




1. 串 [chuàn]串 [chuàn]多个同类东西连贯在一起:~讲。贯~。连贯起来的东西:~珠。~铃。错误地连接:~行(háng )。~味。~换。互相勾通、勾结:~气。~供。~通一气。由这里到那里走动:~乡。~门儿。扮演戏剧角色:~演。……



汉语拼音:kè chuàn







  1. 谓非专业演员或非本班社演员临时参加演出。

    老舍 《赵子曰》第十七:“票友使黑钱,女权难展,夜戏不白唱,客串贪金。” 续范亭 《坐井观天偶成二绝》之二:“聊上舞臺为客串,梦中犹是戏中人。”

  2. 喻指临时参与某种非本职的或不很擅长的活动。

    茅盾 《蚀·追求六》:“‘ 老曹 ,你是当了宣传队吗?’‘我么?我是客串。’” 邹韬奋 《经历》二四:“在职业指导的原理方面,由职业教育社同人如 黄任之 、 杨卫玉 、 刘湛恩 以及客串 庄泽宣 诸先生担任。”



  1. "Oh, with no one, " said Carrie. "It was just a show gotten-"


  2. Britney Spears had no job while she was in rehab. Recently, a CBS spokesman confirmed that she will appear. . .


  3. "I've been watching this show forever! " the gymnast told TVGuide. com during the filming of the episode. "To be on this show is amazing. "


  4. If the creators of Glee do decide to take up Anne's story idea, she would not be the first big name star to get a cameo.


  5. Even the insect that makes a cameo in the Bangkok hotel room looked to me like a Madagascan hissing cockroach and not the local variety.


  6. Today we have the answer in the form of the first of two guest posts from Matthew Kotler, a lead program manager on the SmartArt team.


  7. Schwarzenegger confirmed he would be making a cameo appearance in The Expendables.


  8. Cameos from famous chefs and scenes from her travels in Malaysia are also featured.


  9. Camille Guaty and Charlie Bewley will guest-star in at least two episodes of The Vampire Diaries, TVGuide. com has learned.


  1. 客串演员。特约演员

    a guest actor

  2. 客串演员。特约演出者

    Visiting performer taking part in an entertainment

  3. 我今天客串一把邮递员。

    Today, Ive been acting as a postman.

  4. 他客串了一个电视系列剧。

    He guested on a television series.

  5. 他可不是客串,他可要拍系列剧。

    This guy isn't a pilot, he's a series.

  6. 监事会计检查与客串审计监督

    Supervisor Accounting Check and Guest Audit Superrision

  7. 其次,减少客串现象的负面影响。

    Phenomenon reduce the negative influence of it.

  8. 他在这个节目里是客串出场。

    He made a guest appearance on the show.

  9. 她在他的电视节目中出场客串

    She made a guest appearance on his TV show

  10. 她经常在一个广播节目中客串。

    She often guests on a radio programme.

  11. 现在他比许多客串演员都要出名。

    Now he is more famous than many guests on the show.

  12. 这场音乐会颇有些外行客串得味道。

    The concert was rather an amateurish affair.

  13. 这场音乐会颇有些外行客串的味道。

    The concert was rather an amateurish affair.

  14. 她在迈克的电视节目里出场客串。

    She made a guest appearance on mike's TV show.

  15. 制作人邀请他回来循环客串,但他拒绝了。

    Producers invited him back on a recurring basis, but he declined.

  16. 她在这场表演中作她的首次客串演出。

    She is making her first guest appearance on the show.

  17. 其他几个客串似乎强调层面的喜剧电影。

    Several other cameos seem to emphasize the comedic dimension of the movie.

  18. 本月他客串了一个非常酷的聊天节目。

    He guested on a very cool chat show this month.

  19. 本月他客串了一个非常酷得聊天节目。

    He guested on a very cool chat show this month.

  20. 本月他客串了一个非常酷的聊天节目。

    He guested on a very cool chat show this month.

  21. 明星伙伴第八季又迎来一位明星客串了。

    Entourage has landed a big guest star for season eight.

  22. 具体来说就是一位大爆炸明星要来客串了!

    Or, to be more specific, a Big Bang of a guest star!

  23. 她通过一系列客串表演来宣传推销她的新影片。

    She exploited her new movie through a series of guest appearance.

  24. 作为对他努力的回报, 各自在影片中客串配角。

    Each was rewarded for his efforts with a cameo.

  25. 内地知名演员孙红雷也在电影中客串演出。

    One of Mainland's biggest actors, Sun Honglei, also makes a very brief cameo.

  26. 乐趣观看喜剧演员吉尔伯特戈特弗里德幽默客串。

    Have fun watching a humorous cameo by comedian Gilbert Gottfried.

  27. 今天,我们发表两篇客串帖子中的第二篇,来自。

    Today we have the second of two guest posts from Patrick Smith, a program manager on the Office Programmability team.

  28. 助理教练去客串裁判,让队内练习赛正规点。

    During practice have assistant coaches referee. For intersquad scrimmages bring in regualar officials.

  29. 施瓦辛格确认他将会在敢死队中客串演出。

    Schwarzenegger confirmed he would be making a cameo appearance in The Expendables.

  30. 绯闻女孩!知道吗,柳金也在里面客串演出呢!

    Gossip Girl! You know what Valery Liukin made a cameo appearance on the show!


  1. 问:客串拼音怎么拼?客串的读音是什么?客串翻译成英文是什么?

    答:客串的读音是kèchuàn,客串翻译成英文是 be a guest performer


