


1. 柔 [róu]柔 [róu]植物初生而嫩:~荑(初生嫩芽,喻女子白嫩的手)。软,不硬:~软。~韧。~嫩。~滑。软弱,与“刚”相对:~懦。~弱。刚~相济。温和:~顺。~和。~曼(柔和妩媚)。~情。……





汉语拼音:róu měi








  1. 优美,柔和美好。

    应修人 《欢愉引》:“没有一朵花不是柔美而皎清,没有一个人底心不象一朵春的花。” 朱自清 《失名<冬天>跋》:“祗有儿童纯洁柔美的小心里,才有这样轻妙的句子流露。” 王蒙 《组织部来了个年轻人》:“收音机亮了,一种梦幻的柔美的旋律从远处飘来。”



  1. The whole space is no longer rigid, a sense world window swiftly lays out with window not like window, wall not like wall.


  2. That of a baby, murmuring, muttering, snuggling upon her chest such a meek . . .


  3. Another part of our work was to find a good radio performer with a soft and gentle voice, yet vivid enough to convey a lively mood.


  4. She likes to be having the light colour clothes skirt on , her person is the same , gentle US is moving and.


  5. Oh, on, I sent you to the "invitation" and invited me to come down to enjoy the quiet, bathed in the mellow you?


  6. The artist has completely and profoundly presented to us his interruption of humanity by means of the gentle beauty of lines.


  7. Second, the early-morning light raking in from the right is perfectly lovely, as are the soft clouds, which were a lucky element.


  8. Curled up in your arms, such as the waterfall long hair for you warm soft spring, make up, brightness, warblers and envy yan.


  9. But Chinese gentle music US, the American music sense of rhythm is strong , give first place to percussion music much.


  1. 柔美的嗓音

    a slinky voice.

  2. 枫树披上柔美得头巾,

    The maple wears a gayer scarf

  3. 枫树披上柔美的头巾,

    The maple wears a gayer scarf

  4. 柔美的音乐,使生活和谐。

    Tender music keeps life harmonious.

  5. 伊柔美白防晒乳

    Yirou whitening UV emulsion

  6. 柔美得肩上芭蕾, 柔术!

    Soft shoulder ballet, Jiujitsu!

  7. 柔美的肩上芭蕾,柔术!

    Soft shoulder ballet, Jiujitsu!

  8. 你写出了春雨的柔美。

    You write the spring rain gentle beauty.

  9. 这柔美的音乐使我们放松。

    The soft music makes us relaxed.

  10. 我静静地听着柔美的催眠曲。

    I silently listening to soft music.

  11. 他们的五官小巧纤细,面容柔美。

    They had softer looks with small and slender facial features.

  12. 作品的旋律舒展柔美, 委婉质朴。

    The melody, pure and understated, unfolds softly and pleasingly.

  13. 伙计们,我们可不可以来点柔美的?

    Guys, can we playsomething mellow?

  14. 柔美而精致的一款雪纺裙。

    Soft and delicate one paragraph chiffon skirt.

  15. 挺拔,抑或柔美,皆在此完美定格。

    Staightness and morbidezza are finalized here.

  16. 非常具有个人色彩,柔美却充满张力

    It's so. personal and female and intense.

  17. 她柔美活泼, 娇滴滴一个媚人儿。

    She was feminine, sprightly, spoiled and kittenish.

  18. 曲线的造型, 材质的运用, 都非常的柔美。

    Curved models, material quality utilization, very gently beautifulness.

  19. 伊柔美白防晒乳防晒效果考察

    Investigation of Sun Block for Yirou Whitening UV Emulsion SPF

  20. 她的声音如少女般柔美悦耳。

    Her voice was as soft and sweet as a young girl's.

  21. 情人的话语就像夜晚柔美的音乐一般。

    Lovers'words are like soft music in the night.

  22. 我们比男人更加柔美、更加耐心,也更加任劳任怨。

    We are more mellow, patient and industrious than men.

  23. 这个女演员风致柔美, 很受观众喜爱。

    The elegant style of this actress is loved by the audience.

  24. 这个女演员风致柔美,很受观众喜爱。

    The elegant style of this actress is loved by the audience.

  25. 窗帘最后配上蝴蝶结显出女性的柔美。

    The bows will give a feminine finish to the curtains.

  26. 春夏柔美风暴劲吹2007年香港时装周

    Spring and summer softness storm from 2007 Hongkong Fashion Week

  27. 然而, 我听到了一首无比柔美的歌。

    But I heard a song of exceeding sweetness.

  28. 是柔美的丝质软缎还是浪漫的蕾丝面料?

    Is the silk guilder soft satin still romantic lace facings of soft United States?

  29. 婴儿般的, 喃喃地, 依偎柔美馨香月色天堂

    That of a baby, murmuring, muttering, snuggling upon her chest such a meek

  30. 风很静, 似乎在谛听着云雀柔美得歌声。

    The wind was still, as if it listened to their gentle singing.


  1. 问:柔美拼音怎么拼?柔美的读音是什么?柔美翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柔美的读音是róuměi,柔美翻译成英文是 gentle and beautiful

  2. 问:柔美刺皮耳拼音怎么拼?柔美刺皮耳的读音是什么?柔美刺皮耳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柔美刺皮耳的读音是róuměicìpí'ěr,柔美刺皮耳翻译成英文是 Heterochaete delicata



【词目】柔美 柔美

【拼音】 róu měi
