


1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……


1. 差 [chà]2. 差 [chā]3. 差 [chāi]4. 差 [cī]差 [chà]错误:话说~了。不相当,不相合:~不多。缺欠:还~十元钱。不好,不够标准:~等。成绩~。差 [chā]不同,不同之点:~别。~距。~额。~价。大致……




1. 几 [jī]2. 几 [jǐ]几 [jī]小或矮的桌子:茶~儿。将近,差一点:~乎。~至。苗头:知~其神乎。几 [jǐ]询问数量多少(估计不太大)的疑问词:~个人?~何(a.多少,如“人生~~?”b.研究点线面体的性质、关系和计算方法……



汉语拼音:xiāng chā wú jǐ








  • 【解释】:彼此没有多大差别。
  • 【出自】:先秦·李耳《老子》:“唯之与阿,相去几何?美之与恶,相去何若?”


  1. He had done all this, and yet at the back of his mind remained the suspicion that he was little more than a quack.


  2. We have recreated the voices of a lot of famous people that were very close to the real thing and have been used in film dubbing (7).


  3. While its screen is smaller, it has almost the same resolution as the iPad, so almost as much material can be displayed on it.


  4. You Can have a sandwich on the beach and that can be just as powerful as a night out in Paris.


  5. Today, China has a nominal per capita income of $3, 867, almost identical with that of El Salvador.


  6. Take brass grid and copper foil as current collectors of the electrode, the charge-discharge performances were better than other materials.


  7. The next decade, in other words, could look like the 1950s or 1960s, when bankers' remuneration differed little from everyone else's.


  8. In fact, the cedar bark can contain as much sugar as the wild berries that are a staple of the bears' diet.


  9. The analysis found the two forms of talk therapy to be equally effective, although the number of studies analyzed was small.


  1. 两者相差无几。

    There is little difference between the two.

  2. 实力相差无几的竞选

    a closely contested election

  3. 公共汽车费与火车费相差无几。

    The difference between bus and rail fares is fractional.

  4. 狗食的价格与牛排相差无几。

    Dog food costs nearly as much as steak.

  5. 夜寒料峭, 简直跟冬天相差无几。

    The evening was almost of a winter coldness.

  6. 玛丽和约翰在智力上相差无几。

    Mary is quite equal to John in brains.

  7. 就能力而言, 这两个人相差无几。

    In point of ability there is not a length of a street between these two men.

  8. 孩子的粪便菌落已经与健康成人相差无几。

    despite that antibiotic intervention.

  9. 甚至有的住宅外观同洗浴中心相差无几。

    Even some residential appearance is almost the same with the bath.

  10. 那里一定有200人,估计与实际数字相差无几。

    There must have been two hundred people there,give or take a few.

  11. 瘢痕挛缩的发生率在上下肢中相差无几。

    The prevalence of scar contractures in the upper extremities was similar to that in the lower extremities.

  12. 那是炼油厂的糟粕,跟沥青几乎相差无几了。

    as the dregs of the refinery, or just one step up from asphalt.

  13. 今天我们用的扑克, 几乎与数百年前的扑克相差无几。

    The playing cards we use today are much like those used for hundreds of years.

  14. 从功能上抽象, 软件的壳和自然界中的壳相差无几。

    From the abstraction on the function, the carapace in the carapace of software and nature differs very few.

  15. 农户对男孩和女孩教育成功的期望已相差无几。

    Farmers have the similar expectation on the successful education of boys and girls.

  16. 网上购物则可能会与真正在商场穿行选购相差无几。

    Online shopping will closely resemble walking through store aisles and departments.

  17. 发现这里的引力比起地球略大一些, 但也相差无几。

    Gravity seemed a little more than Earth normal. Not much more.

  18. 与预期相差无几的是,糖尿病在少数民族中发病率最高。

    As expected, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus was highest among ethnic minorities.

  19. 罗汉的形象则与现实中的和尚相差无几,令人感到亲切。

    Arhats are affable since they are similar to monks in realistic world.

  20. 他们姐妹不仅长得很像,对事物的好尚也相差无几。

    They sisters not only look alike, but also have the similar interests.

  21. 他们姐妹不仅长得很像,对事物的好尚也相差无几。

    They sisters not only look alike, but also have the similar interests.

  22. 对上述三种严重不良反应来说,年度最大发生率相差无几。

    The MAR was similar across the 1 SAEs.

  23. 自那以来, 毒品使用略有增长, 但与其它类似国家相差无几。

    Since then, use has risen slightly, but fully in line with the increase in other similar countries.