







汉语拼音:pì yǎn







  1. 肛门。

    《水浒传》第三回:“﹝ 鲁达 ﹞便駡道:‘这厮们挟着屁眼撒开,不去的洒家便打。’” 鲁迅 《花边文学·商贾的批评》:“所以批评家的指摘是要的。不过批评家这时却也翘起了尾巴,露出他的屁眼。”



  1. The monkeys on the bottom look up and see nothing but assholes .


  2. He grabs one, sticks it up his butt, then pulls it out and eats it.


  3. If we were going to have Oprah's butthole and vagina and the gun and everything, it should have been in a show with the boys, not the towel.


  4. " connubial bate: " That you, the fart key point that why to put it in you heat preservation?


  5. So the asshole went on strike, blocked itself up and refused to work.


  6. To plug every orifice of a girl in the following manner: thumb in ass, fingers in pussy, and penis in mouth.


  7. U is for understatement. Saying you hate that fucking asshole is an understatement.


  8. There are turtles crawling out his arse.


  9. "I, uh . . . reproduce fine pieces of art. That you put into your asshole. "


  1. 屁眼医生来了

    Dr. Butthole has arrived.

  2. 没有屁眼,是吧

    Without a butthole, right.

  3. 但是得和屁眼医生学么

    But do I have to learn it from Dr. Butthole?

  4. 屁眼和尿道相通怎么办?

    Fart eye and urethral how be interlinked to do ?

  5. 私人医院,是那个屁眼医生么

    A private practice? Is this the butthole guy?

  6. 就像刷牙和洗屁眼一样

    like bleaching your teeth or your anus.

  7. 你确定屁眼医生会来吗

    are you sure Dr. Butthole's gonna be here?

  8. 就像刷牙和洗屁眼一样。

    Like bleaching your teeth or your anus.

  9. 比较大的, 是出狱后的屁眼。

    Bigger, it is the fart eye after be released from prison.

  10. 生来的缺陷让其没有屁眼

    With a birth defect resulting in an imperforate anus.

  11. 比较大得,是出狱后得屁眼。

    Bigger, it is the fart eye after be released from prison.

  12. 你屁眼插上警棍再去告

    Youll tell him with my baton up your ass!

  13. 吃企鹅屎,你这好屁眼的。

    Eat penguin shit, you ass spelunker.

  14. 用这个软木塞塞住他的屁眼!

    Stuff his asshole up with this cork!

  15. 我的屁眼刚好是贝弗莉账单的大小

    that my asshole is the size of Beverly Hills

  16. 鳄梨?你可以拿去塞你的屁眼!

    Avocados ?You can shove them up your ass well.

  17. 把你得屁眼从我得脸上拿开!

    Get outta my face you asshole!

  18. 他不是一个屁眼。他只是喜欢它而已。

    He is not an asshole. He just likes it.

  19. 所有的器官一同取笑屁眼想当老大,

    All the parts laughed at the idea of the asshole being the Boss.

  20. 笑什么呀?笑就不用交租啦,老屁眼!

    Smile what ah Its not purchasing, old fart eye!

  21. 你觉得他们是带你来这抠屁眼的?

    You think they're bringing you down there to scratch your ass ?

  22. 在下面的猴子往上看, 看到的全是屁眼。

    The monkeys on the bottom look up and see nothing but assholes.

  23. 在监狱,我看着一个人屁眼插着20支烟。

    In jail, I saw a guy who lived with 20 cigarettes up his ass.

  24. 外星人是不是忘了拔掉你屁眼上的探针?

    Did the aliens forget to remove your anal probe ?

  25. 屁眼一气之下, 将自己塞起来, 不爽, 罢工去了。

    So the asshole went on strike, blocked itself up and refused to work.

  26. 不久, 身体的各个器官都感受到了屁眼罢工的危害。

    Before long, each organs the body experienced the harm that fart eye strike.

  27. 其他器官听了便大笑起来,这使屁眼很不高兴。

    All the other parts laughed and this made the asshole very mad.

  28. 最终,大家重新召开了会议,一致同意屁眼应该当头儿。

    Final, everybody held the meeting afresh, agree with fart eye consistently to should be become first.

  29. 此外,她被发现时,法兰克船长的一个胖水手正在干她的屁眼。

    Furthermore, she was caught with Captain Faruk's fat deep in her asshole.


  1. 问:屁眼儿拼音怎么拼?屁眼儿的读音是什么?屁眼儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:屁眼儿的读音是,屁眼儿翻译成英文是 slob



屁眼(the anus )是肛门的俗称。由卵裂过程中的胚孔形成…… 肛门是人体的一种器官,它位于臀部之间。