


水、火、荒旱等所造成的祸害:水~。火~。~难(nàn )。~害。~患。个人的不幸遭遇:招~惹祸。幸~乐祸。破财消~。……





汉语拼音:zāi qíng







  1. 亦作“灾情”。受灾的情况。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第一○八回:“上面便説这边揑报灾情,擅动公款,勒令缴还。” 鲁迅 《故事新编·理水》:“灾情倒并不算重,粮食也还可敷衍。”



  1. In a BBC interview, Mr Zardari said the cabinet was directing relief efforts, and he was being kept up to date about the situation.


  2. On why he took his 6-year-old son to see the destruction in Sendai shortly after the quake: I wanted him to see this.


  3. Pakistani officials said they could manage the situation and did not need international assistance so far.


  4. In scientific journals the question is no longer whether humans are to blame, but how little time we have got left to limit the damage.


  5. He said rescue workers were still struggling to reach some of the worst affected areas because of damage to roads.


  6. Was informed that after the disaster, the company leaders attention, emergency decision directed earthquake donations.


  7. Australia suffered flood from the end of 2010 to the beginning of 2011. The disaster is the most serious in her history.


  8. It points out that intimate coordination between central and local government was the key to avoiding deterioration of the disaster.


  9. "How can you possibly know if there is anyone under all that? " he asks, pointing to a massive heap of bricks and concrete.


  1. 灾情严重。

    The losses caused by the disaster were serious.

  2. 自然灾害灾情

    natural disaster situation

  3. 地震灾情的快速评估

    Fast Assessment of Earthquake Disasters.

  4. 长春人工降雨缓解蓝藻灾情。

    Artificial rain to curb algae.

  5. 灾情过后的反应很及时。

    There was an immediate response after the disaster.

  6. 灾情过后的反应很及时。

    There was an immediate response after the disaster.

  7. 灾情过后,病毒在灾区滋蔓。

    After the natural disaster passed, viruses began to spread in the areas it had affected.

  8. 灾情之重, 损失之大, 历史罕见。

    Heavy damage, loss and the history of rare.

  9. 暴雨等级和灾情的定量计算

    Quantitative Calculation of Magnitude and Disaster Degree of Storm.

  10. 卷风侵袭墨西哥灾情严重

    Tornado Inflicts Severe Damage To Mexico

  11. 水旱灾害灾情评估方法的研究

    Study on evaluation method for disaster condition of flood and drought

  12. 中方高度关注摩洛哥地震灾情。

    The Chinese side attaches high attention to the disaster in Morocco.

  13. 师父对此次台风灾情非常关切,

    Upon receiving news of Typhoon Nari, Master was deeply concerned about the situation

  14. 华南地区最近普降暴雨,灾情严重。

    Recently, areas in South China are generally suffering from rainstorms, and the situation is very serious.

  15. 我们通过人造卫星获得了实时灾情图片。

    We have pictures of the disaster live via satellite.

  16. 风暴潮等级和灾情的定量表示法

    Methods of quantitative expression of magnitude and disaster condition of storm surge.

  17. 基于感震器的地震灾情数据采集系统

    Earthquake Disaster Data Acquisition System based on Earthquake Detector

  18. 临江堤防破坏时二线堤防对灾情影响分析

    Analyses of the secondary dike effect during the front dike failure

  19. 该地区发生地震灾情,国家领导驰电慰问。

    An earthquake struck that district. The Chinese leaders hurriedly sent a cable to express their sympathy, and solicitude to people there.

  20. 灾情预测和财产损失评估模型的研究和实现

    Study and Implement of Disaster Prognostication Model and Property Loss Evaluation Model

  21. 蝗灾发生得年份42个, 其中有6次灾情特别严重。

    There are6 serious disasters of all42 plagues of locusts.

  22. 蝗灾发生的年份42个,其中有6次灾情特别严重。

    There are6 serious disasters of all42 plagues of locusts.

  23. 而英国人只是在隔岸观火,听取灾情的报导。

    The English nation merely sees the fire and hears the report of the explosion.

  24. 数万人的生命安危, 其实就是最严厉的灾情命令。

    The safety of tens of thousands are the only order.

  25. 数万人得生命安危,其实就是最严厉得灾情命令。

    The safety of tens of thousands are the only order.

  26. 使用预报数据进行干旱预警,监测灾情的发展趋势。

    The forecast data was used for drought warning, monitoring and trend prediction.

  27. 灾情已使夏收大量减产,或许还会导致冬季歉收。

    These have depleted the summer harvest and may cause the winter crop to fail too.

  28. 由于灾情的恶化,政府向灾区增调两千名官兵。

    Due to the worsening of the conditions, the government throws 2000 more soldiers to the disaster area.

  29. 感知器算法在台风风暴潮灾情等级评估中的应用

    The Application of the Perception Approach in the Evaluation of Typhoon Storm Surge Disaster Degree

  30. 本文提出了用物元分析进行灾情评估的新方法。

    A new method of disaster evaluation by using matter element analysis is presented.


  1. 问:灾情拼音怎么拼?灾情的读音是什么?灾情翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灾情的读音是zāiqíng,灾情翻译成英文是 disastrous situation; the condition of a disas...