


1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……





汉语拼音:jiā pǔ







  1. 封建家族记载本族世系和重要人物事迹的书。

    《宋史·艺文志三》:“ 司马光 《宗室世表》三卷,《臣寮家谱》一卷。” 明 叶盛 《水东日记·范氏家谱世系》:“吾家 唐 相 履冰 之后,旧有家谱。 咸通 十一年,一枝渡 江 ,为 处州 丽水 县丞,讳 隋 。” 清 龚自珍 《<怀宁王氏族谱>序》:“由是臚而为家谱,则史表之遗也;广而为家乘,则史传之遗也。” 赵树理 《三里湾·从旗杆院说起》:“有些人听汉奸 刘老五 说过,从 刘 家的家谱上查起来,从他本人往上数,‘举人’比他长十一辈。”



  1. Many families are grappling with similar questions as a family tree today is beginning to look more like a tangled forest.


  2. Before the end of the year, myfamily. com users will be able to upload content from a family site directly to the tree.


  3. Easily build your family tree which is stored in a central place for the entire family to see.


  4. A family tree is a diagram with branches, showing how the members of a family are descended and related.


  5. Then the sisters began to ponder: where would the little girl sit on the family tree?


  6. Ancient songs, pedigrees and rites are the main ways of Hani male-dominant society to record and keep social and historical memories.


  7. And my God put into mine heart to gather together the nobles, and the rulers, and the people, that they might be reckoned by genealogy.


  8. They were enrolled by genealogies in their villages. David and Samuel the seer established them in their office of trust.


  9. Please draw me out a copy of your family tree .


  1. 一本家谱。

    Family tree book of ancestry.

  2. 家谱犹国史

    The Family Genealogy Being Just Like the National History.

  3. 所谓的我们的家谱。

    Our so called family tree.

  4. 传记, 家谱总索引

    Biography and Genealogy Master Index

  5. 不是普通的家谱。

    That's not a a regular family tree.

  6. 不是普通的家谱。

    That's not a a regular family tree.

  7. 家系图,家系图,家谱。

    family tree, genealogical tree, genealogy.

  8. 这真的是家谱。

    This is indeed a family tree.

  9. 这是我们的家谱。

    It's our family tree.

  10. 或者说是家谱问题。

    Or a genealogical question.

  11. 语言是民族得家谱。

    Languages are the pedigrees of nations.

  12. 语言是民族的家谱。

    Languages are the pedigrees of nations.

  13. 满族家谱调查与研究

    Investigation and Study on the Family Tree of Manchu Nationality

  14. 我正好在弄家谱呢

    Oh hey, I'm just working on this family tree thing.

  15. 家谱著录实践的再认识

    Cognition Again on Description Practice of Family Tree Document

  16. 家谱与方志关系小议

    Some discussions on relationship of family history and local chronicles

  17. 画有耶稣家谱的玻璃窗

    Jesse window

  18. 她让我们做一份家谱。

    She made us do this family tree.

  19. 他经常给我们讲他的家谱。

    He often tells us his family tree.

  20. 家谱传说是最新的家谱软件。

    Family tree legends is the newest family tree software.

  21. 许多图书馆专门收藏氏族家谱。

    Many libraries specialize in genealogy.

  22. 这个是锡伯族家中的家谱。

    This is a Xibe family genealogy.

  23. 我的朋友们的照片还有我的家谱。

    Pictures of my dog and my family reunion.

  24. 我得朋友们得照片还有我得家谱。

    Pictures of my dog and my family reunion.

  25. 给你的家做一个家谱。

    Make a family tree for your family.

  26. 你看过你们家的家谱吗?

    Have you ever seen your family tree?

  27. 他非常精通所有家谱的问题。

    He was proficient in all questions of genealogy.

  28. 他的家谱延续了好几代。

    His family tree stretches Back for years.

  29. 我们必须有系统的整理家谱。

    We need to systematically put in order our genealogy.

  30. 丹尼向我们展示了他的家谱。

    Danny showed us his family tree.


  1. 问:家谱拼音怎么拼?家谱的读音是什么?家谱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:家谱的读音是jiāpǔ,家谱翻译成英文是 family tree

  2. 问:家谱法拼音怎么拼?家谱法的读音是什么?家谱法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:家谱法的读音是jiā pǔ fǎ,家谱法翻译成英文是 genealogy method

  3. 问:家谱树形图拼音怎么拼?家谱树形图的读音是什么?家谱树形图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:家谱树形图的读音是jiā pǔ shù xíng tú,家谱树形图翻译成英文是 arbor consanguinitatis



“家谱”是个多义词,它可以指家谱(2011年美国和澳大利亚电影), 家谱(人文资料), 家谱(2015年中国电视连续剧)。