāo jiǎozi tāng,年糕饺子汤翻译成英文是 Sliced Rice Cake and Dumpling Soup

  10. 问:年糕方便面套餐拼音怎么拼?年糕方便面套餐的读音是什么?年糕方便面套餐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年糕方便面套餐的读音是niángāo fāngbiànmiàn tàocān,年糕方便面套餐翻译成英文是 Set Menu with Rice Cake Ramen

  11. 问:年糕饺子方便面拼音怎么拼?年糕饺子方便面的读音是什么?年糕饺子方便面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年糕饺子方便面的读音是niángāo jiǎozi fāngbiànmiàn,年糕饺子方便面翻译成英文是 Ramen with Sliced Rice Cake and Dumplings...



年糕(nián-gāo,rice cake; new year cake)汉族传统食物,是用黏性大的米或米粉蒸成的糕,是农历年的应时食品。春节,我国很多地区都有讲究吃年糕。年糕有黄、白两色,象征金银,年糕又称“年年糕”,与“年年高”谐音,寓意着人们的工作和生活一年比一年提高。所以前人有诗称年糕:“年糕寓意稍云深,白色如银黄色金。年岁盼高时时利,虔诚默祝望财临。”另有老北京传统老字号以“年糕钱”为名。慈城的水磨年糕也是极为有名。