














  1. Tracy and Steven had been up for two and a half hours, preparing our breakfasts and tidying the train.

  2. "Where's Papa going with the ax? " said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for breakfast.

  3. and in her efficient way arranged for Mrs. Morrison to come in and light the fire and give the old lady her breakfast.

  4. And the next morning Dad and the kids wake up to the sounds and smells of Mom preparing pancakes and sausages for breakfast.

  5. Then I prepare breakfast for the ambassador and his wife.

  6. Every morning she helps her mother to prepare breakfast in the kitchen.

  7. My husband dressed the children while I got breakfast ready.

  8. While hurriedly getting up to prepare breakfast, while her daughter called up, but call for a long time, but no movement.

  9. And I want to modify the motto into one woman who prepares breakfast for her husband would be the grandest wife!


  1. 我为家人准备早餐。

    I made breakfast for my family.

  2. 她在忙着准备早餐。

    She was bustling about preparing the breakfast.

  3. 她像往常一样在准备早餐。

    She was getting breakfast as usual.

  4. 她为准备早餐忙得团团转。

    She bustles about cooking breakfast in a most officious manner.

  5. 她为准备早餐而忙得团团转。

    She bustles aboutcooking breakfast in a most officious manner

  6. 我是你们的妈妈,我在为你们准备早餐。

    I am your mother and am preparing breakfast for you.

  7. 然后给大使和他的夫人准备早餐。

    Then I prepare breakfast for the ambassador and his wife.

  8. 为孩子们准备早餐,因为这是我有责任要做的。

    every day and go cook the food for the kids, because this is what we need to do.

  9. 你赶紧去准备早餐吧, 别把牛奶放豆汁里面了!

    You immediately to prepare for breakfast bar, milk Do not put Doushi inside!

  10. 在雾中享用早餐的感觉如何?男童子军自己准备早餐。

    How about having breakfast in the fog. The boy scouts prepared the breakfast.

  11. 准备早餐咖啡时使用热水瓶或汽车杯取代一次性杯子。

    Choose to take a thermos or travel mug with you when you get your morning coffee instead of using a disposable cup.

  12. 心里感觉有些愧疚,于是我提议由我们两个轮流准备早餐。

    Feeling guilty, I suggested we take turns.

  13. 今天来准备早餐时还带来了一张生日卡和一束万寿菊。

    She had brought a card and a bunch of marigolds when she came to do the breakfast.

  14. 睡觉之前最好刷碗,早晨起来看到干净的厨房感觉心情很好,而且刚起床犯迷糊的时候也比较容易准备早餐。

    I like washing dishes before going to bed. Because a clean kitchen in the morning makes me feel good and makes preparing breakfast easier when you’re half asleep lol

  15. 玛丽很快就把早餐准备好了。

    It took Mary less than no time to get breakfast ready.

  16. 她为他的早餐准备了熏肉和鸡蛋。

    She made him bacon and eggs for breakfast.

  17. 准备好吃早餐了吗

    Ready for breakfast?

  18. 第二天早晨,外公为我们俩准备了早餐。

    The next morning, Grandpa fixed breakfast for the two of us.

  19. 我没事, 准备吃早餐了吗?祝你胃口大开。

    I am cool. Ready for breakfast Bon appetite.

  20. 妈妈正在为那些想在家里吃饭的人准备着早餐。

    Mom is arranging breakfast for those who want to eat in.

  21. 斯坦利和艾比在医院得自助餐厅碰面准备吃早餐。

    Stanley meets Abby for breakfast in the hospital cafeteria.

  22. 斯坦利和艾比在医院的自助餐厅碰面准备吃早餐。

    Stanley meets Abby for breakfast in the hospital cafeteria.

  23. 冒失鬼将准备好的早餐递到了妻子面前。

    Daredevil will be ready before breakfast handed it to his wife.

  24. 我们早早起身, 看见早餐已准备好等我们吃。

    We got up early and found breakfast awaiting us.

  25. 水壶的尖啸声告诉我早餐快准备好了。

    The whistle from the kettle told me that breakfast was nearly ready.

  26. 在傍晚我总喜欢准备好明晨的早餐。

    In the evening I like to lay breakfast for the morning.

  27. 你们的早餐马上就准备好。

    Your breakfast will be ready in a minute.

  28. 你们的早餐马上就准备好。

    Your breakfast will be ready in a minute.

  29. 早餐配料已准备好在桌子上, 鼹鼠和水鼠很快开始工作。

    The breakfast things were all ready on the table, and the Mole and the Rat quickly got to work.

  30. 海纳为远归者准备了一顿绝妙的早餐。

    Hannah had dished up an astonishing breakfast for the traveler.

