


1. 炮 [páo]2. 炮 [bāo]3. 炮 [pào]炮 [páo]烧:~炙。~烙(luò)。~制。炮 [bāo]把物品放在器物上烘烤或焙:把湿衣服搁在热炕上~干。一种烹调方法,在旺火上急炒:~羊肉。炮 [pào]重型武器的一类,有迫……





汉语拼音:pào jī






  1. 用炮火轰击。如:停止炮击。



  1. A fine sand is coated and fired upon a mounted pattern made of ferrous or aluminum material.


  2. But I knew the terror of those shellings and the pressure we'd been under since we got to Bastogne could take their toll in other way.


  3. Pyongyang said the South provoked the attack by firing into a disputed area of the ocean during a military training exercise.


  4. But I'd been thinking the same thought so much since the bombing had begun that I really did just want to get on with it.


  5. Israeli leaders said the operation, known as Cast Lead, was meant to quell militant rocket and mortar fire on southern Israel.


  6. Then, ten days into the shelling, an ultimatum was broadcast over loudspeakers: those who wished to leave had an hour to do so.


  7. The stupendous cannon shot took out a few of the enemy mecha, like killing several flies with a howitzer.


  8. However, it warned there would be a serious retaliation in the case of a second bombardment.


  9. Ms. Ghosheh wrote that the local Baath Party headquarters had been shelled and "appeared to be the site of heavy fighting. "


  1. 炮击敌人阵地。

    shell the enemy positions

  2. 持续一周的炮击

    a bombardment which lasted a week

  3. 他死于迫击炮炮击。

    He was killed in a mortar attack.

  4. 零星的袭击,炮击,战斗。

    sporadic raids, gunfire, fighting

  5. 高射炮击落了3架敌机。

    The antiaircraft guns snot down 3 enemy planes.

  6. 我们炮火炮击敌人兵营。

    Our artillery fire bombarded the enemy post.

  7. 高射炮击落了三架敌机。

    The antiaircraft guns shot down three enemy planes.

  8. 高射炮击落了三架轰炸机。

    Antiaircraft guns downed three bombers.

  9. 海面舰只炮击也毫无建树。

    Surface bombardments had nowhere been effective.

  10. 炮击使狐穴生活更加糟心。

    Shelling made foxhole living worse.

  11. 野战炮兵连续炮击那座要塞。

    The field artillery pounded away at the for tress.

  12. 他们正撤离时, 叛军开始炮击。

    Just as they were leaving the rebels started shelling.

  13. 士兵们在猛烈的炮击下踌躇不前。

    The soldiers staggered under the severe gunfire.

  14. 炮击用发射石弹的大炮攻击

    To attack with a cannon firing stone balls.

  15. 我们遭受了几星期的密集炮击。

    We suffered weeks of heavy shelling.

  16. 轰炸用猛烈的火力,轰炸或炮击进攻

    To attackwith heavy firepowerstrafe or bombard.

  17. 一旦炮击结束,推土机就开了过来。

    Once the shelling is over, the bulldozers take over.

  18. 炮击连续进行了几小时而未停歇。

    The shelling went on for hours without pausing.

  19. 炮击连续进行了几小时而未停歇。

    The shelling went on for hours without pausing.

  20. 在敌人的炮击下,四十人倒下了。

    Forty men fell to the enemy gunfire.

  21. 在炮击该城镇时,炮兵小心地瞄准。

    In shelling the town, the gunner carefully took sight.

  22. 意在破坏或压制敌人武器的炮击。

    Bombardment intended to destroy or neutralize enemy weapons.

  23. 夜晚的天空被大规模炮击照得通明。

    The night sky flared with the massive bombardment.

  24. 连续的炮击彻底毁坏了前沿的大片农田。

    Continual shelling laid waste vast areas of farmland all along the front line.

  25. 用强烈的航空炮击的迅速、激烈的军事进攻。

    A rapid and violent military attack with intensive aerial bombardment.

  26. 炮击单位已打完所任务所安排得炮弹。

    Firing unit has fired all rounds for the fire mission.

  27. 炮击单位已打完所任务所安排的炮弹。

    Firing unit has fired all rounds for the fire mission.

  28. 战争期间,这座建筑遭炮击被严重损坏。

    The building was badly shot up during the war.

  29. 轰炸用猛烈的火力,轰炸或炮击进攻收藏指正

    To attack with heavy firepower strafe or bombard.

  30. 来自卡扎菲政权的疯狂炮击,真是残暴凶狠。

    It is brutal, murderous shelling of the Gaddafi regime.


  1. 问:炮击拼音怎么拼?炮击的读音是什么?炮击翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炮击的读音是pàojī,炮击翻译成英文是 bombard

  2. 问:炮击报告拼音怎么拼?炮击报告的读音是什么?炮击报告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炮击报告的读音是pào jī bào gào,炮击报告翻译成英文是 Shelling Report

  3. 问:炮击目标拼音怎么拼?炮击目标的读音是什么?炮击目标翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炮击目标的读音是pào jī mù biāo,炮击目标翻译成英文是 Gun Target

  4. 问:炮击控制系统拼音怎么拼?炮击控制系统的读音是什么?炮击控制系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炮击控制系统的读音是pào jī kòng zhì xì tǒng,炮击控制系统翻译成英文是 Gun Fire Control System

  5. 问:炮击测地勤务拼音怎么拼?炮击测地勤务的读音是什么?炮击测地勤务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炮击测地勤务的读音是pào jī cè dì qín wù,炮击测地勤务翻译成英文是 Artillery Topographic Service


