


1. 只 [zhī]2. 只 [zhǐ]只 [zhī]量词:一~鸡。单独的,极少的:~身。片纸~字。只 [zhǐ]仅仅,惟一:~是(a.仅仅是;b.表示强调限于某个情况或范围;c.但是)。表示限于某个范围:~顾。~管。~见树木,不见森林。……





汉语拼音:zhǐ xiāo







  1. 只须;只要。

    宋 范成大 《早衰》诗:“晚景只消如此过,不堪拈出教儿童。” 元 张国宾 《薛仁贵》第一折:“只因俺国陆有 天山 ,水有 鸭緑 ,极其险隘,只消一人把守,随你大 唐 百万军马,不能飞越。”《西游记》第五八回:“ 沙僧 道:‘我们那算得走路,若是我大师兄,只消一二日,可往回也。’” 鲁迅 《书信集·致刘岘》:“只消一看, 日本 木刻界的潮流,就大略可见了。”



  1. You only need a problem at one or two of the major projects under development and you could get a very sharp run up in prices.


  2. He was about to take them, when the serpent lunged at him with its three mouths all set to gobble him up in three bites.


  3. All of these steps, which take only a few moments in a smoothly functioning system, make up the check-in or registration procedure.


  4. Next time you need it you'll know exactly how much you have left in a single glance.


  5. A solar sail vessel would merely enter the stream and hitch a ride, like a paper airplane drifting into the wind made by an electric fan.


  6. We have only to turn to that extraordinary discovery made by Edison to see the significance of it.


  7. My finger, pointed at this man, would have hurled him from his pulpit into a dungeon- thence, peradventure, to the gallows!


  8. Suffice it here to say that Yorke had a shadowy as well as a sunny side to his character .


  9. After all, this argument goes, countries in Europe did not always exist as nation states; just look at Germany or Italy two centuries ago.


  1. 来回只消一个星期。

    It takes only a week to get there and back.

  2. 我只消保持头脑清醒就行。

    All I must do is keep the head clear.

  3. 只消几句话就可以说清楚。

    A few words will be enough to make it clear.

  4. 只消片刻你就会见到他。

    You shall see him anon.

  5. 只消不失落方向,就不会失落本身。

    The person not lose oneself so long as not lose the direction.

  6. 傻子只消想,钟声自会响。

    As the fool think, so the bell clink.

  7. 你只消吃吃松饼就可以了,梅丽

    Well just you know eat the muffin mer.

  8. 你只消给我封信, 我定能来帮你。

    Just write to let me know, and I am sure to come to help you.

  9. 只消他咬一下食指,法官们就瑟瑟发抖。

    The magistrates shivered under a single bite of his finger.

  10. 只消眼光一轮,就算把你给交待啦。

    A single flicker of the eyes could give you away.

  11. 只消触及这一点,她准变得极敏锐。

    As soon as this was touched upon in any way she was capable of great acuteness.

  12. 只消他碰到她,她便一阵畏缩,全身僵硬。

    As soon as he touched her she seemed to wince and stiffen.

  13. 英国煤炭工业只消两年就将彻底瓦解。

    In two years, the British coal industry will be dead and buried.

  14. 种植时只消把干鳞茎埋入表土即可。

    Plant the dry bulbs just below the surface.

  15. 只消按几个键, 就可以完成一宗金融交易。

    Financial transactions can now be conducted by the touch of a few buttons.

  16. 我愿替你做这件事,只消给我一点小小的报酬。

    I will do it for you for a small consideration.

  17. 只消有点子运气,狡猾和勇敢,这样的事情便能成功。

    All you needed was luck and cunning and boldness.

  18. 只消一句话就足够了牧师决心出走, 但不是一个人。

    Let it suffice that the clergyman resolved to flee, and not alone.

  19. 这种关系建立起来需要很长时间, 但破坏它只消一瞬间。

    They take a long time to build up but can be destroyed in an instant.

  20. 事实已是众所周知,我只消略述此案的几个重点。

    The facts are all upon the table and I will merely touch upon the main heads of the case.

  21. 下次你需要时, 只消一眼就会知道你还剩下多少油漆。

    Next time you need it youll know exactly how much you have left in a single glance.

  22. 只消那么一动,她就脱掉了衣服,轻蔑地丢在一旁。

    With what seemed a single movement she tore off her clothes and flung them disdainfully aside.

  23. 只消在台上, 她把病痛和悲伤的外衣脱下, 挂在后台。

    Once on the stage, she can leave behind at the back stage all pains from her ailment and her sorrows.

  24. 只消冲出去,趁其不备,就可轻而易举地结果对方的性命。

    Nothing would have been easier than to spring forward, and decide the affair by a close assault on his unprepared.

  25. 为了证明此点, 只消问问任何一个人锐步的标志是什么。

    To prove this point, just ask any one of Reebok's logo is.

  26. 濒临死亡是一件很少有的简单的事情, 只消躺下来就能完成。

    Dying is one of the few things that can be done lying down.

  27. 只消再经过几次失败,就能造出价格低廉的人工心脏了。

    The development of an economical artificial heart is only a few transient failures away.

  28. 不容置疑,只消他略加怂恿,就会使他们重新发动一次内战。

    There was little doubt, that, with the slightest encouragement, he could put them in motion, and renew the civil war.

  29. 他只消凭贸易风吹在身上的感觉和帆的动向就能知道。

    He only needed the feel of the trade wind and the drawing of the sail.

  30. 即便这样,他倒可以忍着和她一起过,只消同意禁欲就是啦。

    But even then he could have borne living with her if it had been agreed that they should remain celibate.


  1. 问:只消拼音怎么拼?只消的读音是什么?只消翻译成英文是什么?

    答:只消的读音是zhǐxiāo,只消翻译成英文是 all one has to do is; only need to




拼音:zhǐ xiāo 基本解释 [all one has to dois;need only to] 只需要 别着急,只消再等几分钟就能弄完 详细解释 只须;只要。 宋 范成大 《早衰》诗:“晚景只消如此过,不堪拈出教儿童。” 元 张国宾 《薛仁贵》第一折:“只因俺国陆有 天山 ,水有 鸭绿 ,极其险隘,只消一人把守,随你大 唐 百万军马,不能飞越。”《西游记》第五八回:“ 沙僧 道:‘我们那算得走路,若是我大师兄,只消一二日,可往回也。’” 鲁迅 《书信集·致刘岘》:“只消一看, 日本 木刻界的潮流,就大略可见了。”