




1. 监 [jiān]2. 监 [jiàn]监 [jiān]督察:~察。~控。~测。~护。~考。~听。牢,狱:~狱。~押。~禁。坐~。监 [jiàn]古代官名或官府名:太~(宦官,阄人)。国子~。钦天~(掌管天文历法的官府)。~生(在国子监……



汉语拼音:tài jiàn







  1. 官名。

    唐 设内侍省,其长官为监及少监,后用作宦官之通称。 辽 太府监长官称太监, 元 因之, 明 代在宦官所领二十四衙门各专设掌印太监,在宫廷内侍奉皇帝及其家族。中叶以后其权力扩大,拥有出使、监军、镇守、侦察官民等大权。 清 代相沿,太监成为宦官的专称,设总管太监等为首领,隶属内务府,权力减削。《古今小说·宋四公大闹禁魂张》:“皇后见弟如此説,遂召掌内库的太监。” 老舍 《茶馆》第二幕:“十几年前,有个娶媳妇的太监。”



  1. While they were still talking with him, the king's eunuchs arrived and hurried Haman away to the banquet Esther had prepared.


  2. Trinket ran to the door and closed it, then he drew out his trusty dagger and proceeded to stab all four eunuchs in me chest.


  3. When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away; the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing.


  4. Wang straight constantly poverty, for prosperity, from temple be eunuchs, trying to hack asymptotic at the palace of letters.


  5. He stood in our place. He was a eunuch for you so that you'll never have to be a eunuch anymore in His sight.


  6. And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him.


  7. So the king of Israel called one of his officials and said, 'Bring Micaiah son of Imlah at once. '


  8. KAG SHUNZI--- The fifteen year-year-old daughter of Sixth-Born Kang, sold to Eunuch Pang to be his wife.


  9. He will take a tenth of your grain and of your vintage and give it to his officials and attendants.


  1. 修女是宫嫔,神甫是太监。

    The nun was the odalisque, the priest was the eunuch.

  2. 差点就变了太监。

    Came this close to being a lady.

  3. 司礼监随堂太监

    A court eunuch of the imperial ceremony office

  4. 于是, 太监决定隆重一下。

    At be, eunuch decision is grand.

  5. 太监宰相李辅国考

    On Eunuchs Prime Minister Li Fuguo

  6. 世上真的有太监吗?

    Is there eunuch really on the world ?

  7. 宫里有成千的太监。

    There were thousands of eunuchs in the palace.

  8. 太监能做变性手术吗?

    Can eunuch become metamorphic operation?

  9. 明蜀藩太监墓志集释

    Explanation to Memorial Tablet of Eunuchs of Shu Vassal State of Ming Dynasty

  10. 妃嫔和太监们都住在这里。

    Here lived the concubines and eunuchs.

  11. 清代太监惩罚制度述论

    The eunuch was punished the system review in Qing Dynasty

  12. 众武士和太监齐声喝采。

    All the wrestlers and eunuchs present applauded enthusiastically.

  13. 没有哪个太监能这么厉害的!

    Not even eunuchs have it so fine.

  14. 文人相轻, 文化太监, 媚雅, 媚俗。

    Scholars scorn each other, culture the eunuch, flatters elegant, charming custom.

  15. 三宝太监西洋记通俗演义

    Expedition to the Western Ocean

  16. 我只记得他穿着像个太监。

    I only know he dressed like an eunuch.

  17. 我希望所有的男人都变成太监。

    I wish men could become eunuchs.

  18. 腓利与衣索匹亚的太监谈话。

    Philip talked with an Ethiopian eunuch.

  19. 通常电视剧里宣旨的都是太监。

    In TV series, it is usually the eunuch who announces the emperor's orders.

  20. 通常电视剧里宣旨得都是太监。

    In TV series, it is usually the eunuch who announces the emperor's orders.

  21. 通常电视剧里宣旨的都是太监。

    In TV series, it is usually the eunuch who announces the emperor's orders.

  22. 有两三个太监从窗户往外看他。

    Who?'Two or three eunuchs looked down at him.

  23. 太监都是被阉了割阳具的男人。

    A eunuch is a man whose testicles have been removed.

  24. 你老命令老子, 你以为你是皇上啊, 小太监!

    Lao command you are old, you thought you were the emperor ah, small eunuch!

  25. 我想我能够对付一个小男孩跟太监的

    I think I can handle a small boy and a eunuch

  26. 太监、宫女不该离开皇帝,却居然都离开了。

    Eunuchs, maids of honor should not leave the Emperor, but were all left.

  27. 有劳贵公公。东方夫人冲着那太监点点头。

    Have the Lao the grandfather. The east madam hurtles namely to nod.

  28. 做太监的人有福了,因为他们必名垂千古。

    Blessed are the eunuchs, for they shall obtain an everlasting name.

  29. 明宪宗时期的云南镇守太监钱能

    A Review of Qian Neng the Guardian Eunuch of Yunnan Province During the Xian Zong Emperor of the Ming Dynasty

  30. 请问为什么要我扮太监,我应该是皇帝是怎样翻译?

    Why the hell am I supposed to play the eunuch? I should be the emperor.


  1. 问:太监拼音怎么拼?太监的读音是什么?太监翻译成英文是什么?

    答:太监的读音是tàijiàn,太监翻译成英文是 eunuch



“太监”是个多义词,它可以指太监(网络用语), 太监(宦官别称)。