







汉语拼音:fēng xiāng






  1. 养蜜蜂用具之一。用木板制成供蜜蜂作巢用的长方形箱子。



  1. You know, they pick up their hives; they move their families once or twice in a year.


  2. The garden and beehive are all her physick and chirurgery , and she lives the longer for it.


  3. So, immediately after a night feeding in Paris, the hive was sealed and rushed off on an air liner.


  4. after this , approximately a quarter of the hives weakened by disease , mites , or an ageing or dead queen , will have to be replaced.


  5. Officials said there was a net over the beehives but bees still managed to escape after the truck overturned.


  6. Spent many years of his life researching the amazing ways honey bees communicate in their dark hives.


  7. The ancient Egyptians moved clay hives, probably on rafts, down the Nile to follow the bloom and nectar flow as it moved toward Cairo.


  8. He do want to get up his strength for his journey to-morrow with that load of beehives, which must be delivered, family or no.


  9. The health properties of a range of substances found in hives have been recognized since ancient times in countries like China.


  1. 蜂进入蜂箱

    To enter and occupy a beehive.

  2. 使蜂入蜂箱

    To collect into a hive.

  3. 蜂箱和蜂具

    hive and beekeeping equipment.

  4. 移走蜂箱呢

    behind an old lady's shower stall?

  5. 轻拍蜂箱触动了蜜蜂。

    Tapping on the hive excited the bees.

  6. 一个蜂箱里只有一个蜂王。

    In a hive you've got one queen bee.

  7. 这蜂箱是用木材做得。

    The hive is made of wood.

  8. 这蜂箱是用木材做的。

    The hive is made of wood.

  9. 蜜蜂在蜂箱周围嗡嗡地叫。

    The bees were humming around the hive.

  10. 观察在蜂箱中工作的蜜蜂。

    Observe the bees at work in the beehive.

  11. 观察在蜂箱中工作的蜜蜂。

    Observe the bees at work in the beehive.

  12. 房后有一个坏的蜂箱。

    A broken beehive behind the house.

  13. 养蜂人把蜂群装入蜂箱。

    The beekeeper hived the swarm.

  14. 养蜂人把蜂群装入蜂箱。

    The beekeeper hived the swarm.

  15. 六个小兵人,无聊玩蜂箱。

    Six little Jigaboo boys playing with a hive.

  16. 这些能从蜂箱上被扯下来。

    These can then be pulled off the hive.

  17. 为什么蜂箱里的蜂巢是六边形的呢?

    Why are honeycomb cells in bee hives hexagon shaped?

  18. 为什么蜂箱里的蜂巢是六边形的呢?

    Why are honeycomb cells in bee hives hexagon shaped?

  19. 奥巴马夫人说2个蜂箱用来采蜜。

    Missis Obama said 2beebeehives will provide honey.

  20. 他把小摆设放到了我的蜂箱。

    He played knickknack on my hive.

  21. 拿蜂箱和它六边形的蜂巢作例子。

    Take the beehive, and its hexagonal honeycomb.

  22. 使用在蜂箱上, 当蜜蜂昏睡后打开蜂箱。

    Use makeshift smoker on a beehive. Open beehive when they are now asleep.

  23. 蜂箱内的温度对蜜蜂采集活动的影响

    Effect of hive temperature on gathering activity of bees

  24. 我把手伸进蜂箱,结果被蜇了3下!

    I stuck my hand in the beehive and was stung three times!

  25. 他们回到蜂箱旁, 仔细观察摆尾舞。

    Back at the hive they watched the wagging dance closely.

  26. 养蜂人打开顶巢查看蜂箱的上端。

    The beekeeper opens the upper door and examines the super of the hive.

  27. 毛绒绒的蜜蜂在嗡嗡作响的忙碌的蜂箱里嗡嗡。

    The fuzzy bee buzzed the buzzy busy beehive.

  28. 养蜂最基本的工具是蜂箱和巢础。

    The tool with the main est apiculture is beehive and mew plinth.

  29. 蜂箱尤指为让蜜蜂居住而筑的结构

    A structure for housing bees, especially honeybees.

  30. 这个蜂店的老板为他的蜂箱十分忙碌着。

    The bee keeper was very busy with his many beehives.


  1. 问:蜂箱拼音怎么拼?蜂箱的读音是什么?蜂箱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜂箱的读音是fēngxiāng,蜂箱翻译成英文是 beehive

  2. 问:蜂箱州拼音怎么拼?蜂箱州的读音是什么?蜂箱州翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜂箱州的读音是Fēngxiāngzhōu,蜂箱州翻译成英文是 Beehive State, the nickname of Utah


