




1. 然 [rán]然 [rán]对,是:~否。不~。不以为~。以为对,答应,信守:~纳(以为对而采纳)。~诺(许诺,信守诺言)。这样,如此:当~。~后。~则。表示一种语气(a.表决定,犹焉,如“寡人愿有言~”;b.表比拟,犹言一般,如“如……



汉语拼音:jū rán








  1. 犹安然。形容平安,安稳。

    《诗·大雅·生民》:“不康禋祀,居然生子。”《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“ 秦 地被山带 河 以为固,四塞之国也。自 繆公 以来,至於 秦王 ,二十餘君,常为诸侯雄。岂世世贤哉?其势居然也。” 唐 陈子昂 《夏日晖上人别李参军序》:“ 江 汉 浩浩而长流,天地居然而不动。” 元 辛文房 《唐才子传·徐凝》:“余昔经 桐庐 古邑,山水苍翠, 严先生 钓石,居然无恙。”

  2. 显然。

    《三国志·魏志·何夔传》:“显忠直之赏,明公实之报,则贤不肖之分,居然别矣。” 宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷三:“ 岑参 在 西安 幕府诗云:‘那知故园月,也到 铁关 西。’ 韦应物 作郡时亦有诗云:‘寧知故园月,今夕在西楼。’语意悉同,而豪迈閒澹之趣,居然自异。” 明 胡应麟 《少室山房笔丛·经籍会通一》:“ 唐 毋煚 有《古今书録》四十卷,又节略羣书四録而成,即体製居然可见,惜并不存。” 叶圣陶 《外国旗》:“她的声音不见得动听,但居然是一种哀怨的语调。”

  3. 俨然。形容很像。

    明 刘若愚 《酌中志·各家经管纪略》:“本政一断荤酒,皈依 释 氏,居然一头陀也。” 清 黄钧宰 《金壶浪墨·纲盐改票》:“其黠者颇与文人名士相结纳,藉以假借声誉,居然为风雅中人。”

  4. 竟;竟然。表示出乎意料。

    唐 裴度 《雪中讶诸公不相访》诗:“满空乱雪花相似,何事居然无赏心?” 明 高启 《江上晚过邻坞看花》诗:“花开依旧自芳菲,客思居然成寂寞。” 秦牧 《深情注视壁上人……》:“这群雇佣兵在溃逃途中,烟瘾发作,居然躺在公路旁点起烟灯抽烟,结果一批批都被俘虏了。”

  5. 倨然。傲慢的样子。居,通“ 倨 ”。

    唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记·摩揭陀国上》:“而婆罗门居然简傲,垂帷以对,终不面谈。”



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  2. "How, " said the Rector; "So young, and already unfortunate enough to have doubts upon the duties of religion! "

  3. "Maybe you're the extremist due to you think you somehow created your own self, " says Giff.

  4. funny you mention marriage, I have played with that idea once in a while. even imagined living on an ostrich farm with you, hehe. . .

  5. is really angry, his mother was able to resurrect five elder brother! Five brother pity.

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  7. The guy dropped a piece of the glass into a bag full of keys and shook it hard; it came out without a scratch on it!

  8. Soon after the activity began, Jiang met his trouble. He wanted to go to the toilet, but as he did not know English, he could not find it.

  9. All the audiences were astonished that the champion boxer had knocked his opponent down in a few second.


  1. 居然是首相

    the Prime Minister, no less

  2. 你居然有枪

    You have a gun?

  3. 你居然,怀孕了。

    You're. pregnant.

  4. 居然有这种事!

    Who would have thought of such a thing!

  5. 他居然贿赂警察。

    He even bribed the policeman.

  6. 她居然想打我!

    She tried to take a whack at me.

  7. 居然觉得这种方法。

    If you think that that is the best way.

  8. 她居然想打我。

    She tried to take a whack at me.

  9. 你居然有个弟弟

    You have a brother?

  10. 你居然只记得她

    and her you remember?

  11. 我居然没被发现!

    I was never caught.

  12. 哇,你居然有朋友

    Wow, you had friends.

  13. 我居然想不起来

    I can't even remember them.

  14. 居然有这样的事?

    Have such thing unexpectedly

  15. 他们居然又回来了

    They came back.

  16. 你居然还有胆子

    I can't believe you have the nerve.

  17. 痛!居然感觉到了痛!

    Ouch!I actually felt pain!

  18. 你居然才告诉我?

    And you just tell me this now?

  19. 你居然才告诉我?

    And you just tell me this now?

  20. 你居然都没发现。

    Even you can't be that selfabsorbed.

  21. 你居然有脸来申请?

    And how dare you?

  22. 居然还准备了蜡烛。

    Oh,wow.Candles too.

  23. 不,你居然不告诉我?

    No,why the hell didn't you tell me?

  24. 你居然担心这个吗

    That's what you're worried about?

  25. 不,你居然不告诉我?

    No, why the hell didn't you tell me?

  26. 居然会爽到叫我

    Odd choice.

  27. 他居然敢公开作弊。

    He went so far as to cheat openly on test.

  28. 好家伙,她居然胜了!

    Well Ill is damned she won after all!

  29. 居然有脸做某事

    to have the cheek to do sth

  30. 你居然相信这种谣言?

    How could you believe such a rumour?


  1. 问:居然拼音怎么拼?居然的读音是什么?居然翻译成英文是什么?

    答:居然的读音是jūrán,居然翻译成英文是 unexpectedly


