




1. 化 [huà]2. 化 [huā]化 [huà]性质或形态改变:变~。分~。僵~。教(jiào )~。熔~。融~。潜移默~。~干弋为玉帛。。佛教、道教徒募集财物:~缘。~斋。用在名词或形容词后,表示转变成某种性质或状态:丑~。绿~。习……


1. 传 [chuán]2. 传 [zhuàn]传 [chuán]转(zhuǎn )授,递:~递。~输。~戒。~统。言~身教。推广,散布:宣~。流~。~名。~奇(a.中国唐代兴起的短篇小说;b.中国明、清两代盛行的长篇戏曲;c.指情节离奇或……





汉语拼音:wén huà chuán chéng



  1. Amish have taught us: the wisdom of life is not just a few of the gift, it can be a tough cultural heritage.


  2. As a management consultant, but should set a good example, to put this philosophy, this cultural heritage to the enterprise.


  3. Language is not just a product of national culture, but also promote the national cultural heritage and a carrier.


  4. Responsibility is one of old category in ethics, correspondingly, responsibility education is one of prolonged themes in human culture.


  5. On the Building of the Inheritance and Development Mechanism of Multivariate Minority Folk Culture in Guizhou .


  6. Conclusion, summary text, This article pointed out the purposes that service for the cultural heritage of Hezhe and tourism development.


  7. Also may unfold us well on the dinner table great nation style, carries forward nation of the etiquette classical cultural inheritance.


  8. Passing on fine culture is essential in maintaining the everlasting vitality of a nation.


  9. The dialectical unity between cultural inheritance and cultural innovation constitute an inexhaustible source of cultural development.


  1. 非物质文化传承

    inheritance of intangible cultural heritage

  2. 文化传承还是文化断层

    Cultural Continuity or Dislocation.

  3. 民族文化传承的主要工具是教育。

    The national culture is mainly transmitted by education.

  4. 昆仑神话与文化传承中的神女形象

    Kunlun Mythelogy and the Goddess Figures Come Down From Conditional Culture

  5. 社会形态演化与傣族佛教文化传承

    Evolution of Social Form and Culture Propagate of Dais Buddhism

  6. 这也可以看出南京的文化传承。

    This also can be seen in Nanjing cultural heritage.

  7. 土家族摆手舞的文化生态与文化传承

    Cultural Ecology and Passing On and Inheritance of Waving Dance of Tujia Nationality.

  8. 哈尼族的原始宗教与民族文化传承

    On the Hani's Primitive Religion and Cultural Inheritance Traditional Education and Cultural Inheritance of Dong Ethnic Group.

  9. 建设优秀传统文化传承体系,弘扬中华优秀传统文化。

    We should develop a system for carrying forward fine traditional culture and promote outstanding traditional Chinese culture.

  10. 鄂温克族传统文化传承的幼儿教育策略研究

    Traditional Cultural Heritage Ewenki Strategy Study of Early Childhood Education

  11. 优秀文化传承是一个民族生生不息的血脉

    Passing on fine culture is essential in maintaining the everlasting vitality of a nation.

  12. 传统公共园林文化传承的规划设计方法研究

    Planning and Design Methods of Promoting the Culture in Traditional Public Gardens

  13. 其中民俗文化更是传统文化传承的重要组成部分。

    And folk culture is a important part of traditional cultural heritage.

  14. 社会学视角下对艺术体操文化传承的教育研究

    Study on Rhythmic Gymnastics Culture Heritage under Vision of Sociology

  15. 文化反哺即逆向社会化,是一种自下而上的文化传承模式。

    Cultural feedback, or convene socialization, is a kind of cultural inheritance model from bottom to top.

  16. 校园是人才的摇篮,是人类文化传承与发展的重要纽带。

    Campus is the cradle of the talented persons and is also the bond of human cultural continuity and development.

  17. 第二部分是对土家织锦工艺传承文化背景介绍。

    The second part is the introduction of the cultural background of Tujia brocade technique.

  18. 西部开发与彝族传统文化的传承,发展研究

    The Transference and the Development of the Yi Traditional Culture in the Wes tern Development A Brief Reseach.

  19. 传统武术非物质文化遗产传承的困境与对策

    Difficult Position and Countermeasures of Inheritance of Traditional Wushu as Intangible Cultural Heritage

  20. 浅析我国彝族社会传统家庭中农耕文化的传承

    Analysis of Farming Cultural Inheritance in Traditional Family of Yi Society.

  21. 顺德改革发展进程中对广府文化的传承与超越

    Inheriting and Surpassing of Cantonese Culture in Shunde with Reform and Development

  22. 书是文化及智慧传承的媒介。

    They are the medium through which culture and wisdom have been passed down.

  23. 民族文化保护与传承的本体论问题

    Ontological Issues Concerning the Protection and Inheritance of Ethnic Cultures

  24. 民族文化保护与传承得本体论问题

    Ontological Issues Concerning the Protection and Inheritance of Ethnic Cultures.

  25. 我国民间武术运动文化遗产的传承与保护研究

    The Research of China's Civil Wushu Culture's Heritage and the Protection

  26. 传承武术文化精华与批判封建糟粕

    Spreading, inheriting the cream of Chinese Wushu and criticizing its decayed feudal dross

  27. 把握彩妆流行趋势, 传承时尚文化潮流!

    Hold the color cosmetic popular, Accept the fashion cultu!

  28. 达斡尔族服饰文化的研究与传承

    Research and Carry Forward the Culture of Daur Costumes.

  29. 新时期, 徽文化借旅游东风传承发展。

    At present Hui culture succeeds and develops as tourism develops.

  30. 文物保护,非物质文化遗产保护和传承取得重要进展。

    We made major progress in protecting cultural relics and preserving and passing on intangible cultural heritage.


  1. 问:文化传承拼音怎么拼?文化传承的读音是什么?文化传承翻译成英文是什么?

    答:文化传承的读音是wén huà chuán chéng,文化传承翻译成英文是 cultural transmission