如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……
1. 将 [jiāng]2. 将 [jiàng]将 [jiāng]快要:~要。~至。~来。即~。带领,扶助:~雏。扶~。~军。拿,持:~心比心。把:~门关好。下象棋时攻击对方的“将”或“帅”。用言语刺激:你别~他的火儿了。保养:~养。~息。……
汉语拼音:míng jiàng
《史记·白起王翦列传》:“ 王离 , 秦 之名将也。” 唐 韩愈 《乌氏庙碑铭》:“及 武德 已来,始以武功为名将家。”《儒林外史》第四六回:“老先生功在社稷,今日角巾私第,口不言功,真古名将风度。” 王迪 《八千里路云和月》:“拜读 陈赓 同志遗作两篇--果然名将之笔,柔锋似剑!”
"Daniel Agger is in the form of his life, and on Tuesday night he was head and shoulders above anyone else, " said the Anfield legend.
“丹尼尔·阿格正处于巅峰期,周二夜战中他是鹤立鸡群的那一个”安菲尔德名将说。While men still make up the majority of marathon finishers, female finishers are closing the distance between them.
而男人还是占大多数马拉松名将、女子名将都闭幕的距离。A year grant to? : The winner will receive a live and study for two years at the institution of his choice anywhere in Brazil.
第一名将获得一年一万美元的奖学金以作为赴巴西就读其所选择之任何大专院校为期二年的生活费及学费。As you open each additional folder , the folder name is added to the folder path at the top of the page .
再打开其他文件夹时,文件夹名将添加到页面顶部的文件夹路径中。For your name's sake, O Lord , preserve my life; in your righteousness, bring me out of trouble.
耶和华阿,求你为你的名将我救活。凭你的公义,将我从患难中领出来。Roger Federer is delighted to be welcoming his first child while still in the prime of his tennis career, the Swiss star said on Saturday.
瑞士网坛名将罗杰?费德勒于上周六称,他相当高兴就要迎来第一个孩子,然而而且我自己还在事业的黄金时期。As John McEnroe used to say at Wimbledon, you cannot be serious.
就像网球名将麦肯罗(JohnMcEnroe)在温布尔登常说的那样,你一定在开玩笑。You associate a set of resources files to a specific Web page using the name of the resource file.
通过资源文件名将一组资源文件与特定的网页相关联。Downing, 26, was also backed by team-mate Dirk Kuyt, who described him as 'a very good winger who will be very helpful for us'.