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This organization later hired Miz Lin to design its religious center. The building looks like an artist's version of a wooden boat.
这个组织后来还继续委托她设计了一个教会中心,这个建筑看起来就象一只艺术版的木船。We had not yet decided whether we were up to a two-day sail up the Nile in a 20-foot wooden boat called a felucca1.
我们还没有下定决心是不是要乘坐一种长约20英尺、叫做“三桅小帆船”的木船沿尼罗河航行两天。The man in the powerboat called to Clem , "Hop in and I'll take you to high ground. "
有一个人划着木船来到他身边说:“跳上来,我把你带到水淹不到的高处。”Now he got his head up from the wood and out of the slice of fish that his cheek had crushed.
现在他从木船板上抬起头来,不再贴在那爿被他脸颊压烂的鱼肉上了。God, no wonder I live alone. You know, these handcrafted wooden sculls. rowing. The racing ones. Yeah. Really?
老天,难怪我没人要手工制作的木船。,划艇,比赛用的是吗?。the engineer laughs as he shows off his most recent creation, a half--meter--long balsa replica Norwegian fishing boat.
工程师笑着展示了他最新的作品,一艘半米长的挪威捕鱼木船复制模型。Under the canoe was a cache of ammunition for his empty gun, fishhooks and lines, and a small net.
掀开木船,下面有一个地窖,里面有弹药、钓竿、绳索,还有一张小网。Their handmade wooden boats began to sit abandoned on the beach, paint chipping, nets fraying.
他们手工做的木船开始在海岸边废弃不用了,(船上的)油漆开始脱落,鱼网开始破损。When junks want to pass this shoal, they have to ask a local man to pilot them.