




1. 缩 [suō]2. 缩 [sù]缩 [suō]向后退,往回收:退~。畏~。~手(喻不敢再做下去)。~手~脚(喻做事顾虑多,不大胆)。由大变小,由长变短:收~。伸~。压~。~减。~小。~编。~微(指利用照相技术等把文字图像缩成极小的胶卷……



汉语拼音:jǐn suō








  1. 收缩;缩小。

    清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·刑名·验各种死伤》:“皮骨紧缩,四畔有血廕。” 王蒙 《春之声》:“ 岳之峰 的心紧缩了一下,又舒张开了。”



  1. Those companies do not exist in a vacuum - they do business with other firms who will also be hit if they start to rein in their spending.


  2. But for now, he said, 'the deflation that some had feared is just not happening. '


  3. Some further credit tightening would tip us over into a more severe recession, but it is too early to tell.


  4. But economists are sharply divided on the cause of this inflation and the degree to which policy needs to be tightened.


  5. Most leaders therefore find currency devaluation so unthinkable that, at first glance, austerity seems to be the only choice.


  6. Her suggestions that Britain's austerity may be have gone too far was met with a cold shoulder in London.


  7. When a stone falls into a pond, the ripples persist for a while. The credit crunch was a whopping great boulder.


  8. In the last couple of years, when deflation was perceived by many to be a greater threat than inflation, the index was of little value.


  9. Reneging on our commitments to the world's poor cannot be an austerity measure, " she said. "


  1. 紧缩包围圈

    tighten the ring of encirclement.

  2. 通货紧缩差额

    deflation gap

  3. 通货紧缩政策

    deflation policy

  4. 通货紧缩差距

    deflationary gap

  5. 通货紧缩趋势

    deflationary trend

  6. 通货紧缩效应

    deflationary effect

  7. 紧缩货币政策

    Tight monetary policy.

  8. 紧缩货币投放

    tighten up the money supply.

  9. 债务型通货紧缩

    debt deflation

  10. 通货紧缩的威胁?

    The threat of deflation

  11. 通货紧缩得威胁?

    The threat of deflation

  12. 隐性通货紧缩指数

    Implicit deflator

  13. 执行通货紧缩政策

    pursue a deflationary policy

  14. 有必要进行紧缩。

    Retrenchment will be necessary.

  15. 在上造成通货紧缩

    To produce deflation in.

  16. 谁在制造通货紧缩?

    Who is making the Deflation?

  17. 我们应该紧缩开支。

    We should button up our cost.

  18. 政府决定紧缩通货。

    The Government decided to deflate.

  19. 金融紧缩,收紧银根

    financial restraint, stringency

  20. 放松紧缩的货币政策

    loosen tight monetary policy

  21. 我军紧缩了包围圈。

    Our army tightened the ring of encirclement.

  22. 通货紧缩的流图分析

    An Analysis on the Flow Chart of Deflation

  23. 信贷紧缩还将持续吗

    Will the credit crunch continue

  24. 流动性滞存与通货紧缩

    Monetary Squeeze and Stagnant Savings

  25. 二亏损或业务紧缩时。

    The business loss or the downsizing of the business.

  26. 纾缓信贷和流动资金紧缩

    Easing the credit and liquidity crunch

  27. 这些新措施使经济紧缩。

    The new measures deflated the economy.

  28. 贷款紧缩使得情况更糟。

    The mortgage crunch makes matters worse.

  29. 政策紧缩一些,而且要快。

    Buckle a little, but do it briefly.

  30. 第一, 持续性得信贷紧缩。

    One is the continued tightness of credit.


  1. 问:紧缩拼音怎么拼?紧缩的读音是什么?紧缩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩的读音是jǐnsuō,紧缩翻译成英文是 cut down on

  2. 问:紧缩的拼音怎么拼?紧缩的的读音是什么?紧缩的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩的的读音是,紧缩的翻译成英文是 constrictive

  3. 问:紧缩信用拼音怎么拼?紧缩信用的读音是什么?紧缩信用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩信用的读音是jǐnsuōxìnyòng,紧缩信用翻译成英文是 tightening of credit

  4. 问:紧缩信贷拼音怎么拼?紧缩信贷的读音是什么?紧缩信贷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩信贷的读音是jǐnsuō xìndài,紧缩信贷翻译成英文是 Credit crunch

  5. 问:紧缩形式拼音怎么拼?紧缩形式的读音是什么?紧缩形式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩形式的读音是jǐn suō xíng shì,紧缩形式翻译成英文是 packed form

  6. 问:紧缩投资拼音怎么拼?紧缩投资的读音是什么?紧缩投资翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩投资的读音是jǐn suō tóu zī,紧缩投资翻译成英文是 curtailment of investment

  7. 问:紧缩措施拼音怎么拼?紧缩措施的读音是什么?紧缩措施翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩措施的读音是jǐn suō cuò shī,紧缩措施翻译成英文是 austerity measures

  8. 问:紧缩政策拼音怎么拼?紧缩政策的读音是什么?紧缩政策翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩政策的读音是jǐn suō zhèng cè,紧缩政策翻译成英文是 austerity policy

  9. 问:紧缩数据拼音怎么拼?紧缩数据的读音是什么?紧缩数据翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩数据的读音是jǐn suō shù jù,紧缩数据翻译成英文是 packed data

  10. 问:紧缩时期拼音怎么拼?紧缩时期的读音是什么?紧缩时期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩时期的读音是jǐn suō shí qī,紧缩时期翻译成英文是 period of contraction

  11. 问:紧缩经济拼音怎么拼?紧缩经济的读音是什么?紧缩经济翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩经济的读音是jǐn suō jīng jì,紧缩经济翻译成英文是 deflate the economy

  12. 问:紧缩计划拼音怎么拼?紧缩计划的读音是什么?紧缩计划翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩计划的读音是jǐn suō jì huà,紧缩计划翻译成英文是 austerity program

  13. 问:紧缩型暴乱拼音怎么拼?紧缩型暴乱的读音是什么?紧缩型暴乱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩型暴乱的读音是jǐn suō xíng bào luàn,紧缩型暴乱翻译成英文是 contracted riot

  14. 问:紧缩性建构拼音怎么拼?紧缩性建构的读音是什么?紧缩性建构翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩性建构的读音是jǐn suō xìng jiàn gòu,紧缩性建构翻译成英文是 tightening construct

  15. 问:紧缩日志文件拼音怎么拼?紧缩日志文件的读音是什么?紧缩日志文件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩日志文件的读音是jǐn suō rì zhì wén jiàn,紧缩日志文件翻译成英文是 retentioning log file

  16. 问:紧缩泥阿地螺拼音怎么拼?紧缩泥阿地螺的读音是什么?紧缩泥阿地螺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩泥阿地螺的读音是jǐnsuōní'ādìluó,紧缩泥阿地螺翻译成英文是 Limulatys constrictus

  17. 问:紧缩角星鼓藻拼音怎么拼?紧缩角星鼓藻的读音是什么?紧缩角星鼓藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩角星鼓藻的读音是jǐnsuōjiǎoxīnggǔzǎo,紧缩角星鼓藻翻译成英文是 Staurastrum controversum

  18. 问:紧缩货币供给拼音怎么拼?紧缩货币供给的读音是什么?紧缩货币供给翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩货币供给的读音是jǐn suō huò bì gōng gěi,紧缩货币供给翻译成英文是 contraction of money supply

  19. 问:紧缩通货措施拼音怎么拼?紧缩通货措施的读音是什么?紧缩通货措施翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩通货措施的读音是jǐn suō tōng huò cuò shī,紧缩通货措施翻译成英文是 deflationary measures

  20. 问:紧缩性金融政策拼音怎么拼?紧缩性金融政策的读音是什么?紧缩性金融政策翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缩性金融政策的读音是jǐn suō xìng jīn róng zhèng cè,紧缩性金融政策翻译成英文是 tight financial plicy



紧缩 jǐnsuō [reduce]∶缩小;减少 紧缩编制 [be nervous]∶感到紧张;发紧 想到这里,他的心突然紧缩起来