


1. 信 [xìn]2. 信 [shēn]信 [xìn]诚实,不欺骗:~用。~守。~物。~货。~誓旦旦。不怀疑,认为可靠:~任。~托。~心。~念。崇奉:~仰。~徒。消息:~息。杳无音~。函件:~件。~笺。~鸽。~访。随便,放任:~手(随手)……





汉语拼音:xìn fēng






  1. 装书信的封套。

    冰心 《离家的一年》:“这是信封,都贴上邮票了。” 柯岩 《奇异的书简》一:“是的,这是信!信封上贴着邮票,字迹密密麻麻地洒满在几张信笺上。”



  1. Of course this was good news. There was no manuscript in that thin envelope, therefore it was an acceptance.


  2. After being seated at his table, Mr Bean takes out a card, writes a few words on it, seals it in an envelope and places it on the table.


  3. Mr. Buffett has famously said that he sealed the name of his successor in an envelope in his office in Omaha, Neb.


  4. On Christmas Eve, I placed the envelope on the tree, the note inside telling Mike what I had done and that this was his gift from me.


  5. He opens it up and Keith and I look in, and he starts showing us concepts that he's been working on.


  6. A few days ago I watched my daughter Madalyn open a thin envelope from one of the five colleges to which she had applied.


  7. Today my husband's rich aunt and uncle came in town and handed us an envelope and said we hope this helps out with the student loans.


  8. I wrote out the advertisement on the back of an old envelope and read it aloud to see if it made sense.


  9. The young fellow set the animal down on the doormat between them and then reached out a finger to tap the envelope she was still holding.


  1. 把信封入信封

    to sigillate a letter

  2. 信封开了。

    The envelope has come unstuck.

  3. 信封开了。

    The envelope has come unstuck.

  4. 信封的背面

    the back of an envelope.

  5. 信纸和信封

    writing paper and envelopes

  6. 使用旧信封。

    reuse an old envelope.

  7. 信封的写法

    The Ways on Envelope Writing.

  8. 饭店信纸信封

    hotel stationery

  9. 明信片式信封

    polychrist envelope.

  10. 标准信封优待

    post office preferred

  11. 纪念邮资信封

    commemorative stamped envelope.

  12. 仿古信笺信封

    Chinese artistic letter paper and envelope.

  13. 把信封粘上

    seal an envelope

  14. 马尼拉纸信封

    a manila envelope

  15. 信封的封盖

    the flap of an envelope

  16. 信封的口盖

    The flap of an envelope.

  17. 他封好信封。

    He sealed the envelope.

  18. 把信封贴牢。

    Stick down the envelope

  19. 别封上信封。

    Leave the envelope open.

  20. 信封没粘住。

    The envelope was unstuck.

  21. 你有信封吗?

    Do you have any envelopes?

  22. 浅黄褐色信封

    a buff envelope

  23. 我想买信封。

    I'd like some envelopes, please.

  24. 有信封卖吗

    Do you have some envelopes I could buy

  25. 黑边信纸信封

    mourning stationery

  26. 信封上的邮戳

    the post mark on the envelope.

  27. 信封里有什么?

    And what was in the envelope?

  28. 信封请重复利用。

    Please reuse your envelopes.

  29. 信封及公函格式

    Applied Writing Envelope and Business Letter Layout

  30. 信封口了吗

    Is the letter sealed


  1. 问:信封拼音怎么拼?信封的读音是什么?信封翻译成英文是什么?

    答:信封的读音是xìnfēng,信封翻译成英文是 envelope

  2. 问:信封瓣拼音怎么拼?信封瓣的读音是什么?信封瓣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:信封瓣的读音是xìn fēng bàn,信封瓣翻译成英文是 envelope flap

  3. 问:信封图标拼音怎么拼?信封图标的读音是什么?信封图标翻译成英文是什么?

    答:信封图标的读音是xìn fēng tú biāo,信封图标翻译成英文是 envelope icon

  4. 问:信封大小拼音怎么拼?信封大小的读音是什么?信封大小翻译成英文是什么?

    答:信封大小的读音是xìn fēng dà xiǎo,信封大小翻译成英文是 envelope size

  5. 问:信封选项拼音怎么拼?信封选项的读音是什么?信封选项翻译成英文是什么?

    答:信封选项的读音是xìn fēng xuǎn xiàng,信封选项翻译成英文是 envelope options

  6. 问:信封型构象拼音怎么拼?信封型构象的读音是什么?信封型构象翻译成英文是什么?

    答:信封型构象的读音是xìn fēng xíng gòu xiàng,信封型构象翻译成英文是 envelope conformation

  7. 问:信封打印机拼音怎么拼?信封打印机的读音是什么?信封打印机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:信封打印机的读音是xìn fēng dǎ yìn jī,信封打印机翻译成英文是 envelope printer

  8. 问:信封送纸器拼音怎么拼?信封送纸器的读音是什么?信封送纸器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:信封送纸器的读音是xìn fēng sòng zhǐ qì,信封送纸器翻译成英文是 envelope feeder


