


1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……




1. 难 [nán]2. 难 [nàn]3. 难 [nuó]难 [nán]不容易,做起来费事:~处。~度。~点。~关。~熬。~耐。~产。~堪。~题。~以。~于。困~。畏~。急人之~。不大可能办到,使人感到困难:~免。~为。~保。~怪。~倒(……





汉语拼音:hǎo mèng nán yuán







  • 【解释】:比喻好事难以实现。
  • 【出自】:明·汤显祖《紫钗记·剑合钗圆》:“彩云轻散,好梦难圆。”
  • 【示例】:~,你不要白费功夫了。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作宾语;含贬义


  1. 网络
  2. difficult to have one'

  3. s dream come true

  1. 好梦难圆。

    Good dreams seldom come true.

  2. 用黑色卡板做底,用牙签插好一个半圆。

    Do bottom with the black card plank, with the toothpick put like a semicircle.

  3. 到丛林里家风疑子花开处,那里皆好,随意何圆。

    To the forest wild hyacinth bloom Department, where all good, not where.

  4. 那个小男孩把双唇收圆好吹口哨。

    The little boy rounded his lips to whistle.

  5. 有了这笔钱的资助, 李安终于可以一圆好莱坞的梦想。

    With the green to fund them, Lee's Hollywood dreams were finally possible.

  6. 有了这笔钱得资助, 李安终于可以一圆好莱坞得梦想。

    With the green to fund them, Lee's Hollywood dreams were finally possible.

  7. 圆月带来好天气。

    Full moon brings fair weather.

  8. 圆盘科具有较好的实用性。

    Disc weigher is a wellPratical device.

  9. 我身材很好。圆圆的也是一种身材。

    I’m in shape, round is a shape :)

  10. 他收藏了好几张金圆券。

    He collected several bills issued by the Kuomintang government.

  11. 他收藏了好几张金圆券。

    He collected several bills issued by the Kuomintang government.

  12. 很好, 这个点叫做顶点。这个圆叫做底面。

    Well done! This is called point. This circle is called underside.

  13. 我如果有一百万美圆就好了。

    If only I had a million dollars.

  14. 千好万好事事好, 月圆情圆人团圆。

    Thousands of good Wan good things good, happy moon people round the situation.

  15. 我有个很好的理由需要借5000美圆。

    I need to borrow 5,000 dollars for a very good reason.

  16. 收到容器以后把圆收到容器以后把圆桶口用盖子盖好?

    Replace all bung caps with drum vents after receiving containers.

  17. 将洗好的发菜团成三厘米的小圆球。

    Will be good to wash seaweed into 3 cm group of small ball.

  18. 代码自动取圆。比较适用于图像比较好的地方。

    Code automatically get round. Comparison applies to a relatively good place images.

  19. 即使我明天朗读好,我还是得待在圆牢房。

    I have to stay in the round cell even if I read well tomorrow.

  20. 点燃这些大块圆木需要好几捆枝材。

    It took several bundles of twigs to fire the logs.

  21. 当团体准备好了, 围绕着火炉创建一个圆。

    When the group is ready, a circle is created around a fire pot.

  22. 用自粘胶带做圆网笼边布效果好

    It is Good to Seal Wire Mould Edge with Adhesive Tape Instead of Cloth Strip

  23. 请你帮我把这根圆木锯成木板好吗?

    Will you help me to saw the log into planks ?

  24. 圆碗有另外一种碗面图案, 并且制作得很好。

    The round bowl has an alternating panel design and is well potted.

  25. 而这三个主要部分和黄金圆环匹配得非常好。

    that correlate perfectly with the golden circle.

  26. 请你画张去圆山大饭店的地图给我好吗?

    Would you please make me a map showing the way to the Grand Hotel?

  27. 好了,这个整圆让画面看起来多了未来的幻想感觉。

    Warping the dome gives platform a futuristic and fantastic feel by giving It'some unusual curves.

  28. 准备好一张圆的硬纸板,香蕉和无花果切成薄片。

    Slice the peeled bananas and figs and have a round cake board ready.

  29. 他有一头长长的,白色的卷发和一张圆圆的,气色很好的脸。

    He has long, blonde, curly hair and a round fresh face.

  30. 它是圆的,正因如此,它成了孩子们玩板球的最好的替代品。

    It is round, and an excellent substitute with the young for a cricket ball.



成语:好梦难圆发音:hǎomèngnányuán 释义:比喻好事难以实现。 出处:明·汤显祖《紫钗记·剑合钗圆》:“彩云轻散,好梦难圆。” 示例:~,你不要白费功夫了。